Chapter 4 Nanyang Affairs 2

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Li Jinglong washed himself up, put on brand-new military uniforms, and regained his former handsomeness.

He was already tall and handsome, and the waistband showed off his toned figure. In addition, as a noble son, he had been pampered since childhood, and when he grew up, he had a magnanimity that surpassed that of others, making him even more manly.

God really gave him a good skin.

As soon as Li Jinglong walked outside Lezhizhai, he met Wei Guogong Xu Huizu who came out from inside.

He held his hands far down and laughed loudly, "Yun Gong (Xu Hui's ancestral name), I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm fine!" After saying that, without waiting for the other party to reply, he stepped forward to hold the other party's hand and whispered, "I miss my old friend in the capital very much after not seeing each other for many days. I will hold a banquet at home later, and you must be there!"

"You're welcome, Mr. Cao Guo! I'm just busy with official duties..."

"Look, you are such a boring person. Whoever you are talking to is talking about the same prince!" Li Jinglong pretended to be displeased, and then smiled and said, "I know you are a cautious person, so I am afraid of you when I go out to eat. I feel uncomfortable. We are not outsiders, so we can just stay in my house and let my wife make home-cooked food and wine!"

As he spoke, he suddenly sighed and said, "Let's call some old brothers who are all in Beijing. Hey, we noble children were good friends and playmates when we were young, but we went our separate ways when we grew up! Things are unpredictable!"

He said it sincerely, but Xu Huizu laughed in his heart and said to himself, "We are friends online. When my father was alive, he wouldn't let me play with you!"

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. Xu Huizu smiled perfunctorily and said, "Another day!"

Li Jinglong still refused to give up, "After I went to sea, I heard that you are in charge of the Firearms Foundry Bureau. Hey, that is a hard job, and I have a lazy temper, leaving a mess for you Yungong!"

"Oh, the dog's nose is really smart!"

While Xu Huizu was laughing in his heart, he also had to admire Li Jinglong's emotional intelligence and attitude. He wanted to know in a roundabout way whether there was any truth in the nonsense about the Firearms Foundry Bureau.

"Mr. Cao Guo is joking. You have done your duty diligently and encouraged me. You have made the greatest contribution to the Firearms Manufacturing Bureau's current situation. Mr. Xu is just taking care of it for a while, Xiao Gui and Cao will follow!"

After hearing this, Li Jinglong felt relieved.

The implication of the other party is that I haven't looked at your bad friends at all, I haven't touched your people, and I haven't complained to you in front of the emperor.

"Yungong is so polite!" Li Jinglong said with a smile, "I have been careless since I was a child. I don't even know when I have done something wrong in my daily life. It's not like you brothers protect me and give me face!" As he said, He whispered, "I really got a lot of good stuff in Nanyang this time. I'll give you some back!"

Suddenly, Xu Huizu was startled.

"No, no, no, no!" Xu Huizu said hurriedly, "You know that I don't like gold, silver, yellow and white things."

"Tsk! Who gave you those things? You don't lack them at home!" Li Jinglong said with a low-brow smile, "The vassal king over in Nanyang gave me ten warriors of the Fan clan. They are so strong that one is as strong as ten! Let me have white by my side. I'm blind, I'll give it to you for training, and I'll go out to fight the next day, so I can be used as a personal soldier!"

After saying that, without waiting for the other party to agree, he cupped his hands and said, "I'll take him to your house later. I'll go see the emperor first. I'm afraid Long Live the Lord will be impatient to wait!"

"" Xu Huizu looked at his back and sighed helplessly.

Although he had never been very fond of Li Jinglong, and was even a little distant and defensive. But after the other party said this, even a hard-hearted person had to feel some good feelings.

"No wonder my father told me not to play with the second girl of Li Zhong's family. He said that boy was born in the year of the snake and would crawl along with his motherfucker!"

Thinking of this, Xu Huizu shook his head and walked out.

As soon as I walked out of the palace gate, I suddenly heard children shouting from the corridor.

Taking a closer look, it was the crown prince riding on a young boy, flying a kite with his hands shouting. And who was carrying the prince on his shoulders if not Li Qi, Li Jinglong's son?

Xu Huizu stood there, looking at Li Qi who was jogging with the prince on his back, then looked back at Le Zhizhai, and sighed again.

At the same time, he secretly thought, "Who wants to overthrow Li Jinglong? It's too difficult!"


"Weak minister Li Jinglong, please pay homage to my emperor..."

"Okay!" Zhu Yunxi was sitting on the soft couch. When he saw Li Jinglong coming in, he was about to kowtow, so he said with a smile, "Get up, don't do those false gifts!" Then he said, "Someone, bring him a brocade.

Come here!"

Hearing Zhu Yunxi's tone, Li Jinglong seemed to be happy about something, and he put aside most of his worries. He raised his head and kept looking at Zhu Yunxi.

Zhu Yunxi felt his gaze and said with a smile, "You are so rude, why are you looking at me like this?"

"I feel that since I haven't seen the emperor for a few days, you have become more and more heroic!" Li Jinglong said with a smile, "The emperor's power is getting stronger every day, and he is as majestic and inviolable as the bright moon in the sky! I also met a few people this time when I went to sea.

This so-called leader of a foreign country can be compared to the emperor, like fireflies competing with the sun and the moon..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Zhu Yunxi interrupted him and scolded with a smile, "My ears have just been cleaned for a few days, so don't drink ecstasy soup as soon as you come back!" He took a pomegranate from the table and broke it, "The errand is done.

!" After saying that, he tried hard with his hands, but the pomegranate still didn't break open.

"Come here!" Li Jinglong took a step forward, broke open the pomegranate, and then used the silver spoon on the table to pick the pomegranate into a white porcelain bowl. He said with a smile, "I haven't served Long Live Lord for a while. Long live Lord, please be patient."

Take a bite, the pomegranates in this season are a bit sour!"

"Talking about errands!" Zhu Yunxi said.

Li Jinglong began to speak slowly. He was already a very eloquent person, and now his words were even more lifelike and full of emotion.

He, Li Jinglong, stayed with the Manila Tuwang for a month. He didn't say anything or ask for anything. He just ate, drank and had fun with the Manila Tuwang all day long, and presented various products and treasures of the Celestial Empire. He also played mahjong, rolled dice, and played Pai Gow.

Waiting for the means, he handed them over to the Tuwang one by one, making the Tuwang feel as if he had been beaten to death all day long.

After getting to know each other well, the Tuwang there wanted to call him brother, but the Tuwang was so blind that he didn't know that he was harboring evil intentions.

After a while, the Visayans from Manila suddenly attacked in full force. This attack was unprecedented and the attack was swift and unstoppable. In the past, the Visayans only looted the countryside, grabbing some things and grabbing some women.

But this time, those Visayans somehow got the idea, and actually sent people to transform into agents into the cities under the rule of King Manila. Those agents were well-trained, and they rose up in the middle of the night and killed the defenders to open the city, causing King Manila to

lost heavily.

In less than half a month, the Visayans had already attacked the royal city.

The King of Manila and all his warriors faced a powerful enemy. Originally, the Visayans were not good at attacking the city. Unexpectedly, they actually learned to use wood to build wooden towers outside the city, and stood on high places to shoot arrows into the city.

There was even an expert archer whose arrows were perfect, killing several of King Manila's grand prizemen.

Seeing that the Kingdom of Manila was in danger, Li Jinglong, the sworn brother of the King of Manila and the envoy of the Celestial Kingdom, had no hesitation to take action.

The Ming army's artillery and muskets were ready to prevent landslides and ground cracks, and then they lined up to attack from the city. The firearms were in front and the infantry was behind. The heavy armored infantry stared at them, and the Visayans they killed fled in all directions.

In this battle, Li Jinglong had five stars in a row and captured five heads of thieves.

He also commanded a temporary assembly of more than a hundred cavalry, detoured around the enemy's rear and set up an ambush, and beheaded three thousand people in Shangu, all of which were built into Jingguan.

"Haha!" Zhu Yunxi listened happily. He cherished the lives of the people of the Ming Dynasty like gold, but he didn't care much about others. He smiled and said, "Okay, I'm afraid of those Visayan sharp archers.

Any fine work that can be sneaked into the city must be your handiwork, Li Jinglong!"

"Not all of them belong to me, some of them are subordinates of Chinese businessman Xu Chailao!" Li Jinglong said with a smile.

"You have done both the good and the bad!" Zhu Yunxi said with a smile.

"After this battle, the King of Manila was so shocked that I was a man of heaven." Li Jinglong continued, "I told him that those Visayans would definitely not be reconciled and would attack again in the future. But if I am not there, who else can

Keep him safe!"

"So I strike while the iron is hot and tell him that if he declares himself a minister to the Ming Dynasty, he will naturally be safe. I tell him that after he declares himself a minister, you will be a member of the Ming Dynasty. Whoever hits you, Ming Dynasty will hit him. Whoever you hit, Ming Dynasty will help you beat him!"

Zhu Yunxi smiled and said, "What happened later!"

"Of course he agreed, and he got what he asked for. Because I helped him defend his territory, he rewarded me with a seaport in Manila..."

"Wait a minute!" Zhu Yunxi grasped the key point, "You mean, he gave you a harbor?" He said with a smile, "King Yifan is really a big deal. He gave you a harbor. From now on,

Merchant ships, etc., don’t the taxes collected go directly into your pocket?”

"Look at what you said, the things I own belong to the Ming Dynasty!" Li Jinglong said with a smile, "I will never be able to use up the things the emperor gave me in my lifetime, so how can I covet that seaport?"

As he said that, he quickly changed the topic, "When I returned to Beijing this time, I brought King Fan's two sons with me!"

Zhu Yunxi's expression condensed, "You brought all the sons here?"

"Yes, I told them that the heavenly dynasty is rich in treasures and allows them to come and see them. That's exactly what they meant!" Li Jinglong said with a smile, "Your Majesty, you don't think they are princes, but from my point of view, how can they be princes?

That’s just a long-term worker going crazy with hunger!”

This chapter has been completed!
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