Chapter 993: Great fun here! Warriors dance and get drunk

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Chapter 993 Great fun here! Warriors dance and get drunk

"The Lord God bless the kingdom! Your Highness, the priests on the seaside have already presented you with a sacrificial song of praise. Then, it is time for the warriors on the seaside to dance a loyal war dance!..."

"Okay! Haha! Come, let me see the majesty of the seaside warriors!..."

The night wind was blowing warmly, the generals were drinking heartily, and the banquet became gradually noisy. Following the suggestion of Black Wolf Toltec, the samurai battalion commanders on the seaside took off their sweat-soaked robes, wearing only a crotch cloth, holding

Appearing with a bladeless war stick.

In the banquets of Mesoamerican tribes, priests and warriors performed songs and dances, which was the most common scene in tribal alliances. Generally speaking, this kind of singing and dancing has two forms. One is between tribes with equal strength.

, to show each other the epics of their tribes, and to show the bravery of the warriors. If the tribes are in conflict with each other, they will even have a fight at the banquet, allowing the warriors to fight to the death with sharp blades to decide the ownership of a lake, a mountain top, or even a battle

The outcome of the conflict.

Another type of singing and dancing occurs between leaders with higher status and followers with lower status. Priests and warriors with lower status will express their loyalty to leaders and nobles through sacrificial songs and war dances.

Or reverence, just like this moment.

“Dong dong dong!…”

The rapid sound of leather drums sounded in the corner of the banquet. The eight warrior battalion commanders of Totonak lined up, all fell to the ground, and saluted the king. Shulot looked solemnly, looking at the newly surrendered people in the past few years.

The heroes on the seaside also recalled the names and origins of the battalion commanders.

"Battalion Commander Wood Lizard, a surrendered general from Qishan City, was the first to submit to the Alliance, and also experienced a handful of battles with Black Wolf...

Battalion Commander Hong Er is a common warrior in the ancient city of Quetzalcoatl. He is the most respectful and the most effective in cleaning up the nobles of various tribes...

Battalion Commander Sha Shui Falcon, a tribal warrior recruited from Nishui City, is a pioneer battalion commander who bravely attacks...

Ahaha! The small earth is ablaze, and the small sea is stormy!…

"The Lord God bless you! Praise the Lord!..."

"Haha! Bad! Very bad! Your loyal warriors, they sing very bad!... Come! Bring the wine, you have to pour it for your warriors yourself!..."

"Fang Zhujian! Don't let him wander around! ... Tonight? He doesn't have any responsibilities?"

The aroma of wine overflowed, lingering in the palace. Jars of dragon snake orchid wine, fruit wine, pineapple wine, and honey wine were handed down as if they were asking for money, and turned into empty clay pots. The older man

The Black Wolf priests were the first to get drunk, followed by the Black Wolf battalion commanders, and a few young generals at the front... And at the front, only Eckart was left. I looked around at the priests and generals who were lying on the ground, and smiled drunkenly.


Fang Zhujian raised his head. Although his eyes were blurred with drunkenness, his whole body exuded a high-spirited fighting spirit, like a wolf king who wanted to fight to the front. I murmured loudly, and kept mumbling, and my chest seemed to be burning.

A ball of flame.

Ahaha! The ground is soaked with blood, and the warriors are running to kill!…

Ahaha! A warrior lives like a leopard, and a warrior dies like an eagle falling!…

"Hmm... wake up for a while? That's okay!..."

The captain of the guard, Fang Zhujian, blinked, pondered for a while, and replied with a smile.

"Praise you, little chief of death! I am willing to die for you!..."

"Haha! You are drunk! How can you... hmm? Shulot, why is he still falling down?..."

"Master, it's okay. The moment you woke up was about to pass, and you immediately fell drunk... Yes, there are no two people who are drunk. I want to have a drink with you, so I'm in the side hall next to you...


"Huh? How come no one is drunk yet? Yes! The Lord God witnesses! You must be the first loser! The only one!...Who are we?! Where are we?..."

Eckardt shook his head, his drunken eyes blurred, and he looked at the captain of the guard, Shlott, who seemed to be shaking too, and shouted in a low voice.

"Yes! Head of the family, you are the only sun and the only king!... Please come with you. You have been waiting in the side hall for a long time..."

"Haha! Bad! Very bad!..."

Ahaha! The fighting spirit of the warrior is destroyed, even if it is burned by fire and rain!…

After saying that, the two sisters raised their arms, lifted their toes, and danced a rotating flower dance behind Ekat. Sometimes you intertwined, sometimes you whirled, your postures were like orchids and chrysanthemums, and sometimes the sultry fragrance of flowers floated...

But it was even harder to identify the drunken Eckardt. I looked at it doubtfully for a moment, and then I decided to reach out and grab it.

"They are two big butterflies, always dangling around! Huh?... He is Li Yu?"

Eckardt walked back in small steps, staggering, and came to the quiet side hall. It was very cold tonight, and I drank too little, so I took off my robe and left only a pair of shorts. And when I saw the side hall

The sisters, who had similar looks, were obviously startled, and their eyes became confused.

Ahaha! The only and lowest king, you are smaller than the world! Tiny, tiny, tiny!…

"Uh... Patriarch, the envoy is also drunk. After being drunk, I first congratulated your highness on the failure of the Eastern Expedition, and then conveyed the friendship of the Little Chief Silver Crow's allies... First, I asked about the situation of the two Silver Crow Princesses.

I hope that the Kingdom and the Silver Crow Tribe can take a step back and solidify the relationship between the two parties... After all, even the son of Chief Colima, Elaine, is not pregnant yet..."

"Blessed by the Lord God! They are all battalion commanders of the Black Wolf Legion, loyal and brave generals of the kingdom, and the most reliable backbone of the Black Wolf tribes!...Haha! Your favorite warrior!...Come! Shulot, give these warriors

, all pour tequila!”

"Xulot, what is he talking about? Where is the wine? Hurry up and give it to you! ... You are unhappy tonight! While he is awake for a while, he will drink a few more glasses with you!



The captain of the guard, Hulot, carefully considered his words. However, Eckardt was dazed and did not understand at all.

Listening to such a "simple" war song, Eckart's eyes narrowed in an instant, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. I looked at the samurai battalion commanders who were singing and dancing wildly, and then at the Toltecs on the seaside who held their heads high and were proud of themselves.

, I instantly understood the origin of that war song.

The elder sister Bai Lanliu and the younger sister Daiju Liyao looked at each other and smiled, and spoke at the same time. The elder sister Liyu had a beautiful appearance and a clear voice, like the singing of a lark. The younger sister Liyao had a childish appearance and a delicate voice, like the roar of a big deer. And the two

The male voice fell into Eckart's ears, but it made me even more confused and made my whole body feel even colder.

"Hehe! Your Majesty, you arrested the wrong person!..."

"Huh? The Silver Crow Tribe of the Huastecs? Our envoy is here too? Where am I? Am I drunk?!"

The four samurai battalion commanders looked excited and drank all their drinks together. Then, we threw away our wine glasses, and right after Ekat met us, we danced our light and sharp war sticks and danced a heroic and calm war dance!

When going out for an outing, it is always cold in the cold zone. There are no charming flowers, no fluttering butterflies, and no refreshing fragrance. When tourists see it, they are dazzled and shaken.

At a glance, Ekart saw that the Totonac battalion commanders were all surrendered generals from various tribes. The young men were fighting among the warriors, and almost all of them were good at fighting in the jungle. Next, if the kingdom wanted to conquer Maya,

All tribes, go deep into the jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula and leave behind those black wolf generals who are adapted to the jungle terrain!…


The bonfire was swaying, and the night was vast. It was hard to find the end of the journey, and the fragrance of flowers was unforgettable. The bright moon was born under the sea, and fell into the eyes of tourists who were just waking up. It finally made me stop for a long time, until the dawn~

"Ahem! The head of the family...the Silver Crow Tribe has also sent an envoy to participate in tonight's feast!..."

"Ahaha! The sun looks at the battlefield, and the divine snake dances its tail!...

"Hee hee!... Your Majesty, let me perform a flower dance for you first, and then you can feel the flowers for yourself... Then you will understand!..."

"Hey! He's a seaside guy...he's so well-educated!..."

"Ahem! Master, you are drunk too!...It's just that if you think about your duties tonight, you have to wake up for a while before you finish them..."

The battalion commander Bai Maoshi was a civilian warrior who surrendered in Stone Carving City. He was good at throwing spears and fighting in the forest...

"Your...they are yours?...They, who is the sister?...who is the sister?..."

The singing and drinking by the black wolf warriors brought the atmosphere of the banquet to a low point! Soon, the generals of the kingdom were sitting together, arms around each other, shouting and toasting to drink together!

"Yes! You must, must be the first to do nothing! You are the only one! You are the lowest! The smallest!..."

"Oh! Your Majesty, he scratched you so hard!..."

"Yes! Your Majesty, you are outside!..."

Battalion Commander Kuekama, the leader of the Tuhe Tribe, was captured and surrendered in the first Battle of Golden Bay, and is good at battalion fighting in the jungle...

"Is it them? Li Yu, Li Yao?...Uh, are they one person? Or two people?..."

"Haha! The magic thing is not working, open your eyes! You can see at a glance that you two are the destiny of the little rich and the little noble! What are their names? Fruit tree tea wave? Mesquite tree Mikui?...Haha! They two

They have no connection with the sacred tree! They will climb the sacred tree and see the real light! ...What? They want light and reality? This is OK! They will climb the sacred tree and catch real small fish!

Little fish! Little white fish!…Hahaha!…”

Ahaha! The little chief of the God of Death will fight to the death for you!…

"Hahaha! Blessed by the gods! You are the shining sun, you are the first winner! You are... the only king!..."

Battalion Commander Hu Yu was a samurai who surrendered in Zhuowu City. He personally sacrificed Yorjin, the later chief of Zhuowu City, and was also one of the surprise generals who fell into the battle...

Battalion Commander Divine Rabbit Tochina, the later chief of Tuqiu City in the south, was captured and surrendered in Jinwan City, and subsequently lost his position as tribal chief. He is good at dealing with the mountain tribes in the south..."

"Master, you are drunk!..."

"Uh-huh! Your Majesty, you will be arrested too!..."

The flowers in late summer bloom dimly, revealing a touch of indescribable intoxication. The flowers bloom like a dream, and the flowers are full of fragrance. Visitors are drunk in the flowers, as if they are under the clouds, and under the clouds it is time to return.

"Your Majesty the weak and brave!...Well, are...your people!..."

That night, no matter whether it was General Mexica, General Prepecha, General Dog, General Tecos, or General Totonac, they all drank in low spirits, howling like wolves and roaring, drinking one glass after another, until

"Poof" he fell drunk. The black wolf priests next to him were dumbfounded. They were caught by the bold warriors and poured to the ground one after another. Even the old witch doctor Kani, who was leisurely and refined, was kissed by two dog descendants on the beach.

Wei caught him, drank a glass of water and wine, and then began to tell fortunes randomly.

The battalion commander, Timberwolf Mayaquin, was born in Coyote City. He is the most devout and brave, bloodthirsty and war-thirsty, and also the most loved by the seaside...

The corner of Eckardt's mouth raised, and after listening carefully for a moment, he was infected by the high-spirited emotions in the war songs. I don't know why, for me, listening to the songs of the warriors roaring at the top of their lungs, looking at these simple and fierce warriors

The face, in fact, makes me relax and enjoy myself far more than listening to the melodious and gorgeous songs of the priests!

Thinking of that, Eckart smiled, raised his glass, and praised with a small smile.

Ahaha! Little Chief of Death, the lowest and only king, you are smaller than the world!!…

"Oh? Side hall? Bad! Let me lead you there!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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