Chapter 192: Discussion and Army Reorganization (Part 2)

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The red sandalwood burns slowly in the white jade furnace. It shines with bright star points, raises a light smoke, and exudes a mellow woody fragrance. The soft fragrance lingers in the big tent, refreshing the heart and mind. Generals

Then everyone stood silently, waiting for His Highness's decision.

In the pure fragrance, Xiulote watched quietly and touched it gently. The warm sandalwood was even in color and delicate in texture, carved into a graceful hummingbird; while the cool jade furnace was crystal clear, smooth and bright, and polished into pure

The sun. The hummingbird of the sun burns blazingly, emitting light, heat and fragrance, changing the surrounding environment. This is just like the Mexica Legion, using the light of faith, the enthusiasm of conquest, and the blood of fighting to reshape the Micancho continent

District everything!

Shulot thought for a long time, until the curtain of the big tent was opened again, and a refreshing breeze blew in. The black wolf Toltec strode in with high morale, and then knelt down on one knee with a bang.

"Your Highness, your black wolf, Toltec is the king of the pack!"

Looking at the energetic Toltec, Shulot smiled. He stretched out his hand to pull up the "Black Wolf" and asked with a smile.

"Toltec, have you done everything I asked you to do?"

"Of course! Your Highness, I dragged that gutless rat fish, waved his marshal's flag, and paraded around the newly surrendered Tekos militia! Seeing the seemingly surrendered Northern Marshal, the Tekos surrendered soldiers were shocked

Inexplicably, his expression changes, and he will definitely be much easier to discipline later!"

Toltec laughed loudly, with disdain for the Russians.

Hearing this, Shulot laughed.

"Osipai neither wanted to die calmly nor surrendered readily. In the final analysis, he still couldn't let go of his spirit and couldn't bring down his face. In this case, he was fed with good food and drink and dragged to the public all the way.

!When the spirit in his heart has dissipated and the face has been disgraced, and he has a suitable reason, he will naturally surrender to the alliance!"

Toltec looked up at His Highness with some confusion.

"Your Highness, all the family warriors of the Russian faction died in the battle, and the fiefdom was conquered by the alliance. What's the use of spending so much effort to deal with such a cowardless rat fish?"

Shulot smiled and patted his beloved general on the shoulder.

"My black wolf, to conquer a country, you must use both war sticks and human hearts! You must use various methods to separate the entire enemy and solve them part by part. Just like a warrior who is good at fighting, and

Instead of facing multiple enemies grouped together at the same time, you have to run and jump to create opportunities to fight alone, and then easily knock down your opponents one by one!"

Having said this, Shulot looked around at his confidants in the tent, and saw that the person was just right, so he spoke again.

"You all come here and listen carefully! This is the lifelong experience of a certain marshal, who can both fight and govern. The first sentence, the first question in war, is who is our enemy? Who is our friend?

Among the Tarascos, those who hold power include the royal family, priests, big nobles, and small nobles; those who hold power include warriors, militiamen, and foreign mercenaries; those who are ruled include ordinary merchants, craftsmen, and civilians

, and even slaves in various places. These people are completely different existences! There are varying degrees of contradictions between and even within each class, and some contradictions even exceed the opposition to us!"

Shulot looked around, the teacher Orosh was thoughtful, the monkey Kuruka's eyes flashed, the veteran Etalik showed a clear face, only the black wolf Toltec was at a loss. The young commander noted down the performance, and again

Open your mouth.

"The army fought all the way. At the beginning, the Otomi people of Otopan, the royal family of Tarasco, priests, nobles, warriors, militiamen, and foreign mercenaries were all our enemies. And the merchants of Tarasco

, craftsmen, civilians, and slaves are all serving the enemy. However, as the army moves southward, the situation changes step by step! "

"After the alliance, the Otopans became our allies and sent troops to fight with us. After the battle on Lake Euriria, a small number of Tarasco warriors began to surrender, as did some of the militiamen. After the river mouth fortress was captured,

There were more militiamen who surrendered, as well as nobles who surrendered, and marshals who did not want to surrender openly. After conquering Huayamo Fortress, the foreign mercenaries surrendered to the alliance without much resistance. And between the two fortresses, there are hundreds of miles.

There are many surrendered villages and towns in the surrounding land."

"At this moment, a large number of Tarasco civilians and slaves have begun to appear on the land controlled by the alliance. I have ordered Ezpan to form the Tarasco Legion from the surrendered troops. In the future, Taras

The number of members of the Mexican Legion will gradually increase, and the training will gradually strengthen, and it will even surpass the current Mexican Legion!"

Hearing this, worry appeared on the faces of the generals, Orosh hesitated to speak, Kuruka's expression moved, and Etalik held the sun amulet around his neck. Well, Toltec continued to be confused.

Shulot smiled, then his expression became serious.

"Next, comes the second sentence. The changing situation is divided into different stages. At each stage, we focus on attacking the most stubborn groups, so that the more friends the better, and the fewer enemies the better!"

"In the first stage, we have to conquer the Royal Capital of Tarasco and eliminate the kingdom's political power in the lake area. At this time, the royal family and the great nobles of the Royal Capital of Tarasco are the enemies that must be eliminated! Due to the divine nature of the war,

The high-ranking priests of the Royal Capital Temple are also enemies who must be eliminated! And on the passage of the legion's march, on all the captured lands, all the powerful nobles are enemies that must be eliminated!

Outside the royal capital and the control area, the big nobles, small nobles, vassal tribes of Tekos, and even the warriors and militia of the royal capital are all objects of negotiation and compromise. We want them to remain neutral as much as possible, and even become

our friends.

Among them, the power of local nobles and nobles is the most powerful. Therefore, the alliance will promise the autonomy of the mountainous Wetamao State and recruit the small nobles of Sitacuaro State to surrender. Next, after repelling the reinforcements from the Chapala Lake area, I will

Send envoys to them and temporarily promise them autonomy and peace. As for Akambaro State in the east, if you can't find the opportunity to defeat it in one fell swoop, you can also send envoys and promise to preserve the fiefdoms of the nobility, big and small."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "At this moment, I take the Russian faction with me as an example of obedience, in order to divide these nobles, big and small, and give them a chance to surrender.

When the Russian faction officially surrenders, he will become the best communication channel to help the alliance recruit the Lords of Tarasco from all over the world!"

Hearing this, Toltec finally understood and slapped his thigh, laughing loudly.

"It turns out that His Highness wants to surrender all the Tarasco Rat Fish! But Your Highness, if all the timid Rat Fish surrender, where will the warriors get glorious military exploits and rich wealth?"

Shulot chuckled lightly, patted Black Wolf on the shoulder, and continued to speak.

"When the first stage is completed and the Kingdom of Tarasco is eliminated, we will enter the second stage. In this stage, on the one hand, we must control political and religious power, and on the other hand, we must control more land and manpower. Legion

It is necessary to wipe out the small nobles in the control area, transform all Tarasco priests, directly control the civilians everywhere, and at the same time wipe out the big nobles in neighboring areas! The new rule must go deep into the villages, no matter in the name of the alliance,

Or in the name of God!”

"At this stage, the pagan priests in the controlled area and the Tarascan nobles in the neighboring areas are enemies that must be eliminated! The warriors and militiamen who are willing to be loyal to the alliance, and the merchants and civilians from various places who obey the rule are our friends

, and we must try our best to turn them into our own people. We must establish a new ruling order, an open promotion path, and a centralized and powerful kingdom!"

Hearing this, Kuruca, who was born as a low-class commoner, flashed his eyes. He looked at the majestic His Highness and asked cautiously.

"Your Highness, what is the third stage?"

Shulot was stunned. He thought for a moment and said slowly.

“The third stage is to go deep into the control of villages, expand the area of ​​effective rule, conquer the Chapala Lake area, the mountainous Wetamo State, control the Colima State of the Tecos in the south, and influence the tribes of the Tecos in the north.

Then naturalize and clear out the Guamar dog descendants, and gradually accommodate the Otomi people in the north!"

"Then Your Highness, what is the fourth stage?"

Hearing Monkey's words, Shulot's eyes became profound. He thought of many, many things. There were alliances, nobles, commoners, slaves... there were the new worlds in the north and south that were not too far away, and the countries in the old world that were far away.

, or even the more distant and infinite future! After a while, he calmly shook his head.

"Monkey, you will see the fourth phase, that is our time!"

There was silence in the big tent again. The generals were digesting His Highness's new teachings and experiencing the ambition contained in them. Their hearts were also surging. After a while, the confident and fearless Toltec asked loudly.

"Your Highness, do you have a third sentence?"

Shulot thought for a moment and spoke slowly and thoughtfully.

"Yes! The third sentence is that contradictions are constantly changing, struggles will never stop, and enemies will always exist!"

Hearing this, Orosh and Etalik looked at each other, nodded with tacit understanding, and then separated their eyes.

The big tent fell into silence again, and the sandalwood burned quietly. The distant fragrance penetrated people's hearts, and with the flying thoughts, it spanned time and space until the changing future.

Soon, the tent door was opened again, and Barda, the deputy commander of the royal army, and Natalie, the commander of the Divine Blessing Army, arrived hand in hand. They knelt down on one knee one after another and saluted Xilot in turn.

"Your Highness, praise the king! The great alliance supports us. Under the command of the noble royal family, the alliance's legion has achieved a glorious victory!"

Barda was wearing the gorgeous costume of an eagle warrior, with a sincere expression of joy on his face. He made a fist with one hand, put it on his chest, and performed an ancient noble etiquette.

"Dear Chief Priest, praise the Lord God! The Supreme Lord God has blessed us. Under the leadership of the Holy Priest, the Lord God's army has achieved a glorious victory!"

Natalie was wearing the simple robe of the Divine Blessing Legion, with a solemn and calm expression. He held the sun amulet around his neck, faced the young priest, and prayed devoutly.

Shulot looked at the two group leaders who arrived last, and laughed heartily as he listened to their different but similar words. He opened his hands, held them up with his hands, and responded in the same way.

"Balda, I dedicate the glorious victory to the noble royal family, and the honor of battle to the immortal ancestors! The land and civilians of Tarasco are destined to become an indivisible component of the alliance!"

"Natali, I dedicate my glorious victory to the supreme Sun God and my noble sacrifice to the great God of War! The strange gods of Tarasco will be expelled, and this place will become a bright and sacred kingdom of God!"

The three of them laughed at the same time, with the pride of conquest in their laughter. Then, Barda and Natalie took two steps apart and stood on both sides of the generals.

The breeze blew in from outside the tent, and Shulot lowered his eyes slightly. He tasted the faded aroma, which was another taste and another attitude of loyalty.

Then, the young commander opened his eyes and looked at Toltec calmly.

"Hei Lang, what is the current status of your longbow militia?"

"Your Highness, apart from the more than 100 people recovering from injuries, the Longbow Militia still has 1,500 in number. They have already put on the captured cotton armor, have finished resting, and are ready to go out at any time! In addition, the longbows that were left behind have been collected.

It’s all right, we just need to recruit new soldiers to form an army again!”

Shulot nodded slightly. After water battles on the lake and siege shootings, the longbow militia suffered great losses. Their equipment has been upgraded to reduce casualties in shootings. These militiamen have accurate mid-range and short-range shooting skills and are good at

Squad action is very suitable for sniping or raiding guerrillas.

"The Longbow Militia continues to guard the Huayamo Fortress, waiting for the next order! Toltec, you select from the 3,000 Tekos tribesmen who surrendered. Follow the previous method, select 500 people who are good at shooting, and join

Among the longbow militia, we will continue to train quickly.

As for the remaining 2,500 people, including all the tribal leaders, they were handed over to Annatri, the captain of the navy on the shores of Lake Quetseo. She would lead half of the fleet back to transport food, so she was asked to take away these unworthy

The stable captives were given to the northern general Ocelot as a thank you for providing canine reinforcements.

In the important towns in the far north, these Tekos people who are far away from their homeland are more likely to be used for their own purposes. The army of the northern generals will need fresh blood that is easy to control, and so does my army! Let Anatri speak: If Austria

General Selor is willing, the exchange between the Chichimec dog descendants and the Tekos tribe can continue, and I will also provide funding for weapons!"

Toltec promised loudly. He repeated it silently in his mind, carefully understanding His Highness's arrangements.

Then, Shulot looked at Barda and smiled kindly.

"Barda, how many of the three thousand royal legions are left?"

Barda looked a little heavy and said loudly.

"Your Highness, the siege of Huayamo Fortress has lost hundreds of warriors. Of the three thousand legions I led, there are now less than two thousand left! The royal legions are the real elite. Please give them enough

Compassion and reward!”

Shulot nodded slowly.

"Okay. I will personally preside over the funeral of the war dead, and then give generous rewards to the wounded warriors! Barda, next, your legion will also be stationed on the spot in Huayamo. Guard the fortress and appease the morale of the army!"

The majestic eagle warrior lowered his head to accept the order. Shulot finally looked at Natalie of the Divine Blessing Legion.

"Natalie, how is the Divine Blessing Army doing now?"

Natalie nodded respectfully and never let go of the amulet in her hand.

"Praise the Lord God, He protects us! Your Highness, in this siege, the legion only blocked the outer perimeter. The morale of the warriors is high and has not been compromised. The Lord God is supreme, and the battle of God is great! God bless the two thousand warriors of the Legion, and I am willing to be the Lord God at any time.

Dedicate yourself!”

This chapter has been completed!
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