Chapter 113 The progress of reform and planned future

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As the sunset faded and night approached, the busyness of the capital gradually ceased, and the group of people set out on their way home. On the way home, warriors surrounded them, passers-by saluted, and Shulot's thoughts were racing.

The craftsman area is located in the northeast of the capital, with waterways crisscrossing it. In Mexica society, the status of craftsmen is actually higher than that of merchants and farmers. They are far away from war, live a more prosperous life, and the community is full of order. And skilled feather craftsmen will be favored by all nobles

The unanimous pursuit of them can even exempt them from paying tribute and corvee.

Shulot walked beside the gurgling waterway, with the swaying shadows of rushes and flowers in front of his eyes, the melody of ocarina and conch playing in his ears, and the aroma of corn and black beans floating in his nose.

A smile gradually appeared on the young man's face.

"Warriors and craftsmen are the most stable foundation in the empire's pyramid and the source of power for the war machine."

Soon, everyone returned to the high priest's house. Shulot went to bow to his grandfather and report back.

In the main hall, the burning bonfire illuminated the surrounding murals, reflecting the vague and tall figures of the gods. The patron saint looked down on the earth and the people in the light. The high priest Shuter, dressed in casual casual clothes, had returned from the temple. He was majestic

He dismissed everyone, then smiled gently and touched the young man's head.

"My child, you have been quite tired during this period. You might as well take a rest. The teachings are on the right track. You can walk around, visit the capital and surrounding areas, or go to the nearby sacred mountains and holy lakes. But you must

Bring a full bodyguard!"

Then, the high priest looked at Bertard, and the vicissitudes of the warrior chief nodded. The high priest continued to give instructions.

"With God's will as the core, a general legal framework has been established. The new law will absorb existing customary provisions, and the specific details will be slowly filled in. After the New Year, the Commercial Law that suppresses the interests of businessmen will be implemented first, and then the behavior of civilians will be managed

The civil laws, and finally the aristocratic laws that restrict the power of the nobility. The priestly laws are implemented internally, and the nobility at all levels can make suggestions, but have no power to manage.

Village priests from all over the country will come to the capital after the New Year to understand the will of the gods. They will "jointly manage" villages with the nobles throughout the Texcoco Lake District. In order to ensure the friendship and cooperation of the nobles, the temple guard has been expanded

To form, the royal family’s warriors will also gather after the New Year.”

Having said this, the high priest smiled gently and calmly regarded life as nothing.

"My son, as you once said in a funny saying, kill the turkey and make the monkey obey. The twelve-man priesthood has selected several high-ranking sacrifices from Tlacopan. Prince Totoki is aware of emotions and interests.

, and already nodded in acquiescence.

These sacrifices have a large number of feudal villages on the west bank of Lake Texcoco. They withhold the alliance tribute and treat the priests as nothing. Once the Noble Law is promulgated, the temple guards will act under the guidance of the local priests.

My child, you have a special status! Do not go to the villages in the city-state of Tlacopan on the west coast until the weeds are eradicated."

Shulot nodded calmly. He suddenly remembered Bravo, a smart middle-aged priest he had met in the village of Tlacopan. The young man mentioned it to his grandfather casually and made a recommendation. The high priest nodded slightly and simply wrote it down.


"The compilation of religious classics is still going on, and the basic teachings will take a long time to be perfected. The ten commandments of King Moushi that you mentioned last time are very good, but they just need to be revised and supplemented. The priesthood decided to add these to the myth,

As the patron saint's promise to the Mexica people, the contract is called the Twelve Instructions of the Lake Island."

Having said this, the high priest pondered slightly. He chanted slowly and loudly in the priest's ancient accent.

"The first article is that God is the only one and God is omnipotent. The second article is that the gods will follow God and later become saints, and idols will be gradually banned. The third article is that the name of God is supreme and cannot be used in vain. Swearing in the name of God must be obeyed.

Article 4: Pray and worship God. Perform rituals three times a day, one breath every ten days, and a major ritual. At least once in your life, go to the holy temple to worship.

Article 5: Honor your parents and obey the priests. Article 6: It is forbidden to kill, but you can sacrifice for gods and participate in divine wars. Article 7: It is forbidden to commit adultery and restrain your desires. Article 8: It is forbidden to steal, steal and cowardice

Same crime. Article 9: Forbid perjury and frame-up, be honest and trustworthy, and repent regularly. Article 10: Do not covet others and dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to God."

Xiuluo nodded, these are the proper meanings.

In polytheistic religions, gods are just human helpers, beings with extraordinary power and worthy of awe. Gods have specific images, shortcomings and desires. People can also ignore, fear or hate gods. Because in essence, humans

Be equal to each other and God. This is a kind of personal free belief.

In monotheistic religions, God has become the supreme authority. He establishes laws and morals that cannot be questioned and guides people's lives. People love Him wholeheartedly and obey His church. This is an organized collective.


This is the most essential difference between polytheism and monotheism. Polytheism is loose and free, while monotheism is centralized organization. The combat effectiveness of the two churches and believers will be very different.

In monotheistic religions, God is supreme, distant, sacred and untouchable. Therefore, no idols are erected, and one god is elevated to the supreme conceptual god. The priestly group, as the only link between gods and humans, naturally becomes the power granted by the gods.

The clergy has become a powerful organization that controls supreme religious power and huge interests!

The future religious reform in Europe will be to dismantle powerful theocratic organizations and return power to the secular world.

"Religion is an inverted world view. God did not create human beings, but humans created God according to their own needs."

Shulot recalled the words of the future philosopher, with mixed emotions and full of emotion.

"Now, in this land where ignorance is emerging, we will establish a powerful kingdom of God on earth in the name of God!"

Then, the high priest thought for a moment, his face extremely serious.

"Article 11: The end of the world will be reincarnated once every fifty-two years, and all souls will be judged. Warriors who died fighting for God and women who died giving birth will be the first to ascend to heaven and live on the top floor. They can be reincarnated in the human world and enjoy endless beauty. Piety

The believers follow closely behind and live on the bottom floor of the heaven. They pray and accumulate merit and gradually move to the top.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Unbelievers and heretics fall into the land of death. They seek a long relief from the wind knives and cold disasters, and only conversion can save them. And the serious sinners fall into the final

In the lower hell, he suffers eternal torment and gradually burns his guilt. Only the high priest can save him from death."

Hearing this, Shulot suddenly raised his head, and the hall was solemn for a moment.

His face was solemn. This is the true Mexican religious view of life and death, which solves the salvation, reincarnation and future problems of believers. Here, the priests and elders left a lot of independent interpretation rights. The warriors who died fighting for God

, included in the highest level after death... In the foreseeable future, the Mexica Monotheism will have endless aggression and combat capabilities.

Sure enough, my grandfather pondered for a moment and continued to recite aloud.

"Article 12. Every fifty-two years of the reincarnation calendar, the Grand Temple will listen to God's will and ignite the sacred flame. Then, the twelve-man priest group will announce God's instructions to all believers and pass the holy fire everywhere

.God’s will will serve as the highest instruction and the fastest ladder to the kingdom of God! At the end of the reincarnation in 1453, God’s will is: the Mexica Alliance must conquer the world!”

Hearing this, Shulot finally looked at his grandfather in shock, his face full of disbelief.

"Fifty-two years of reincarnation decree? Periodic holy war?!"

The high priest also nodded majestically. The old man's expression remained unchanged, and endless blood rushed towards his face from the future.

"This is the meaning of the elder. He praised your concept of divine warfare and agreed to gradually reduce the huge cost of human sacrifice. The priests and elders decided to increase the size of the priests accompanying the army and popularize the concept of divine warfare in the army first to strengthen the warriors.

The will to fight will increase the war power after the autumn harvest."

Having said this, the high priest gently touched the boy's head again. The old man felt the softness of the black hair with his palms, just like the child's soul.

"My child, you must be prepared. This year's war of conquest of Tarasco will be extremely cruel. The Tarascans are complete believers in alien gods and believe in the evil moon goddess... In the battle between gods,

No one will hold back!"

Shulot pursed his lips and lowered his head in silence. The high priest smiled slightly and changed the subject.

"When the world is conquered, the purpose of the temple can be changed to self-cultivation. Or decrees can be issued to weaken the great nobles in various places... Also, the four-character poem you recited last time was very good. The ancient West, really

Is there a city-state alliance between Shang and Zhou? The Shang alliance is really similar to us Mexicans! How could the powerful Shang perish at the hands of the weak Zhou?...

According to your suggestions, the priesthood is already revising the history of the alliance and writing myths. We will include the Olmecs of rubber, the Teotihuacans of gods, and the Tula Toltecs of craftsmen.

In the ancestral genealogy of the Mexica! Totonac must hand over the remains of the Olmecs and is not allowed to claim to be descendants of their ancestors.

We Mexicans will become the sole successors of the ancient civilization, an alliance destined to rule the world! And so do you, my child!"

Having said this, High Priest Shuttle laughed loudly, his old voice carrying a youthful air. Then, he hugged Shulot into his arms, interrupting the young man's thoughts.

The young man felt his grandfather's long-lost arms and the thin but firm body under the god's robe, and warmth flowed in his heart. After a while, his mood calmed down, he hesitated for a few breaths, and then asked in a low voice.

"Grandfather, who is higher or lower between the king and the priests? How to coordinate between the nobles and the priests?"

The high priest put away his smile and thought seriously.

Behind this issue is the relationship between religion and secularity, the struggle between divine power and royal power, and the most important internal conflict in Eurasian countries, except for the unique civil dynasty.

"This is also what worries me. According to the custom of the alliance, the patron saint gives the priesthood a sacred scepter, and the priesthood then transfers the scepter to the king. And the great Montezuma I once made another scepter and directly held power.


Now the elders dominate the world and stand at the top of the divine power. So the power of Mexica is that the main god grants the twelve-man priesthood, the priesthood grants it to the king, and the king grants it to the nobles of various places. The big nobles can be independent and self-governing in their fiefdoms, so they can only

Priests can intervene in the name of God.

Once the elder goes to the Kingdom of God, the great nobles will inevitably fight back for their own interests. And the attitude of the king will be difficult to judge at that time! The priests need a supreme pope, and the Mexica people also need a true king.

Control the priests and nobles at the same time and maintain the balance between the two classes!"

Having said this, the old Shuttle lowered his head and stared at the young man in his arms. His eyes were filled with excitement and high expectations, which stung Shuttle's eyes. The boundless pressure started from his grandfather's

The young man came into his eyes. He was silent for a long time, then slowly nodded, and his shoulders suddenly felt heavy.

The high priest smiled with satisfaction. Then he lowered his voice meaningfully.

"Currently, the twelve-man priesthood will fully assist King Avit, obey the king's orders, and expand the power of the center. The center needs to gain control over the great nobles, which is the common interest of the king and the priests.

Xiulote, the teaching work is on the right track. Next, you need to participate more in the king's military and political meetings and master a reliable army that is only loyal to yourself! I will give you the greatest support, as will the city-state of Teotihuacan.

The Mexican Federation has always valued the military talent and war power of its heirs, which is the highest source of legal principles!

As for the rest of the time, you can get closer to the king's daughter, your fiancée. That is the king's only weakness! My child, don't complain about your grandfather's arrangement. Power is always above all else, and your marriage cannot be independent.

When you reach a high position, you will naturally understand your grandfather's good intentions!"

In the end, the high priest's smile remained unchanged, but he spoke to himself solemnly and silently.

"As for those other voices from the royal family... My son, I will pave the way for you..."

Shulot thought silently. He felt his grandfather's warm embrace, but did not see his cold gaze. The alliance's inheritance rules are similar to the Ottoman inheritance law. Only by showing enough war power can one secure the throne. Therefore, Ah

Werther must also conduct a successful coronation war to gain the complete confidence of the nobles and warriors.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The boy cherishes his friendship with Avitt, loves pure girls, and does not want to bring political considerations into it. But the real world forces him to

It has to be like this. In the cruel power struggle, only the truly strong can retain a trace of warmth with difficulty.

"Now, the real power that belongs to me is only five hundred Longbow Guards, mostly from the followers of civilians. Then there are four thousand Teotihuacan warriors, under the firm control of my father and Teacher Orosh. Finally, there is the Tongren

I have conquered more than 10,000 warriors, and they will have obedience to me. But this obedience will only take effect when they occupy the general situation.

I need a truly loyal core force. The warriors have long belonged to different noble groups, and it is difficult for even the king to command such a powerful noble war group. The power of the royal family will have other voices... This power can only come from

They come from the civilian class and from neglected groups. They will use new weapons and organizational forms to compete with the powerful traditional warriors!"

Hulot straightened up, with a solemn expression. In front of his eyes, there were formations of warriors holding longbows, and loose militiamen holding longbows. Then, he thought of the elite Mexican warriors holding war clubs and shields on the banks of the Leman River.

, fighting against the Tarasco militiamen who were full of bronze spears, the fight was stalemate for a while, until the arrows flew... Thinking of this, he nodded silently and paid more attention to tomorrow's trip.

The high priest is also sitting upright, with gray hair. The old man's eyes are filled with warmth and coldness, light and shadow. He is thinking about the future battle of blood, fire and gods, planning ruthless daggers and poisons, and thinking about the young man who is going to the supreme... Weiwei

A smile.

Beside the burning bonfire, the grandfather and grandson smiled at the same time, looked at each other solemnly, and then nodded slightly. Their thoughts were like eagles spreading their wings, flying towards the same but different lofty future!

This chapter has been completed!
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