Chapter 219 Three Comrades

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"Don't worry, team leader, I will keep a close eye on him." Chu Yuan stood at attention and replied seriously.

Zhang Huihao indeed had a major problem, and Chu Yuan now understood that he was probably just helping to collect the money, and the real mole who was instigated by the Japanese was Tu Fang.

No matter who the mole is, these two people must keep an eye on it, and be careful when watching Tu Fang.

Zhang Huihao is an ordinary person. Tu Fang can ask him to help collect money, but he will not be asked to help with things like transmitting information. No matter what kind of information, if more people know it, there will be more risks.

"Don't leave in a hurry. These are rewards for your team. You keep half of them for yourself and the rest will be distributed among the team members."

Chu Yuan was just about to leave when he was stopped by Chu Lingyun and gave him US dollars worth a hundred gold bars.

If Chu Lingyun hadn't specifically warned him, Chu Yuan would have broken the rules if he dared to divide all the money.

You should be kinder to your opponents, and you should not give less benefits, but you cannot give too much, otherwise you will only get the opposite effect.

"Thank you, team leader."

Seeing this box of money, Chu Yuan immediately understood that this was compensation for him. When he asked Ni Yao to catch people, he knew that the team leader was doing it to benefit himself.

He did not understand it at first. He was a pure soldier and thought that doing so was a corrupt official.

But later he also figured out that the entire Fruit Party is like this now, and the team leader is not doing this alone. If the team leader is not like this, he will be a different kind.

As soon as Chu Yuan left with the money, Ni Loach walked in.

He was here to deliver these days' investigation reports. He sorted them out again in the morning and tried to give the most concise and complete report to Chu Lingyun. He knew that the team leader didn't like to read that nonsense.

Just highlight the key points and make sure nothing is missed.

Loach and the others have many investigative reports. Over the past few days, they have conducted a detailed investigation on Risa Nakamura, sorting out all the people who often appear around her.

There are too many people. Currently, Loach and the others are conducting a detailed investigation on these people, especially He Xiangyang, hoping to identify spies among these people and make meritorious deeds.

All the hopes of the Intelligence Section now lie on the poster case, and Xu Yi is asking questions every day, and there is no room for him to be careless.

Chu Lingyun opened the file and started browsing from the front.

The previous content is nothing. It is that the intelligence department discovered the Japanese spy. When he was arrested, the spy resisted tenaciously. After killing the Japanese spy, the half of the poster was found on his body.

After that, the Intelligence Section launched an investigation into the poster and checked all the movie theaters. No results were found, so the matter was left undisclosed for the time being.

Then, based on Chu Lingyun’s suggestion, we went to check the printing factory, and then asked about Risa Nakamura’s characteristics, and finally found her successfully.

These contents are not important, Chu Lingyun flipped through them quickly.

What follows is Risa Nakamura’s background relationship.

Nakamura Risa is twenty-six years old, and her father Nakamura Taiken is fifty-five years old. They run a Japanese company and sell a variety of goods, but they are all domestic products.

Including cloth, bicycles and some small electrical appliances.

He mainly does wholesale business and has many partners in Nanjing.

Kenta Nakamura came to China 12 years ago, and Risa Nakamura did not follow him at first. Six years ago, 20-year-old Risa Nakamura came to Nanjing and settled here.

Her slender and perfect figure soon attracted many people, and there were countless bees around her.

Risa Nakamura seems to enjoy the feeling of being sought after by others. She welcomes everyone who comes, but keeps a distance, which makes many people anxious. She is just a peach that they want to eat but can't.

In the past few years, it is said that more than a dozen people have fought because of her.

Nakamura Risa is so high-profile, she is completely a social flower. Chu Lingyun is really no stranger to this. After the all-out war of resistance against Japan, there was a famous female agent in Japan. Her communication skills were stronger than Nakamura Risa. Many fruit party members

The higher-ups all have a relationship with her.

Chu Lingyun looked through the investigation results carefully. No matter how strong her communication skills were, the most important thing for Chu Lingyun was to get evidence to prove that she was a Japanese agent.


After lunch, Tu Fang went home and took a lunch break.

Chu Yuan set up a secret surveillance point near his home. The surveillance of Tu Fang cannot be the same as other moles, or even the same as those real Japanese spies.

Tu Fang is a member of the Action Section of the Party Affairs Investigation Department and the captain. In terms of rank, he is at the same level as him.

As a captain, he has many subordinates around him, and he may be noticed if he is not careful.

When Chu Yuan treated him, he was more careful than anyone else.

After lunch break, Tu Fang returned to his unit. There was an important meeting this afternoon. The team leader had already ordered them to meet on time, and new tasks would be assigned then.

When Tu Fang entered the Party Affairs Investigation Office, Chu Yuan's people could no longer follow him. People from the Party Affairs Investigation Office did not dare to go to their military intelligence office. Similarly, their people could not enter the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

If you go in hastily, you will be beaten easily.

The two units are at odds with each other, and people on both sides know this very well.

In the conference room, Tu Fang sat in his seat, thinking about the purpose of today's meeting and whether there was any important information. If it was useful to the Japanese, he might be able to get a lot of money in exchange.

The Japanese are indeed generous. He only provided a few pieces of less important information before and was paid more than 2,000 French currency, which is much higher than his salary.

Although he is the captain, they usually mainly deal with the Red Party. There are no poor scum in the Red Party, so it is difficult for them to make any profit.

After taking refuge with the Japanese, his hands became much more relaxed.

The meeting started at three o'clock, and the team leader didn't enter the conference room until three-thirty.

"Now I declare the order."

When Zhou Mengru, leader of the second team of the Action Section of the Party Affairs Investigation Division, came in, he didn't even sit down and stood directly at the head of the table to issue orders.

Several captains and vice-captains stood up immediately.

"According to the investigation of the Intelligence Section, three Red Party members will come to Nanjing from the north in the past few days. The first team will go to the train station immediately and keep an eye on all exits 24 hours a day. The second team will go to the dock and the third team will keep an eye on several major city gates.

, everyone remember, if you find a suspicious person, report it immediately and do not act without authorization."

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Zhou Mengru's words were very concise. It was indeed an important task. What Tu Fang was thinking about was not how to catch these three red gangsters, but how much reward the Japanese would give him if this information was passed on to the Japanese.

The Japanese also care about the Red Party. They and the Japanese have a common language in dealing with the Red Party.


The three captains responded collectively, Tu Fang’s voice being the loudest.

Tu Fang is the captain of the second team, and he is responsible for the passenger terminal. He doesn't know how the intelligence department got such important information, but this is absolutely good news for him.

If he catches someone, he can achieve great success. Even if he doesn't catch anyone, he can sell the news and make extra money, killing two birds with one stone.

"This operation is top secret. Anyone who leaks information will be dealt with by military law."

Zhou Mengru glanced at everyone and said sternly that it was not easy to obtain such important information this time. The higher-ups ordered that the red party found this time must not be allowed to escape.

Unfortunately, the clues are limited. We only know their general situation and that they will arrive in Nanjing in the next few days, but nothing else is known.

His second team finally won this mission. Although they were not big shots, they were able to capture three red gangsters at once, which was no small feat.


Several captains responded again, Tu Fang's voice was a little softer this time.

How can you make money without leaking information?

Moreover, what he leaked was to the Japanese, not the Red Party, and it did not affect the operation. At this moment, he didn't care, he only thought about how to enrich his pocket.

Tu Fang led his second team members and quickly headed to the dock.

There were too many of them. Chu Yuan only took six people with him. With so many cars going out together, Chu Yuan did not dare to follow them and let them leave.

Tu Fang took the people to the pier and unceremoniously occupied the office building of the police station here.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?"

The police sergeant in charge of guarding the dock ran over. Tu Fang took out his ID and waved it in front of him:

"The Party Affairs Investigation Department is handling the case. Your place has been expropriated, and all of you have also been expropriated. Now I assign you a task to target everyone who gets off the ship, whether it is a passenger ship or a cargo ship, all people around the age of thirty, who come from the north

All men should be noticed by me.

There may be three of them together or they may act separately. The targets of one to three people must be kept track of. Also, you must keep it strictly confidential. If anyone messes up my affairs, I will kill him."

Although the Party Affairs Investigation Division does not directly manage the police, they still do not take the police seriously.

Their leader level is much higher than the director of the police station.

Hearing that they were from the Party Affairs Investigation Department, the sergeant did not dare to say anything and angrily withdrew. All the police officers were also pulled over by Tu Fang and became his temporary subordinates.

Naturally, these police officers would not be happy if their territory was occupied by others and they were treated as subordinates.

But they dare not speak out when they are angry, so they can only obey orders.

"Director, the people in the Party Affairs Investigation Department are so abominable. Not only did they occupy our place, but they also requisitioned all our people. Now we have no manpower to inspect the goods."

The sergeant ran to other offices, found a phone, and immediately called the bureau.

The dock belongs to the Fifth Precinct and is Wang Sheng's territory. Everyone in the Fifth Precinct knows that their chief has a very tough background, and the chief wants the chief to help him vent his anger.

"Who are they going to do and what are they going to do?"

Wang Sheng asked deeply, and the sergeant immediately replied: "He is a captain. His subordinates call him Captain Tu. They say they are checking people. They want to check three people who came from the north. They are about 30 years old. We can't check who specifically."

Not sure."

"I understand. You will first assist them in handling the case. If you have anything, please tell me at any time."

Wang Sheng replied slowly, having been the director for such a long time, he now has some experience and knows what to say when faced with various things.

"Yes, Chief." The sergeant hung up the phone and ran out dejectedly.

The director obviously had no intention of helping them vent their anger, so he could only endure it. These people who were asked to come over were all uncles, and they couldn't afford to offend them.

This sergeant is not Kang Qiang. The dock is the most lucrative place in the Fifth Precinct, and many people are eyeing the position of this sergeant.

Although Wang Sheng is a strong-minded director, he can't be too unruly, otherwise it will be inconvenient for him to do things in the future.

He did not move the police sergeant. Kang Qiang took over Xu Wu's position. There were many important people living there, and they were very important. Wang Sheng was worried that they were not reliable people.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Sheng thought for a moment and picked up the phone again.

"Sir Chu, I am Wang Sheng." This time his tone changed and he spoke very carefully.

When Wang Sheng called, Chu Lingyun was a little surprised and asked directly: "Wang Sheng, what's the matter?"

"It's no big deal, it's like this. People from the Party Affairs Investigation Department arrived at the pier, occupied our office building at the pier, and said they wanted to handle the case."

In his heart, Wang Sheng was still willing to help his subordinates to stand out, but he understood that others could not fight against the bosses of the Party Affairs Investigation Department if they spoke softly.

"Party Affairs Investigation Department, what are you doing here?"

Chu Lingyun frowned. The Military Intelligence Division and the Party Affairs Investigation Division had a clear division of labor. They deal with external enemies, mainly the Japanese, and also take care of some warlords.

The Party Affairs Investigation Division targets the Red Party, and they have the most dealings with the Red Party.

"I don't know. A captain named Tu brought a lot of people here. He said he was investigating three men who came from the north and were about thirty years old."

The surname is Tu, which is a rare surname. He happens to have an investigation target named Tu, who is also the captain.

"You first cooperate with them, and if they have excessive demands, you tell me later."

Chu Lingyun ordered and immediately hung up the phone.

Wang Sheng felt a lot more at ease. Chief Chu said this, which meant that he was willing to stand up for him. If the Party Affairs Investigation Office was really on official business, they should really cooperate.

But if there are other requests, I'm sorry, Wang Sheng won't agree.

Butcher went to the dock to investigate people, and he still made such a big fuss. It couldn't be a private matter, it could only be an action of the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

Chu Lingyun picked up the phone and called Chu Yuan's surveillance point directly.

Chu Yuan was not at the surveillance point. He was searching for Tu Fang on the streets. After following them, he didn't know where Tu Fang and the others had gone, so he could only ask along the way.

"Captain, the team leader is looking for you."

A team member came running out of breath and finally found Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan immediately returned to the Military Intelligence Office.

"Tu Fang went to the dock to perform a mission?"

Chu Yuan finally knew Tu Fang's whereabouts. He was very upset after he lost him. He would have followed Tu Fang if he had known about it. But seeing that there were so many people there, he didn't dare to follow him. It was really inappropriate.

He didn't expect that the team leader knew Tu Fang's whereabouts better than he did, which made him very ashamed.

"Go to the dock immediately and keep an eye on him. No matter what he does, you must find out clearly."

Chu Lingyun didn't pay attention to his small details. There were many people in the other party and they were driving. If they kept driving behind, they would be easily noticed by the other party.

Chu Yuan and Shai Yan were normal, and Tu Fang was not a spy. He had a family and a family, so it would not be difficult to keep an eye on him again.

"Yes, team leader, I will definitely keep an eye on him this time."

Chu Yuan responded hurriedly. After Chu Yuan left, Chu Lingyun came to the window and looked outside quietly.

This operation of the Party Affairs Investigation Office is probably targeting the Red Party, and the person they are looking for is very likely to be the Red Party.

The three people, all about thirty years old, came from the north. Although they don't know who they are, they will face great danger once they are discovered by the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

This chapter has been completed!
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