Chapter 1,195 The beginning of 1493 AD, the crying and singing on the return journey!

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"Pedro, are you ready?..."

"God bless you! Boss, the natives helped us and prepared food for thirty people for two months! The fresh water on the ship can last for about one and a half months. We can replenish more when it rains. According to the time we arrived, one

The supplies will definitely be enough for more than a month. The wind is also blowing from the northwest, which is relatively favorable... By the way! The sails and hull have been repaired long ago, and the sailors have also prepared some spare boards... Everyone

With high morale, you can raise the sails and sail the ship at any time!…”

“Very good! It’s really blessed by the Holy Mother!…”

The sea and sky are bright, the sky is high and the clouds are wide. Clark's sailing ship Santa Maria is anchored in the natural deep harbor on the south coast of the island, and its sails have been hung up. This later "Nassau" port was named by De La Cosa

"Redemption Port" prays for God's salvation and also represents the new life of the fleet.

“What a beautiful sunny day! Reminds me of spring in Valencia!”

At this moment, Captain De La Cosa climbed out of the dark and dull cabin and took a deep breath. He stood under the clear Caribbean sky, blowing the warm breeze of January, with a happy smile on his face. And the pilot

Officer Pedro looked slightly sideways and noticed that in the palm of De La Cosa's hand, he was holding a roll of delicate parchment, and he could vaguely see the dense small characters inside, which seemed to be the handwriting of Columbus.

"Boss, Columbus, he... obeyed?..."

"Haha! With the knife on his neck, this stubborn donkey finally recognizes him!"

De La Cosa smiled slightly and stuffed the parchment into the pocket of the captain's uniform. With this "confession" document, he was not afraid that Columbus would lie in front of the Queen. Then he smiled and stretched out his palm and patted it affectionately.

He patted Pedro on the shoulder and made a clear promise.

"Pedro, you are very good! Follow me, next time you go to sea... you can be the deputy captain and share one-tenth of the loot!..."

"Ah! Thank you! Dear Commander Captain Dracosa!..."

Hearing this, Pedro was overjoyed, knelt down on one knee, and imitated the manner of a knight's attendant, bowing his head and saluting. Seeing this nondescript etiquette, Dracosa smiled a little. He chuckled lightly and asked again.

"The Lord testifies! The tobacco leaves smoked by the natives have a very wonderful aroma! The nobles of the kingdom will be fascinated! And this wonderful plant can also heal wounds. It is really a wonderful treasure given by the Lord! ... Pedro

, have you collected all the tobacco and seeds I want?..."

"Okay! Boss, it's in your captain's cabin! There is a big bag of tobacco and a small bag of seeds, which were only exchanged for a handful of glass beads!..."

"Well, that's right! The Queen and the Archbishop will definitely like these mysterious gifts from the 'East'!"

De La Cosa nodded again, placing high hopes on pleasing the nobles of the kingdom for this bag of "Oriental" tobacco that crossed the ocean! As for the white root that the natives eat, he heard that it is poisonous and easy to spoil, and he did not know the specific yield, but

Didn't pay much attention.

"Very good! Everything is in order! Only the last thing missing...the hard-working sailors on the ship are also proof of arriving in the East!..."

De La Cosa's smile did not change. He looked at the Taíno natives on the shore who were watching the big boat and shouting happily. He even waved "friendly" to the old village chief. Then, he tilted his head with a faint smile and ordered Pedro:


"Go! There are too few sailors on the ship and cannot withstand the wear and tear of the sea. Bring eight natives on board! They must be young, smart, and strong men who can do the most tiring hard labor on the ship and still come back alive to serve

The gentlemen of the kingdom can see that it proves that we have really arrived in the 'East'! And if we get lost and run out of food, there are many guarantees..."

"Ah? Capturing natives on the ship and becoming the most tiring and easy-to-die hard-working sailor? This..."

The navigator Pedro was startled. He glanced at De La Cosa, whose expression remained unchanged and was still smiling. He shuddered slightly in his heart. These natives were so friendly to the fleet, almost heartbroken. Before leaving, they returned

We want to kidnap their young men...forget it, they are just ignorant natives, or even pagans who worship false gods. They are already guilty!...

Thinking of this, Pedro immediately answered. He said nothing more, just nodded vigorously, and jumped onto the boat with two "kind" sailors...

"Ah, white-skinned brothers Guaitang... you want to invite us on board the big ship to see something beautiful?..."

"God bless you! Come on! Come on the big ship! Follow me... I have good things for you! They are very beautiful!..."

The smart Sushu was a little confused and couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart. He followed the white-skinned sailor who was gesturing and smiling, and climbed up the rope ladder of the ship... The complex sailing ship he had never seen before instantly filled his sight. He opened his eyes wide

With dark brown eyes, he looked at the mast as high as a big tree, the ropes connected like branches, and the hull that could fit many huts, and he couldn't help but shout in surprise.

"Ah! A tree boat! What a big tree boat!..."

"God of cassava! The white-skinned tribe actually has such a big tree to make such a big canoe!..."

"Eh? What gift does the white-skinned tribe want to give us? What are you looking at?..."


Pedro raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Dracosa on the bow of the boat. Dracosa smiled approvingly. The pilot was very flexible and did not rush to do anything. Instead, he tricked the natives into boarding the ship first.

"God bless you! I, Dracosa, guided by the merciful Lord, lead you back home... I declare that I will sail back now!..."

"God bless! Let's sail back!..."

Eighteen Castilian sailors responded in unison, furling the heavy anchor and fully deploying the sail. Soon, the huge Clark sailed away from the port and turned eastward, getting faster and faster.

Come faster and faster!

"Ah!! Ancestor?! This is?..."

"O Goddess of the Sea! The white-skinned tribe's tree boat has moved and is heading for the deep sea! Ah! The village, the village is getting further and further away!..."

"No! No! Quick, let us down!... Please, let us go back!... Wuwuwu!..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! At this moment, the ominous premonition was completely verified in the smart Sushu's heart. He was the first to react and ran to the side of the ship in panic, wanting to jump into the sea and return.

Village, but was kicked down by Pedro.

"Hey! Once on the ship, you are a working sailor! Still want to escape?...If you escape, I will cut off your hand!..."

The panicked screams of the natives soon sounded on the sailboat, and then turned into cries of fear and despair amid the fierce curses of the Castilian sailors before the approaching scimitars!

Seeing this scene from a distance and hearing the cries of the tribesmen, the old Taino village chief on the shore was stunned. His old face turned pale for a moment, and he felt dizzy and almost unsteady on his feet.

"Ancestors! These white-skinned tribes? These white-skinned tribes! They drove their boats and took the people away! They took them away!..."

"Ah! Why? Why is this happening! Why do they do this to us?! Why!!..."

"I entertained them with delicious food and drinks, and we obviously smoked the ancestor's sacred smoke together! I also worked hard to save their leader and gave them all the dry food in the village... Ancestor! What on earth is going on?

Which brother tribe of the archipelago is this?... No! This is not a brother tribe, this is an evil demon, a white-skinned evil demon!... Wuwu!..."

Looking at the big ship that kidnapped the young man, sailed away, and quickly disappeared in the eastern sky, the old Taino village chief could no longer stand, and felt that his heart was filled with regret. He fell to the ground with a "pop"

, plunged headlong into the soil, cried heartbreakingly, and burst into tears!

"Woo!...Sichuan! My grandson! My grandson!...It's's me who hurt you!..."

However, in just two moments, the happy farewell of friends by the Taino people on the island turned into a painful separation of life and death! And amidst the distant cries of the Taino people, De La Cosa on the bow did not change his expression.

Look at the eastern sky and pray devoutly in the direction of God’s world.

"Attamen ipse est scutum meum et salus mea fortitudo mea non movebor amplius…"

"My heart is silent, waiting for God; my salvation comes from him...from the east!..."

“And all my sins are for the glory of the Lord, and I will be forgiven and saved by the merciful Lord!…”

The ship was heading east, and the sea breeze was strong. The cries and lamentations of the Taíno people were accompanied by the prayers of De La Cosa in Latin, and even the joy and singing of the Castilian sailors in Spanish!

They sang sailor songs, imagined their warm and peaceful hometown, and longed for the glorious reward of discovering a new sea route. They stepped on the past and present, and on the endless corpses of natives in the future, but their eyes were full of the hope of a better life!

"There are bright seven-color clouds floating in the sky, and the beloved girl is leaning against me... My dear, I would like to go to the ocean with you, flying freely on the sea like a dove... Oh! Our sails, ride the wind and waves together!... yo

!You love me like a beautiful dove!…”

"Oh oh oh oh! You love me like a beautiful dove!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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