Chapter 255 The Autumn of 1484 AD - The Navigators Talk

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August 1484, the capital of the Kingdom of Portugal, the ancient and new City of Seven Hills, Lisbon.

In this era, Lisbon was an out-and-out European city. It was the capital of a kingdom of 1.5 million people, with more than 70,000 permanent residents and thousands of foreign business travelers. The ancient Sintra Palace is

Located on the Sintra Mountains in the north of the city, it is the real center of power of the kingdom, and it also houses an ambitious king in his prime.

In the south of the capital, a long and quiet river flows gently. This is the mother river of the Kingdom of Portugal, the Tejo River. The Tejo River originates from the central mountains of the Iberian Peninsula, and goes all the way west through the forest-filled mountains.

The mountain passes through the forests surrounding the pastures, and then flows through the border between the two kingdoms. It irrigates the seaside plains covered with farmland, nourishes the suburbs of the city dotted with orchards, and finally arrives at this prosperous coastal city, where

Into the Atlantic Ocean.

At the mouth of the Tejo River where it merges into the sea, there is a prosperous seaside commercial port. Merchant ships, warships, exploration ships, and hundreds of sailing ships are moored here, waiting; nobles, merchants, civilians, and bustling people are here.

There is traffic and trade here. If you look closely, you can see hundreds of strong slaves with dark skin, their heads lowered tamely, sweating profusely, unloading large quantities of goods.

Under the hot sunshine, Bruno wore a brand-new collared uniform, and led a few capable sailors with short daggers, and hurriedly came to the port.

Seeing his aristocratic attire, businessmen from various countries and local fishermen along the way stepped aside to avoid it. Only a few drunken sailors in short clothes staggered forward. The drunkards muttered unpleasant curses,

He extended his dirty, black hands to the well-dressed young nobleman.

Bruno frowned. He raised his right foot and kicked hard, knocking the leading drunkard to the ground. Then, several capable sailors behind him cursed and rushed forward. The capable sailors held their hands upside down.

He wielded a short knife and used the blunt handle to hit the drunkards' shoulders and backs fiercely, knocking them to the ground with a bang. Soon, the swear words turned into screams, and the screams turned into moans.


"Boss, these blind fools, I don't know which merchant ship they came off from, they are running around like wild dogs without an owner! Judging from their accents, they are definitely not locals in Lisbon. This time the devils from the south came from

Back from the land, too many lower-level sailors died, and they couldn't be replaced in a short time. The fleet will soon go south... Do we want to capture these idiots on our ship and use them as coolie sailors?


A capable young sailor came forward and asked coldly in a low voice.

Hearing this, Bruno hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

"Forget it. I just got married to my beloved wife under the witness of the Holy Mother... In addition, the royal director Sir Dias is also in the fleet. He will lead several scholars and missionaries to go south with us. Sir

I haven’t figured out their temper yet...just leave them a way out!”

Hearing this, the middle-aged sailor nodded obediently.

Traveling all the way, they had just returned by car from the far south town of Faro. The noble son Bruno had just married the widowed sister of the former boatswain Paul, and from then on he was considered one of the sailors. And because the noble son went deep into the indigenous kingdom,

After receiving the news about King John's kingdom, he was awarded the lowest knighthood by the royal family. Everyone then had some respect for him and recognized him as the leader.

"Bah! You are lucky, you saved a small life!"

The middle-aged sailor kicked the drunk man on the ground hard and spat contemptuously. In this era, being caught as the lowest coolie sailor on the ship and heading to the terrible black Africa in the south was tantamount to a death sentence.

After hearing what the two men said, another capable sailor took two steps closer and asked cautiously.

"Boss, what is the origin of this royal supervisor Sir Dias?"

"Ha, what's his background? He is a true noble, a royal knight as noble as the captain!"

Bruno smiled self-deprecatingly. This kind of true nobleman cannot be compared to him, the illegitimate son of a nobleman.

"Sir Diaz's father and grandfather were both nobles and were senior navigators who followed Prince Enrique. He himself was deeply trusted by the king. He was not only a noble royal knight, but also the supervisor of the royal warehouse. He was also a current


"Hey, boss, since you are the captain, why do you care about the lives of a few ordinary sailors!"

The middle-aged sailor smiled. He turned his head and glanced coldly at the drunken men still groaning on the ground, then turned back and asked.

"Fodesse! Such a noble person also wants to go south with us and adventure in a place full of devils?"

"Sir Dias will not go deep into the devil's land. He once participated in the conquest of the Gold Coast. This time he went south to support the newly built Elmina Fort on the seaside. After all, it is rich in gold."

Having said this, Bruno's eyes shone with fear and desire.

The last time, he narrowly escaped death and escaped from the devil's land. He also saw the devil's apostle in the world with his own eyes, and had nightmares for almost a month. However, the reward for this kind of adventure was also generous and amazing. He brought back

The gems, gold and ivory were sold at a good price in the Lisbon market. The money was not only enough for him to hold a decent noble wedding, but also allowed him to buy a noble manor with an orchard on the outskirts of the capital.

If he followed the life trajectory of an ordinary civilian, he would not be able to collect such a large sum of money even if he saved for three lifetimes. Not to mention that he was awarded a knighthood for his merits, and finally got rid of his status as an illegitimate child and became a real nobleman.


"Fodesse! Glittery gold, you are my cutest little baby! ...Head, this time I go south, I will make two more deals!"

"Well, that's natural! ... With such a long voyage, there's always a chance."

The group of people talked excitedly in low voices while walking to the south of the port, and soon came to an excellent deep-water berth. A dozen caravel sailing ships were lined up in a row, and the cross flag of the Kingdom was on the flagpole.

Flying high.

Bruno got on the boat and rowed all the way to the flagship at the front. When he boarded the boat, he saw several well-dressed dignitaries gathering together, communicating in a low voice with serious expressions. In the center of the crowd, there were two

The noble captain of the Royal Knights.

Bruno walked forward carefully, bowing his head and saluting from a distance.

"Dear Captain, honorable Sir Bartolomeu Dias! Noble knight Bruno Kang, greetings to the honorable royal knights!"

Upon hearing the greeting, Captain Diogo Kang turned around, revealing a gloomy and resolute face. Then, the gloom in his eyes dissipated slightly, revealing a gentle smile, and nodded slowly.

After wandering at sea for two years, Diogo returned to Lisbon in April this year and reported what he had learned about the voyage to the Sintra Palace. The establishment of Fort Elmina satisfied the palace, and the discovery of the Kingdom of Congo pleased the nobles.

They were quite surprised, and the exact news about Elder John’s kingdom shocked the entire kingdom!

King Joao II immediately summoned Captain Diogo and asked him carefully about what he had seen along the way. Then came the powerful Archbishop of Lisbon, Jorge da Costa. Soon, in just two weeks,

Diogo was awarded the title of Royal Knight, enjoyed a pension, and was given the family coat of arms!

"Bruno, come here."

Diogo Kang waved and looked at another royal knight with a smile.

"Dias, this is my nephew Bruno Kang. He went deep into the devil's land, met with the Congolese chief who yearned for the Lord, and bravely captured the Coptic Cross from the hands of the devil's apostle!"

"Oh? So brave! Ha, you are such a good man to my Avish!"

Dias laughed loudly and exclaimed in admiration. He was in his early thirties, in his prime, and had a naturally serious face. However, the court life in Lisbon in the past few years has polished his edges and made his smile amiable.

. He stretched out his hand and patted Bruno's shoulder affectionately.

"Ha, I've seen you! Four months ago, you went to the Brat Palace and submitted new plant samples to the naturalists, and received a large bounty."

Hearing the compliments from the captains, Bruno was a little embarrassed at first, and then flattered. He lowered his head and quickly saluted again.

Dias kept his smile unchanged and complimented him casually. Then he said seriously.

"After the respected archbishop repeatedly inspected the Coptic cross he brought back, he had already sent an envoy with great joy to report it to the Supreme Pope, Sixtus IV. The messenger of the palace's good news has also gone there with the king's letter.

The Holy See. The good news has been announced first, and the Pope’s edict will arrive soon, and subsequent exploration is imminent!”

"Diogo, this time the king ordered you to explore south in such a hurry because he has deep hopes for you and is also under pressure from the Holy See! The iris on the cape looks towards the end of the ocean. Please don't let down the king's trust!"

Hearing this, Diogo Kang lowered his head resolutely and bowed to the Brat Palace in the northeast.

"The Lord testifies that I, Diogo Kang, swear by my life! This time when I go south, I will definitely explore the edge of the ocean, trace the source of the river, and search for the traces of Elder John's country until the end of this life!"

The solemn vows echoed across the sea and sky, and the flagship fell silent. Then, the priest on the ship led everyone to pray together for a moment, and then the distinguished people resumed conversation again.

"Diaz, not long after I returned home, I heard that the powerful Ottomans were falling into civil strife and had stopped marching westward into the Balkan Peninsula... Is the task of finding the country of Elder John still so urgent?"

"Blessed Mother! Diogo, although the terrible Sultan Fatih has passed away under the punishment of the Lord, his attempt to send troops to invade the Italian peninsula four years ago caused the entire Holy See to fall into long-term shock and uneasiness


Before his death, Fatih Sultan left behind the barbaric inheritance law of brothers fighting. The current civil strife in the Ottoman Empire is only a limited struggle between two heirs, and most of the powerful pashas did not participate in it. And Sultan Bayezid

Having gained an absolute advantage, the civil strife will soon end, and the Ottomans' westward advance will continue...

The benevolent world of God is in danger under the threat of the Ottomans, and we urgently need our Eastern compatriots who believe in God to lead their armies to support us!”

Hearing this, Diogo looked heavy. He nodded slowly, as if he was carrying the weight of the entire God's world on his shoulders.

"However, the Ottomans in the eastern part of the Mediterranean are far away after all. The invasion of the Ottomans is also a major concern for Pope Francis of Rome and Emperor Frederick of the Holy Roman Empire. Dias, my old friend, human beings only need to worry about themselves.

Worry about things that are within your power.”

Dias looked at his old friend for a moment and then admonished with a smile.

"The great Prince Enrique once said to my grandfather: The future of us Portuguese lies at sea, we only need to consider three things!"

Hearing Prince Enrique's name, the deck became silent again, and everyone looked at him together.

"We are located in the westernmost part of the world of God, and are the iris clan on the seaside. Our first thing is to explore the sea! We continue to go deep into the sea, explore the unknown world, and find the unowned land!

Our land is small and the number of our ethnic groups is limited. We must try our best to avoid battles on land. Our second thing is to expand at sea! Try our best to control the islands in the sea, occupy the land along the coast, and expand our country."

Having said this, Dias paused. His expression became extremely serious and his voice became louder and louder.

"The Castilians have blocked our eastern space, and they have always been greedy for us. The last thing to do is to beware of the Castilians! The Portuguese must maintain their independence. The mountain people of Avish

, fishermen and farmers, we must unite together and always be wary of the Castilians!”

Upon hearing this, the Portuguese sailors on the ship cheered loudly and cursed the Castilians one after another. The nobles also agreed in low voices.

"Diaz, my friend. As an admirer of Prince Enrique, I cannot agree more with your words. However, I am still confused in my heart."

Diogo nodded deeply. He approached Diaz and asked cautiously in a voice that only two people could hear.

"You are the warehouse manager of the palace and deeply trusted by the king... What does the king think of the Kingdom of Castile, or today's Kingdom of Spain? Although the idea of ​​​​unifying Spain and Portugal is just a delusion of the Spanish,

It seems that there is no shortage of voices of approval in the kingdom's court..."

Hearing this, Diaz's eyes flashed. He took a few steps toward the bow of the ship, followed closely by Diogo, while the others were too smart to follow.

"Diogo, we all know that many of the kingdom's great nobles are not as strongly anti-Castilian as the people at the bottom. They collude with the Spanish court and don't care about the future of the Portuguese. They only care about their own

power position.

Fortunately, the Blessed Virgin Mary! Your respected Majesty João has the long-term vision of a black kite, the ambition of a lion, and the will and ability to match! His Majesty never wants to be inferior to others. On the contrary, for the Kingdom of Spain,

, he has further ambitions.

His Majesty’s only legitimate son, Prince Alfonso, had entered into a sacred marriage with Princess Isabel, the eldest daughter of the Spanish kings, as early as his childhood..."

Dias paused and remained silent. Diogo's expression changed and he nodded slowly. He changed the subject and continued.

"I hope everything goes as planned by Your Majesty. The Moors in the south of the peninsula have only the capital of Granada left, and the Spanish are about to win the final victory of reconquest. By that time, if there are no other major events to distract the Spanish,

The court of Valladolid will surely turn its greedy eyes on us.

When that happens, who can support us on land? The English? The French? Or the Moors across the channel?"

This chapter has been completed!
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