Chapter One Thousand One Hundred and Seventy-Two: The gods fly to the stars, but only the ancient saints remain in the world...

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"Amazing news? Shocking the entire lowland Maya? The idea of ​​​​converting to the main god?...Well...that is related to the Cocom family, and also to the main god..."

"Yes! The Lord God of the Plateau witnessed it. Not only that, this news is also related to the origin of the Golden Age, the legendary Ancient Saint of the First Era..."

The December night wind is cool, blowing on the coast of the Caribbean Islands, refreshing like drizzle. The main temple in Tiewan Town is not tall, and the stars of the Milky Way fall from the ventilated patio, like white foam floating on the seashore.

.Looking from the red hills, this brand new stone temple stands like a reef at the eastern snakehead of Cuba. It is like the stone nail nailed by the main god himself to Quetzalcoatl, which contains the power to decide life and death, and also flashes.

With the glow of faith.

In the temple at this moment, the kneeling Mayan noble Yan Hu was lifted up by the chief priest Tomat, and faced the statue of the main god. He glanced nervously at the abstract and solemn face of the main god, and licked his dry lips.

Unconsciously, he lowered his voice.

"A few months ago, during the meeting between the Plateau Black Wolf Legion and the Kanur clan, the leader of the Cocom family, Tiakin, brought out the inherited artifact of the Mayapan royal family, the ancient holy skull of the first era! Tiakin

As the divine successor of the Mayapan royal family, he claimed the Mayan k'uhul ajaw, the 'sacred monarch' and the 'king who leads each clan'..."

"Then, he announced to all the tribes in the lowlands that under the guidance of the sacred skull of the ancient saint, he listened to the enlightenment of the sky god and knew that the sun war god of the plateau was the reincarnation of the ancient saints and the ancient divinity. It was also the end of the fourth era and the beginning of

The Great Era God of the Fifth Era! The Sun War God of the Plateau and the revered Serpent God have the same four phases of life and death day and night, but one is a present god who manifests miracles, and the other is a hidden and silent god of the past. Therefore,

He decided to lead the Cocom clan, who are descendants of the Serpent God, to formally worship the living God of the Plateau Sun War in the name of the Mayapan royal family as the living main god of the Maya royal family. From the ancient God of the Serpent God to the modern God of the Sun, such conversion and worship,

It does not violate the ancient Mayan clan tradition..."

"At the same time, Te Ajincuhuahao also announced that the descendants of the Serpent Gods of the Mayapan royal family and the Toltec descendants who also believe in the main god of the plateau have formed a marriage covenant between the gods. The marriage between the two great gods

The descendant will become the successor of 'Kuhu Ahao', the sacred son 'B'aah ch'ok' (b'aah ch'ok). Then, based on the sacred marriage covenant, he borrowed troops from the Toltec descendants of the plateau,

Restore the Mayapan Kingdom. And the Black Wolf Legion on the Plateau that is currently attacking all the way is the reinforcement sent by the Toltec descendants to restore the Mayapan Kingdom..."

“Then, Te Ajincuhuahao invited all the Mayan clans to go to the kapok capital of the Kanur clan to worship the ancient holy skull inherited from the golden age. He invited all the ancient divine clans and the restored Mayapan royal family to

Re-establish the clan alliance between master and slave, and jointly fight against the Xiwu clan who murders the royal family, offends the gods, and betrays the alliance..."

"Shortly after Te Ajinkuahao announced the restoration of the royal family, the Puton clan, the Golden Snake clan, and the powerful Canuer clan all sent envoys to declare their support for the resurgent Mayapan Kingdom and the ancient sacred Maya clan.

The royal family of Pan restored their oath of alliance and jointly attacked the Xiwu rebels..."


The amount of information Yan Hu said was so overwhelming that Priest Tomato was shocked on the spot and thought for more than a dozen breaths before he could barely figure out what to think.

"The Mayapan royal family converted to the main god, made a marriage covenant with the Toltec descendants, and used troops to revive the country to attack the Xiwu clan. The three clans of Puton, Jinshe, and Kanur announced their support... hmm?! The main god was regarded as the ancient Serpent.

The rebirth of gods was introduced into the Mayan pantheon, and gave the Maya the status of the living main god?..."

Priest Tomat pursed his lips in silence, thinking about this really shocking news. In order to make the conversion of the Mayapan royal family consistent with the Mayan traditions of various tribes, Tiakim was able to create an ancient holy skull to guide the past gods and

Now God comes out! This theological definition of the Lord God in the land of Maya is what concerns and shocks him the most in the whole news!

In fact, the Tomat priests are no strangers to such theological operations. The supreme status of the main god of Mexica has also changed from the Aztec ancestor god two hundred years ago, to the god of war of the Mexica Alliance, to the god of war in the new era.

Sun God... It was only in the past ten years that Huitziloppo, the sun god of war, was officially promoted to the supreme god!

The same operation of Li Daitao also happened in the Cross Church across the sea. "Christmas" at the end of December was originally the birthday of the Roman "Sun God". However, when the Cross Church first emerged, in order to preach as much as possible

, they defined this day as "the day when the Son of God was born". The hints and explicit instructions here are that the "Son of God of the Cross" is the incarnation or phase of the Roman Sun God, so it should be worshiped and believed in! ...And wait until the Cross

After it prospered and completely replaced Roman polytheism, these previous compromise methods would naturally be erased and completely covered.

"O Lord God! This kind of delicate theological operation of drawing circles is probably not something that the warrior-like Tiakin could have come up with. Rather, it seems to be the handiwork of a certain bald fox... Ha! Only that guy has such courage.

Dare to play tricks on the identity of the Lord God!…”

Priest Tomat lowered his eyes, his face was uncertain, and there was even murderous intention in his heart. But he knew that such a localized god skin-changing operation was actually very beneficial to the kingdom's missionary situation in the Maya! Mayan tribes inherited

For a long time, unlike those ignorant northern tribes, their cultural level was actually higher than that of the plateau tribes. And the Mayan tribes occupied complex and difficult jungle terrain, which was difficult to conquer overnight. If they only use blood and fire sacrifices,

Using missionary means, I don’t know how long it will take to spread the faith of the Lord God...

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After a while, Priest Tomat came back to his senses. His expression was gloomy, and the first question he asked was about the inheritance of the Mayan God

Object, "Skull of the Ancient Saint".

"I know a lot about Yanhu and the Mayan gods. I am also familiar with Tiakim... Kuhuahao... How come I have never heard of the ancient sacred skull of the Cocom family? And this skull

His background is so great that he can even pass on his divinity to the main god of the plateau and become the Maya's great god of the era, higher than other great gods?..."

"Uh... Dear Priest Thomas, the 'Old Saint' is a legend from the First Era thousands of years ago, even before the Golden Age!... Like many ancient great gods, he has not been mentioned by various tribes for a long time.

And, it only appears in the inheritance board of the divine clan... In fact, the ancient sage did not go to the divine world to live forever, but stayed in the human world to die, so it is difficult to be called an 'immortal god'. But he is

The status in the legend of the First Era is indeed extremely high, and can even be said to be the sacred source of the Mayan tribes..."

Speaking of this, the Mayan nobleman Yan Hu looked solemn, looked at the end of his nose, raised his slender head, and used a sacred and solemn traditional posture to sing the same ancient inherited ballad in ancient Mayan language that was difficult to understand!

"The stars shine in the sky, and the ancient gods fall from the divine light. The light connects the sky... The first gods, guide the first descendants of gods, build towers that tower into the clouds! Where the seven stars gather

On the divine day, the gods left the tower, rose again from the divine light, and returned to the divine realm of bright stars... And in the end, only the ancient saints remained in the world!"

"The ancient saint never spoke, but the gods could hear his words. The voice came from the divine head and flowed into the minds of the gods, and the words turned into paintings... The ancient saint never gave birth to children, and all the gods

But their descendants all know that it is the origin of their divinity, the true father of all tribes!...It was the beginning of the golden age. The ancient sages knew all the mysteries of the world, and even knew the gods and galaxies in the sky!..."

"O ancient saint, He spent a long time, leaving behind the mysteries of the gods and stars, and ushered in the golden age of stargazing! ... He died under the sacred tree of kapok, and his body merged into the trunk of the tree, shining with majestic light.

The light...that light shone for four hundred rainy seasons before dissipating at the end of the Second Era, and the stars also fell...In the end, the ancient saint only left his immortal skull, always looking up at the starry sky!..."

"The immortal skull! It is the source of all sacredness, connecting the heads of all gods... It is the original origin of the river, flowing out endless tributaries... The ancient gods have long gone away with their divinity, and the sun will be here

It will take 20,000 rainy seasons to return to the gathering of the seven stars, allowing the divine world and the human world to reunite again... The gods have long gone, only the skulls of the ancient saints, and only the divinity of the ancient saints will remain!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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