Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty-Two: Eat some novelty things, plant some novelty things

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It was dark and I went to bed early, and in the morning I spent time tending the fields. Farming was really tiring, and I cried just talking about it. At dawn, Chihuaco, a lifelong farmer, opened his eyes and climbed up from the bed of hay. As soon as he climbed up

When he got up, he frowned, his face twitched, and he couldn't help but cover half of his teeth, crying in pain.

"Lord God, my teeth! I'm really suffering! I shouldn't have been greedy for that mouthful of rabbit hurts!..."

Chihuaco grimaced, rinsed his mouth with water, and pulled out two cold pancakes from the clay pot. But as soon as he took a bite, he screamed in pain.

"Hiss! My dad!..."

"Oops? Old Qitou, what did you just call me?..."

The cedar shaman smiled and walked in from outside the wooden house, holding the pine stick. He was still chewing something in his mouth as he walked, and he had obviously been up for a while.

"...I call you Sun!...Hiss! Ah! It hurts so much!..."

Chihuaco grimaced and cursed angrily. The dry biscuit was too hard, and half of his face hurt so much that he couldn't chew it. He had no choice but to take out the flint and light a small pile of old firewood.

Throwing the cake into the pot and boiling it, I groaned with pain in my mouth.

"Hey! It turns out it's a toothache? I told you why you have a grimace on your face and it hurts like an old monkey... It really hurts? Haha! Don't scold me. If you open your mouth to scold me, it will hurt even more!..."

The cedar shaman looked up for a while, saw some features, smiled and joked a few words. Then he smiled again and took out a deerskin bag from his pocket. After digging for a while, he pulled out a piece of tree.

Here comes the bark, a few pieces of dried flowers, and a few leaves.

"Old corn, here you go! Chew it!"

"What?...What is this?!...Hiss!"

"Good stuff. It can cure toothache!"


"Why did you lie to me? If you don't want it, I'll take it back..."


Chihuaco stared, covered his teeth, took the bark, dried flowers and leaves of herbs, threw them into his mouth and chewed them. Not to mention, after just chewing for a while, his old face relaxed, and his teeth

The pain also subsided.

"Lord God! It does work, it's really magical... What did you give me to eat?..."

"The bark is willow bark, the dried flowers are Coptis chinensis, and the leaves are guava leaves. They are all herbs used to relieve pain and stop bleeding! Hmm...does it still hurt? Let me think about it, I need to use something powerful..."

The cedar shaman smiled and dug into the magical deerskin bag again, took out a handful of fresh grass leaves, and then threw them into the soup where the dry biscuits were boiled.

"It's boring to eat cakes! I'll give you something more exciting!..."

"Uh! What is this?..."

When this handful of fresh grass leaves were put into the pot, a faint fragrance of grass soon floated in the wooden house. Chihuaco just sniffed, his brows slightly relaxed, but his face showed vigilance.

"Old Mumu, did you get the priest's weird herbal medicine?..."

"Ha! No. This is sage, which is used by shamans of northern tribes. It is also a good thing for relieving pain and bleeding, and eliminating evil in the body. But according to the way shamans use it, it is in a small shed.

Fumigating with grass and communicating with the great spirit... I picked these sages on the edge of the big lake. They are fresh! However, the sage in the south is obviously stronger than the one in the north. Just boil it a little, but too much will suffice.

When I feel confused and sleepy, I sometimes see ancestral spirits..."

"For shamans?...It doesn't sound like serious stuff..."

"If you are not afraid of toothache, don't eat..."


The sun rose and the two of them finished eating soup cakes. Chihuaco's teeth finally stopped hurting and he was in a very happy mood. This herb is similar to the fungus from Yunnan. It has a strong pain-relieving and calming effect. It is a must-have for priests and shamans in North America.


After a brief tidying up, the old militiaman put out the fire, picked up a bamboo basket, packed a few farm work tools, and walked outside.

"Old Corn, where are you going? The shipyard?..."

"No, go farm! Lao Jin can't come so early today, his wife is very powerful!..."

"Farming? What can you grow in this season?..."

"It's a novel thing! The new crops brought by the Liangtang tribe and the Sun tribe..."

"Huh? New crops from the west? I'll go take a look too!..."

The two of them walked in tandem, without wearing shoes, and walked barefoot in the grass at a very fast speed. When the grass came to the end, the wooden houses of the shipyard turned into small dots, and then they saw a patch of hills and a small river.

, and a field by the river.

Two kingdom warriors squatted under the trees on the hill, carrying bows, arrows, axes and spears with them. They raised their bows and arrows vigilantly, and when they saw the old militiaman Chihuaco coming, they relaxed and gave him a friendly blow.

Say hello.

"Praise the Lord! Captain Qi, you are here so early! Who is this?..."

"Praise the Lord God! I came to take a look at the fields. I heard that they are about to be planted. He is a cedar shaman, a priest of the Divine Power University in the royal capital..."

"Ah! Greetings to you! Dear Priest!..."

“Praise the Lord God! May the Lord God protect us!…”

Upon hearing the identity of the Cedar priest, the two guarding warriors lowered their heads and saluted respectfully to the priest from the royal capital. The Cedar Shaman blinked and smiled and prayed in return. Although his accent was a little strange, no matter his movements

Their postures are all that of priests of the main god.

"God bless you! Captain Qi, those tribes from the west have already planted in the small fields by the river yesterday. What kind of rice fields are they talking about? Why do they need to wait for the seedlings to emerge and transplant the rice... We don't understand this either, but there are two priest apprentices.

Look, it’s over there!… We have orders to stay here and not leave without permission. You and the priest can go there by yourself…”

"Okay! Let's go there right away. May the Lord God bless us!"

The cedar shaman touched his chin, glanced at the warriors on duty, and continued walking in with Chihuaco. The discipline of the kingdom's warriors was quite strict, obviously much stricter than the loose warriors of various tribes in North America.

The two of them walked for another half-quarter of an hour and saw three Korean sailors sowing rice, three Japanese warriors sowing millet, and two priest apprentices recording observations.

“Praise the Lord God!…”

Chiwako greeted everyone in a friendly manner. The peerless swimmer Ji Dou Murakami bowed his waist and saw for the first time another peerless swimmer who could compare with him, the Cedar Shaman from the Northern Continent.

The two top masters looked at each other from a distance, and both saw the sea aura surging around each other's body... Well, actually they didn't see anything.

"O Lord God! Greetings to you! Dear Priest!..."

"God bless you! Keep busy, I'm just taking a look..."

"Hi! Sir!..."

After 20,000 miles of training, Murakami Jitong has long since smoothed his edges. He bowed at almost 60 degrees and saluted the old shaman in priest attire. But until the old shaman waved his hands, he continued to lower his head and stood in the field.

Here we are busy with spring sowing.

Yes, it is spring sowing. The two large fields by the river are rice seedling fields next to the river. The seedling fields are surrounded by paddy fields prepared for transplanting rice seedlings, while the ones further away are dry fields of millet.

The latitude of Zi Cao County is between 18 and 19 degrees north latitude, which corresponds to East Asia, that is, Vinh City in the north-central part of Vietnam, Jiu Duc County in Soochow in the Three Kingdoms, and Duc Quang Prefecture in the Le Thanh Tong period of the Post-Le Dynasty. Such

In tropical latitudes, if the nutrients in the fields can keep up, rice can be planted in three seasons: spring, summer and autumn. The first season of spring sown rice is from February to May. As for millet, it can usually be planted in two seasons, that is, from February to May.

Spring sowing in June, and autumn sowing from June to October.

In fact, Central and South America have rainy and hot weather at the same time, especially the coastal areas near the sea from east to west, which are very suitable for planting rice. As a labor-intensive agriculture, rice cultivation can keep up with the nutrients and water and heat. Each mu of paddy field can harvest

Grain, especially the starch energy contained in these grains, is much higher than the corn that is mainly grown in the alliance, and is second only to cassava, the king of starch.

Compared with corn fields, rice fields produce more starch, and compared with cassava fields, rice is more durable and can be cooked much easier than cassava.

Therefore, for the alliance, the greatest value of rice is, on the one hand, to increase the production of grain in the lake area and support a larger population. On the other hand, fried rice is an excellent staple food for the march. It is easy to process, has a long storage time, and has low transportation loss.

As the main ration for the samurai army to go on an expedition!

As for the corn grown on dry land, its yield and adaptability are really not as good as sweet potatoes and potatoes grown on the same soil. For the Alliance, this vulnerable crop with overlapping ecological niches can only be used as a recreational food for nobles and priests.

Novel food.

Of course, in the current alliance, apart from Shulot, who is far away in the land of clouds, there are only a few seafaring priests, including the knowledgeable Mickey, who are truly aware of the value of these new crops. And they personally communicate with each person.

After an exchange with the prisoners, the only one who felt the characteristics of the new crops most keenly was Chihuaco, an old militiaman. He even went to the fields to participate in the paddy fields fenced by the river.

"God bless you! The seeds fall to the ground and they will grow quickly!"

Carrying a bamboo basket on his back, Chihuaco first sowed the best Vietnamese rice in the rice fields with several Liangtang tribesmen. Then, he went to the Japanese tribe and helped several low-ranking Japanese warriors.

He held his shoulders and carefully sowed some millet. After finishing this, he walked to the dry land further outside and stared at the two newly built bamboo sheds, as well as the soybeans and peas spread under the bamboo sheds. He looked carefully

After learning about the two new beans for a while, he turned his head and looked at Murakami Kitichi with confusion, the second best foreign language expert in the Japanese clan second only to Watanabe the monk.

"Village! What are you doing?..."

"Ah! Captain Qi...this is just showing off the beans!..."

Murakami Kidomi wiped his sweat and pushed back his shoulder-length hair. At the moment, he had lost all the marks of a samurai and had completely turned into a farmer in the fields.

"Drying beans?"

"Yes! With God's blessing, let's dry it for three days! Plant the beans after they are dry, and more seedlings will come out... The purpose of building this shed is to prevent rain, and to prevent the strong midday sun from shining on the beans.

To avoid hurting the skin..."

"Oh! That's it! These two kinds of yellow beans are very similar to black beans, but they are sun-dried longer... I just don't know, what do these two kinds of beans taste like, and how much can they produce?"

"Ah! The smell of soybeans?..."

Hearing this, Murakami Jitsu couldn't help but licked his mouth, swallowed his saliva, and then answered respectfully.

"Captain Qi, in my hometown, it takes half a year to harvest soybeans. But here it is warm and rains a lot, so it will probably take five months... When the beans are harvested, I will make soft and delicious tofu for you! And

Watanabe can make the temple’s delicious natto!… Oh, by the way! There is also oiled old tofu, which is as fragrant as meat!”

"Eh? Soft and delicious, the delicacy of the temple? As fragrant as meat?..."

Chihuaco tilted his ears and listened carefully to Murakami's stuttering and excited description, and his face slowly showed anticipation. The cedar shaman next to him also blinked, imagining this strange, strange delicacy that he had never heard of before.

.Gradually, all three of them smiled. It was a simple smile like a farmer, full of expectations and yearning for the future.

In the spring sunshine, the quiet beans lie under the bamboo shed, basking lazily in the sun. They sleep silently in the sun, half-opened smiles, growing up and maturing, continuing for many generations, and sowing seeds.

The dream of growing beans that fills the entire wilderness and turns it into delicious tofu~

This chapter has been completed!
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