Chapter 91

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The moonlit night breeze was slightly cool.

The curtain at the door swayed gently in the wind. Sometimes, the thick candles in the palace would also beat a few times with the wind.

Zhu Yunxi carefully held a copper basin with just hot water in it, and slowly walked towards Zhu Yuanzhang's palace. Pu Wuyong followed quietly, carrying a copper kettle filled with hot water.

When the palace attendants around saw His Highness King Wu approaching, they respectfully opened the curtains and silently saluted, and at the same time they felt relieved.

In the eyes of the emperor, eunuchs are not even human beings. In this palace so many years ago, countless eunuchs died from sticks because the emperor was angry and took out his anger on the slaves.

At the door of Zhu Yuanzhang's palace, it was Pu Bucheng who was on duty. When he saw Zhu Yunxi, he smiled with an expressionless face, and then whispered to the inside, "Your Majesty, Your Highness is here!"

"Come in when you're here!" Zhu Yuanzhang's voice came from inside, "I've told you so many times, our eldest grandson is here, no need to announce!"

Zhu Yunxi smiled at Pu Bucheng, then carried the copper basin and stepped across the threshold.

Under the candlelight, Zhu Yuanzhang was sitting behind the desk, still reading the memorial by the light.

"What are you serving?" Zhu Yuanzhang turned around and asked.

Zhu Yunxi placed the copper basin at the old man's feet and said with a smile, "My grandson is leaving the capital tomorrow. Today I will show my filial piety to you and give you a foot bath!"

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In one sentence, the wrinkles on Zhu Yuanzhang's face opened and there was a smile on his face.

Zhu Yunxi rolled up his sleeves, gently helped the old man take off his shoes and socks, held his feet and slowly lowered them into the water.

"Grandpa, do you want to perm it or not?" Zhu Yuanzhang's feet were ugly. They were covered with hard calluses and his nails were deformed and black in color.

"Hiss!" Zhu Yuanzhang tested the water temperature and said, "Not bad, not hot enough!"

"This is already very hot!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "You are so hot that you are gasping for breath, and you still say it is not hot!"

"What do you know? The hotter your feet, the better! Heat the water!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed.

Later, Pu Wuyong came over and refilled the copper basin with some hot water. Zhu Yuanzhang explored it again and nodded with satisfaction.

"Hiss!" The old man grinned, and put his feet in without a royal image, with a bit of contentment in his brows, "You just don't know how to live. There is no need to use a copper basin to hot your feet, you have to use a wooden basin!


Zhu Yunxi said with a smile, "My grandson just didn't find the wooden basin." Then while raising the legs of the old man's trousers, he said, "My grandson has read a foot soaking recipe with medicinal ingredients in a book before, saying it can relax the muscles and activate blood circulation."

, I will go back to my grandson to look for it, and the hospital will assign it to me. From now on, you can soak your feet every day to relieve your fatigue!"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed happily, "That's great!"

At this time, Zhu Yunxi rolled up the old man's trousers and found several centipede-like twisted and hideous scars on his calves.

"In the 14th year of Zhengzheng year, when we were attacking Chuzhou, we rode on horseback to attack the Yuan army's position." Zhu Yuanzhang said quietly, "At that time, only half of the armor was on the upper body and there was nothing on the legs. Someone came here and cut it with a knife!"

As he said that, the old man pointed at the outside of his thigh, "This is a scar that someone poked with a spear."

The old man said it lightly, but the danger is self-evident.

"Does it hurt?" Zhu Yunxi wiped the old man's legs with a hot towel and asked.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said, "I was so scared at that time, how could I know it hurt! Or when we were sitting there to eat after the battle, Tang He told us, Zhong, is there blood on your leg? Haha!"

As he said that, the old man's eyes became deep, "Who among the fighting people was not injured? We didn't take it seriously at that time. We just wiped it a few times, let him take care of it, and continued to fight the next day! This is a small matter, as long as we

Unless the bow and arrow hit the vital point, you generally won't die."

"You are really lucky!" In these days, even a little bit of tetanus can kill someone, let alone such a deep stab wound. Zhu Yunxi smiled and raised his head, "This is also destiny, destiny is yours!"

"Bullshit!" Zhu Yuanzhang was heartbroken, but he did not accept the flattery. Instead, he said sternly, "How can there be destiny? This world was created by your grandfather with one knife and one shot. Grandson, remember, no matter when the time comes, you will only have your hands.

The knife inside is destiny!"

"Political power comes from the handle of a knife!" Zhu Yunxi concluded with a smile.

"Yes, we like to hear that!" Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile.

The water gradually became less hot. Zhu Yunxi squatted on the ground and wiped the old man's feet.

"Grandpa, after all these years, why do you still have calluses on your feet?" Zhu Yunxi asked with a smile.

"It's not clean!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed and said, "Your grandfather didn't even have shoes before he was fifteen, so he was barefoot in the ground all day long. Later he became a monk and traveled around the world on two feet wearing straw sandals. After becoming a soldier,

Not to mention. On the day I got married to your grandma, when I took off my shoes, there were cracks on my feet. Your grandma was heartbroken. It has been fine these years. When I was young, my feet were covered with chilblains in the winter, which hurt and hurt.


As he spoke, he sighed, "The feet of poor people are all like this. Only the feet of nobles are white and tender."

"Grandpa!" Zhu Yunxi said while washing the old man's feet, "My grandson will always remember that our Zhu family is a child of a poor family. Not only will our grandson remember it, but we will also tell future generations that it is not easy for our ancestors to start a business.


"Good boy!" Zhu Yuanzhang's big hand touched Zhu Yunxi's head, "Tell us, why did you take the initiative to ask for orders to go to Jiangxi today?"

"Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles." Zhu Yunxi said, "What you read on paper will eventually become shallow. My grandson feels that it is better to go to places to see and learn, so that you can better govern. Otherwise, you will stay in the palace all your life.

Here, don’t you think your eyes are all black and you don’t know anything?”

"Yes!" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded.

"Besides, practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Only by doing it yourself can you know which method is right." Zhu Yunxi continued with a smile.

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but nod, "That's a good saying, it's right, it's a wise saying!" He said, laughing, "It's better to study in the palace than to do it yourself. If you think so, grandpa is very happy!"

Then, the old man said again, "When you get to the place, what's your first step?"

"My grandson thought, the first step is to be steady. My grandson is the imperial envoy of the emperor and the prince. Knowing that my grandson is coming, the people will not be so panicked. Then let the local government open a warehouse for relief and set up a porridge factory at a fixed location.

Let the homeless people pick them up at a fixed time every day."

"As for those who have families, they will also be given daily rations. Don't give more food to prevent someone from taking too much."

"The memorial in Fuzhou only talked about the civil uprising, but did not say what happened to the place where the Fuhe River burst, nor did it say whether to organize civilian men to build the river embankment. Sunzi wanted to provide relief while organizing the men of the victims to build the river embankment.

Repair well."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded repeatedly, "It's very rare that you can come up with so much in a hurry. The two people we sent to you are both veterans who can do things. You should listen more, ask more, learn more, and don't put on airs in front of them.


"My grandson understands!" Zhu Yunxi smiled, and then said to Pu Wuyong behind him, "Go find a scraping stone!"

Then, Zhu Yunxi took the foot scraping stone and slowly scraped the soft calluses on Zhu Yuanzhang's heels. After a while, there was a white patch in the basin.

"Haha! What's the point of having children? That's why!" Zhu Yuanzhang said to Pu Bucheng with a smile on his face, "Look, he is our biological grandson after all. He doesn't dislike us! Haha!"

However, after the old man finished laughing, he smiled again and said to Pu Bucheng, "Hey, why are we telling you this? You don't have a queen!"

The words are full of real men's contempt for fake men.

~~(I am the dividing line)

Early the next morning, when the first ray of sunlight fell, Zhu Yunxi got up from the bed.

Pu Wuyong and several eunuchs helped him wash up, put on his clothes, and came to Fengtian Hall again.

The old man also got up and was getting dressed, being attended by the eunuch.

Seeing that Zhu Yunxi was only wearing a simple T-shirt, he frowned and said, "Why are you wearing this? Where is the dress?"

According to the rules, the prince should wear a royal crown and a dragon dress woven with gold thread when traveling.

"My grandson has to go on an errand, and it's not about showing off. I'll take the guards with me soon, so hurry up and go ahead! It's not convenient to wear a formal dress." Zhu Yunxi said with a smile.

The lining on his body is a costume that combines the characteristics of the northern nomads. It has narrow sleeves and a waist, suitable for horseback riding and martial arts training. This kind of clothing can be traced back to the Liao and Jin Dynasties and was popular in the Yuan Dynasty. After wearing it, it is not only convenient for movement, but also looks good.

Standing tall and straight.

The costumes of Jinyiwei are similar to this. Moreover, palace ministers and generals also often wear this kind of costumes.

"Okay!" Zhu Yuanzhang stood up and walked to the imperial desk, "You are old, and we have nothing to tell you. Just one sentence, do your job well and don't make people laugh."

"Grandson, remember this!" Zhu Yunxi bowed and raised his head, "Grandpa, you must take care of your health while your grandson is away."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled a few times and said, "We are strong!" Although he was smiling, there was a trace of reluctance hidden in his eyes, "Go early and come back early. Remember that October is our birthday. You have to come back!"

"Grandpa, my grandson will definitely come to wish you a birthday, run errands, and comfort the victims in Jiangxi. This is a birthday gift for you!" Zhu Yunxi said loudly.

Looking at the heroic Zhu Yunxi, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded silently, then slowly walked to the imperial desk, directly grabbed the sword that had been with him all his life, "Go on!"

Bang, the heavy sword was caught in his hand.

"The first time we killed people back then, we took this thing, and we relied on this to defeat the Ming Dynasty. Now, I leave it to you." After saying that, Zhu Yuanzhang did not look at Zhu Yunxi, but said behind his back, "Dasun, go ahead.


Zhu Yunxi didn't speak, he held the sword in both hands, knelt on the ground and kowtowed respectfully.

Then, stand up and turn around and go out.

Beside the imperial desk, the old man's body trembled.

He had a sword on his waist and a cape on his body. After leaving Fengtian Hall, a group of cavalry was already waiting there on the side of the hall, including Tie Xuan and Xie Jin.

"I will see you, Your Highness!"

"No need to be polite!" Zhu Yunxi strode past, flicked his cloak, "mount your horse!"

With a crash, hundreds of cavalrymen armed to the teeth got on their horses, and their armor made a loud scraping sound.

Zhu Yunxi rode at the front of the cavalry formation and slowly passed in front of the main hall.

The sound of horse hoofbeats made Zhu Yunxi turn his head and look back.

The old man arrived at the door at some unknown time and waved slightly to him.

"Grandpa!" Zhu Yunxi shouted, "Waiting for your grandson!"


There are too many things to do during the new year, so please be considerate. Two chapters of a thousand words, thank you very much!

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