Chapter 155 Longbow Militia

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As the sun goes to the west, it reflects the boundless magnificent sunset and emits golden light all over the sky, like a sacred flame igniting in the sky of the Kingdom of God.

Under the sky, in the camp among the mountains and forests, the accompanying priests quickly built a simple altar. They raised a blazing sacred fire in front of the altar, and then sang simple and lofty hymns, and the camp was enveloped in a mysterious atmosphere.

Shulot put on a gorgeous sacrificial robe and stood majestically on the altar. Through the flames in front of him, he looked at the tribal hunters kneeling in awe and chanted loudly.

"Praise be to my god Huitzilopochtli! ...Offer sacrifices to Him!"

After hearing His Highness's decree, Toltec took out a captured wild deer and respectfully walked to the altar. He knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, and pressed the wild deer on the altar with both hands.

The priest held down the wild deer's head and placed a large pottery basin under its slender neck.

Only then did Shulot take out the obsidian dagger he had sacrificed, and prayed loudly with a solemn expression. Then, his voice suddenly stopped, and his movements suddenly became fierce. The sacrificial dagger slashed across the neck of the wild deer, breaking

Opening the soft barrier, the warm life flowed out and poured into the pottery basin. The wild deer struggled fiercely for a few moments, and was tightly controlled by the strong Toltec, and soon became motionless.

Shulot stood up and continued to chant, calling for the coming of the Lord God. The warriors and priests were carrying out the next processing. Soon, the intact wild deer was thrown into the hot bonfire, and the smell of burning flesh and blood quickly filled the air.

Then, the aroma of barbecue turned to a pungent burn. The blood in the pottery basin was mixed into blood wine, poured into rows of pottery cups, placed next to the holy fire, and warmed by the hot flames.

Looking at the awed and obedient faces in the audience, Shulot nodded with satisfaction. This was a burnt offering without leaving any meat. The complete sacrifice was presented to the Lord God through the flames, and the burning "fragrance" was used to praise the sacrifice.

This kind of sacrifice is widely used in the sacrifices of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. In the early stage, humans were sacrificed, and in the later stage, cattle were sacrificed. In the teachings of cross religions, this is the best sacrifice, and sheep or goats are often used as sacrifices.

Birds are sacrificed.

Shulot has always been promoting religious reform. When he can make the decision, he will use animal sacrifices to replace the common human sacrifices.

The young priest no longer thought about it. He chanted the next link loudly.

"Praise be to my god Huitzilopochtli! ...Send all your body, mind and soul to Him!"

This is the moment of swearing allegiance. The priests sprinkle sulfur powder into the bright yellow holy fire. The flame suddenly turns blue, and the pungent breath blows on the face, as if it is connected to another world.

With uncontrollable fear, the tribal leaders were urged to the altar by the warriors. Facing the burning holy fire, they knelt down in front of the priests and lowered their heads deeply. Then, the priests shaved them mercilessly.

He threw the long hair that had been cultivated for many years into the fire. The flames rose high, and the black smoke brought the souls of the converts into the kingdom of God and handed them over to the hands of the Lord God.

Shulot announced solemnly and solemnly.

"The Lord God is supreme and omnipotent... He is always watching you, giving you light, food and offspring. He controls your souls and determines your destination after death, whether you go to the Kingdom of God or the abyss of the earth...

.From now on, you become believers of the Lord God and also become His warriors, fighting to spread the glory of the Lord God!”

After promising the present world and the hereafter, Shulot took out more than twenty sun talisman necklaces and put them on the tribal leaders one by one. This was a reward for their loyalty and a sustenance for their conversion. Afterwards, the leaders drank it all in gulps.

Deer blood wine, and then firmly grasped the front end of the silver necklace, the pure gold sun hummingbird. Feeling the talisman in their hands, under the guidance of the priest, they knelt down to praise the Lord God and chanted His name repeatedly.

In the lofty ceremony and mysterious atmosphere, the hunters came forward one after another, shaved off all their hair, drank the fishy blood wine, knelt down together, and prayed to the Lord God. They changed their bodies and kept their hair cut from then on.

, to prove their piety and slightly increase their agility in action. They were infused with faith, converted to the main god from then on, and used religious concepts to maintain their loyalty to the alliance.

Shulot represented the gods and stood majestically on the altar until the end of the allegiance ceremony. He looked at the bald hunters in the audience, then looked at the new long bow made of Japanese bows, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"They should be given another cotton robe and a long scarf to wrap their heads." The young man thought of the classic monk soldier style, smiled softly in his heart, and nodded solemnly.

When the long ceremony ended, the sunset had fallen to the earth, and the sky was filled with stars. In the school grounds, more bonfires were set up, and the aroma of food began to fill the air. This was the beginning of the night banquet.

Beside the bonfire in the center, Shulot put on a relaxed warrior robe, and, surrounded by his followers, drank and ate meat happily. After drinking half the wine, the newly converted tribal leaders came respectfully and joined hands. They wanted to pay homage to the bonfire.

The noble and sacred "big chief" performed a dance.

Shulot readily agreed. He sat cross-legged in the middle and accepted the gifts from everyone. Thousands of tribesmen sang ancient mountain songs together, praising heroes and ancestors, and the desolate voices floated into the distance. The elderly hunter blew

The bamboo flute and the bone xun are played, and the sound of the flute is melodious and the sound of the xun is simple and simple, accompanying each other like the sounds of nature.

Then, the leaders in feather crowns and costumes appeared on the stage. They alternately stepped, shook the bells on their hands and feet, waved the wooden sticks with holes, and whistled low like the wind. They danced for several moments, and from time to time, one of the leaders came up respectfully.

He knelt on his knees in front of His Highness, holding up in his hands the venison, bird meat, rabbit meat, wild geese, and even the black vulture that symbolized death.

Hulot smiled and nodded one by one. He signaled to Bertard that it was okay, and then took the food with his own hands, taking a symbolic bite of each item. Whenever he tasted a gift, a group of tribesmen cheered in unison.

, danced. When all the gifts were finished, the camp was filled with joy and shouting.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Great Chief! Great Chief! Great Chief!..."

Shulot carefully identified the dialects of these tribes, and then laughed. He waved his hand, and the warriors surrounding him also stood up. They sang poems about flowers and death, beat low war drums, and blew heavy

Conch horn, present the warrior's war dance to Your Highness!

The exciting dance echoed the thunderous music, and the cheers and cheers were accompanied by the loudly sung poems. It was like a smooth drink, making Shulot feel extremely relaxed and refreshing! He drank the tequila in his hand and forgot about the capital city.

All the troubles, recalling the banquets that we had before and now, laughing and singing loudly.

No one could hear His Highness's song clearly, even the samurai commander who had been with him for many years could only guess. He felt the young man's pride and looked at his flying spirit, but from that unbridled joy, he tasted the hidden meaning.

Miss you.

Unknowingly, the night gradually deepened. The bright moon rose to the top of the sky amidst the singing, and then floated silently to the west. The moonlight gradually faded away, illuminating the gradually extinguishing bonfires on the ground, taking away distant dreams.

When the first ray of dawn illuminates the sky, the rhythm of the body wakes up Shulot from the hangover on time.

In the largest wooden house, the young man opened his eyes suddenly. He looked at the faint dawn, pressed his forehead hard, and moaned softly, feeling a little reluctant for a moment.

"When I came back from my dream last night, my clothes were filled with the fragrance of flowers. My motherland was only in my old dream~~"

The next two days were still busy. After the ceremony and banquet, the loyalty of the tribal hunters was finally maintained at an acceptable level, and slowly improved with the teachings of the accompanying priests.

Shulot personally presided over the subsequent training. The training of the longbow hunters was not complicated. In terms of martial arts, they only needed to practice bows and arrows repeatedly, and practice the daggers they carried when loosening the string of the bow.

In terms of tactics, as militiamen, they do not need to practice formations, as long as they can understand the orders of drums and conch sounds, and understand the flags indicating the direction of attack. Specific to the battalion, they only need to practice according to tribes.

Gather, disperse, attack, retreat, extend the wings, shoot at fixed points...such simple and effective tactical actions.

Xiulote stayed for another two days. Under his supervision, more than two thousand Tlaxcala bows were finally shipped from the armory, and the tribal hunters were initially redressed. There were also seven or eight hundred new longbows.

, priority is given to equipping veteran hunters with superb bow skills. The remaining longbows are still being mobilized. Of course, this costly military weapon must be repeatedly put under pressure by His Highness before the armory will be reluctant to deliver it.

During his spare time during training, Shulot would always summon the officers in the camp and tell them his understanding of the longbow militia. It wasn’t until the April sun shone on the earth and there was more moisture in the air that he summoned the officers.

Ertek, gave the final warning.

"Toltec, my black wolf. The battlefield positioning of the longbow militia is to provide continuous and powerful assistance, and to carry out effective shooting when occupying a powerful position. Their most important ability is mobility, and they must outrun all warriors.


Longbow militiamen should avoid all forms of close combat and always keep a distance from the enemy. Before the battle, they should go out to harass, move quickly when the war is fierce, and look for opportunities to shoot from the flank. The most important of these is to maintain retreat when being pursued.

Orderly! You need to use warriors to practice pursuit and retreat with them.

Outside of fierce battles, mountain people can be active in the mountains and forests, taking advantage of the range of their bows and arrows to continuously attack enemy camps and food routes...just like what the Otomi militia once did!"

Toltec nodded seriously. He took out a pen and paper, drew moving figures on it, and then wrote down one, two, three, and four.

Shulot took the young warrior's notebook, looked through the records of the previous pictures, and nodded with relief and helplessness. He pressed Toltec's shoulders again.

"Toltec, when I go to war at the end of the month, I will take away all the longbow warriors, but I will give you a group of warrior guards as the core force to control the longbow militia... I have never worried about your outstanding bravery, nor

I believe in your flexible wisdom. However, I have placed higher expectations on you. To be an excellent commander, you need to learn more! There is no one else here, and I want to issue new military orders to you.

There are still 180 days until October. You must remember three words every day. When you lead the Longbow Militia and see me again, you must master at least 500 words! If you cannot complete this task, Xi

During the campaign, you will hand over the militia to the adjutant and come to my camp every day to write!"

Toltec's confident and high-spirited face suddenly became bitter. He thought for a while and tried to argue.

"Your Highness, you can't do that! I remember three words every day and forget two the next day. In fact, there is only one every day..."

Shulot had strode out of the camp, leaving a solemn order in the wind.

"Then remember five words every day!"

Bertard smiled slightly, patted Toltec on the shoulder, and then left with a smile.

Shulot said goodbye to his adoring followers and left the camp in the mountain. He had no time to visit the scenery of the sacred mountain, but quickly headed to the busy Lake Texcoco.

Although he did not return for a month, he always maintained close contact with the capital. The high priests sent priests to accompany the army, and the envoys from the Apocalypse reported the latest progress from time to time. Avit also sent people to inquire about the new army and

New weapons. The Mexican war machine continues to operate, and important spring plowing is also being prepared.

Shulot was lightly dressed and running along with the escorting warriors. He had received the latest report that there was new progress in the gunpowder weapons on Tianhuo Island. Not long after, the young man was boating on Lake Texcoco.

Bypassing the magnificent capital city in the lake, we arrived at Tianhuo Island on the south side of the lake.

Seeing His Highness's flag from a distance, Esco had been waiting on the pier for a long time. He saluted respectfully, and then, under His Highness's inquiry, reported the latest soil salt inventory. Xiulote calculated in his mind what could be produced

The amount of gunpowder, nodding slightly satisfied.

Next, Esco announced to His Highness respectfully and contentedly.

"Your Highness, Tianhuo Island's soil saltpeter production has reached two hundred kilograms per day! With the reduction of saltpeter collection and the abundance of salt workers, the soil saltpeter production will further increase!"

Shulot looked at the twenty or thirty new heads on the fence not far away, and nodded slowly and calmly. April has arrived, the climate has become warmer, and the rainy season is about to come. The collection of salty soil from the saline-alkali land has become difficult.

It will stop completely soon.

"Esco, you did a great job! Again, the boiled saltpeter should be sealed and canned, and stored separately. Be careful when handling it... How long can the remaining saltpeter be consumed?

Has there been any progress in the development of nitrate?"

Esco replied with a smile.

"Your Highness, don't worry, the stored saltpeter is piling up like a mountain! According to the current consumption rate, it can be maintained until the cold season at the end of the year. Then the saltpeter can be collected again."

Then, Esco paused slightly and spoke in a low voice.

"As for the development of urine salt... I will double the supervision of the salt worker leader Moreno, and also add this task to other salt worker teams!"

Shulot took one look at Esko's fierce expression and ordered in a deep voice.

"Okay. Esco, you decide what's right, I just want the results!"

After saying that, Hulot patted Esco's shoulder affectionately. He thought for a moment, then took out the sun necklace with a pure gold amulet, put it on the excited saltwater steward with his own hands, and then whispered.

"The salt workers need devout faith to maintain their enthusiasm for work. I will send several priests to stay here permanently, and they will further control the salt workers."

After giving the instructions, Shulot kept a serious look on his face. He turned around and looked at Talea, who was waiting quietly with spring water in her eyes, and slowly approached majestically. Then, looking at the expectant look on the potter girl's face, he

After hesitating for a moment, he finally smiled.

This chapter has been completed!
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