Chapter 282 The First Kingdom Military Reform

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Busy days always fly by, and it’s the beginning of February in the blink of an eye. Fresh new buds sprout from the ancient trees outside the Palace of Winds, welcoming the increasingly warm and brilliant sunshine. The north wind is gentle, and Qin Cong Can is full of pious people throughout the city.

Prayers. The people of the capital sang praises to the glory of the Lord God, as if they were still in the New Year's ceremony.

During the New Year Festival, all the generals gathered together, and many officers from various ministries were also in the capital. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shulot summoned all the trusted generals in turn, solicited the advice of many generals, and learned from some historical experiences. Finally, he

Put together a reform plan for the legion, summon the generals, and formally promulgate it in the kingdom!

The new legion reform plan includes two parts. The first is to standardize the military system: establish accurately graded military positions and clarify the establishment of troops at all levels. The second, more eye-catching, is the reorganization of the army: reorganize the kingdom's legions and determine the number of troops.

will's position.

Shulot has been involved in military affairs for many years and has thought a lot about the alliance's military system. This plan has been brewing in his mind for a long time. However, the reform of the army is of great importance and cannot be done lightly. He has waited until now, and the political situation of the kingdom has been roughly decided.

Only then will there be a suitable promotion opportunity.

The first part of the legion reform is to standardize the military system, which is generally based on the "52" system of military organization methods.

First of all, "Ten" is a number that can be counted with both hands. A group of 10 people is the smallest unit of the army, and a team leader is set up to manage it. Every ten people share a wheelbarrow with baggage. Two groups of 20 people form a small team.

Captain. This is the customary number of the alliance scout team, often represented by four slaps. Team leaders and team leaders are held by second- to fourth-level warriors and are the most basic non-commissioned officers.

Then, five squadrons form a 100-man squadron, with a centurion. Two squadrons form a 200-man brigade, with a 200-man squadron. 200 men are usually used as a standard tactical unit, which can effectively carry out assault, harassment, and encirclement.

Basic tactical tasks such as occupying... Centurions and two hundred captains usually correspond to fourth-level senior warriors and military nobles. They are the backbone of the kingdom's legion and the mid-level officers of the army.

From the hundred-man squadron upwards, each level of establishment has additional war priests and military medical officers, whose positions are similar to the adjutants of the same level. The war priests are responsible for daily prayers, pre-war mobilization, and post-war funerals. The responsibilities of the military medical officers are daily military duties.

Epidemic prevention, preparation of medicinal herbs, and post-war treatment of the wounded. Military medical officers are served by experienced warriors or priests who are familiar with herbal medicine.

Further up, five brigades are organized into 1,000-man battalions, and the battalion commander is the thousand-man battalion. The thousand-man battalion is the standard unit for regional garrison. According to the alliance tradition, the battalion commander of the thousand-man battalion corresponds to a senior military noble, or

A hereditary noble with relatively junior qualifications.

Each thousand-man battalion has different tendencies based on different equipment and soldiers, and can be roughly divided into two categories: close combat battalions and long-range battalions. Melee-based thousand-man battalions commonly use spears or war clubs from battle formations, and are generally required to be equipped with shields and

Equipped with a certain proportion of battle axes. The long-range thousand-man battalion will be equipped with longbows, large crossbows, or the more popular throwing guns. Also belonging to the battalion-level organization, there is also an artillery battalion that has not yet been formed.

Finally, 4-8 thousand-man battalions form a kingdom legion. The legion is the strategic unit of the kingdom, and the legion commander is the real responsible person. Among them, the legion of 4,000 people is called the small legion, and the 8,000-man Hikipili is called the small legion.

A full army. The commander of the army must at least have the title of hereditary noble. He is one of the most important figures in the kingdom's military affairs.

From groups of 10 people, squads of 20 people, squadrons of 100 people, brigades of 200 people, battalions of 1,000 people, to legions of 4,000-8,000 people, from the addition of priests and medics to the division of battalions of 1,000 people, the new military system has been clarified

It eliminated the traditional tribal organization and unified the number of troops at all levels, which helped to increase the general's control over the army.

In fact, the new military reform did not cause any controversy. When the king gave an order, the generals bowed and obeyed.

After standardizing the military system, the second part of the reform is the reorganization of the Kingdom's legions. The Mexica legion, the Tarasco army, and the tribal soldiers of each tribe must undergo dispersion and integration, and be unified on the same side.

Under the banner of the king.

The organization and size of the legion will directly affect the power and position of the generals. Only by relying on the supreme prestige of the king and the obedience of most warriors can the armies be effectively reorganized. After the news of the reorganization of the legion came out, it caused a lot of excitement

A game between the generals.

Shulot met with the generals one after another, summoned his cronies, and appeased officers at all levels. It was not until late February that the king established the specific organization of the army.

Before the reorganization, the kingdom's military armed forces were as high as 60,000 to 70,000. Among them, there were more than 14,000 of the direct Mexica legion, about 50,000 of the Tarasco troops stationed in the field, and two to three thousand scattered Tecos.

Tribal soldiers, Chichimec tribal soldiers.

More than half of the legions during the maximum mobilization of the Kingdom of Tarasco were successively inherited by the feudal kingdom in the lake. And for the total population of more than 600,000 in the three counties of the feudal kingdom, this level of soldier-civilian ratio will definitely not be maintained for a long time.

.Therefore, this reorganization of the legion is naturally also a downsizing of the army.

The light breeze swayed the torches, and the solemn hall was solemn. Only the rustling of armor could be heard. Shulot sat high on the throne, with the generals in front of him in darkness, all silent.

"King's order: The King's Guards Corps is established, with a total of 6,000 people. It has 2,500 bronze-armored soldiers, 1,500 crossbow guards, and 2,000 vanguard throwers. The leader of the corps is the Honorable Noble, Captain of the Holy Eagle Warrior, Bertard!"

Bertard's face was calm, and he came forward and knelt down to worship. With a solemn expression, Hulott gave him a scepter symbolizing the identity of the legion commander, as well as a brand-new commander's weapon, a Qin-style bronze sword.

"The Guards will hold high the royal flag of the Black Wolf. Hold my scepter and rule for me; hold my sword and kill the enemy for me!"

"Your Highness, I am willing to die for you."

Bertard bowed his head and saluted. His brief words contained great power.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Bertard, my warrior captain, you will personally lead the bronze-armored army and accompany me day and night. My safety is entrusted to you!"

"Your Highness, I will definitely die before you."

The samurai commander stated affirmatively.

Shulot nodded slightly and shook the warrior's hair.

Three months ago, the Guards Corps began to draw elites from various ministries, and it has now been formed. All 6,000 people in the regiment will be retired. These elite warriors will maintain high-intensity daily training and accept the religion of the priests.

Baptize and always be prepared for the holy war.

The core of the Bronze Armored Guards consists of 2,500 people, including 500 jaguar warriors wearing heavy armor and 2,000 longbow guards wearing medium armor. The Bronze Armored Guards will always accompany the king to protect the king's safety.

.Under the protection of the new bronze armor, the combat effectiveness of this elite pro-army will exceed that of any imperial guard in the world, and it is enough to deal with a sudden attack of ten thousand people.

"Fifty years of life are like a dream and an illusion... As a king, how important it is to do a good job of protecting him!"

A distant thought flashed through the king's mind. After a slight pause, he continued to solemnly promulgate the decree.

"The Guards Corps, 1,500 strong crossbow guards, is led by the hereditary noble, Eagle Warrior Barda!"

Barda had returned from the capital. After hearing the king's order, he bowed his head and came forward with a respectful expression, kneeling on one knee to salute. As the envoy of the Lake Kingdom, he had an obsidian necklace given by King Avite around his neck.

Glittering in the firelight.

The Crossbow Guards are temple guards who use crossbows. They belong to a devout religious legion capable of both long-range and melee combat. This elite crossbow battalion was originally led by the veteran Etalik. However, Etalik has gone to the southern Lithospermum.

The county was in charge, so Hulot asked Barda to take over this elite guard.

Barda has been following the king for a long time. He has never shown outstanding military talents, and he is just an ordinary warrior in terms of martial arts. However, he keeps to himself and has extremely deep qualifications, but he has managed to survive and occupy a place among the generals. Guards

The military rank is half a level higher than that of an ordinary legion. With his experience and qualifications, he is enough to command a small legion of four thousand people.

"The vanguard throws 2,000 men, led by the hereditary noble, the black wolf Toltec!"

Upon hearing the king's order, Black Wolf Toltec went up to the palace with a muffled voice and lowered his head to accept the order.

The Pioneer Throwing Battalion is actually a tribe of warriors who throw caltrops, selected from the Tekos and Chichimec tribesmen. These barbarian warriors wear light armor, hold short spears, are strong and agile, and are not afraid of death. They can

They run quickly on the battlefield, throwing explosive caltrops and javelins with bronze spearheads. Depending on the characteristics of the unit, they will be used for constantly moving raids or sieges with huge casualties.

Toltec was brave and courageous, and was the best candidate to command this barbarian army. However, Black Wolf himself was not satisfied with this position. He made great achievements in the Western Expedition, and his achievements were enough to command an army.

After thinking about it for a long time, Shulot decided to polish his favorite general's temperament and improve his abilities before using him in a big way. The king then placed Toltec in the Guards Corps and ordered the black wolf to be patient and follow Bertard.

, learn the strategy of commanding troops.

"King's order: Establish the Gyeonggi Corps, with a total of 8,000 people. Under its jurisdiction are 3,000 Mexican warriors, 2,000 sky warriors, 2,000 Qincongcan warriors, and 1,000 Qinganbat warrior battalions. The commander of the corps is a noble noble and a holy city warrior.

Long, Orosh!”

Orosh looked solemn and prostrated himself on the ground. Shulot also gave him a scepter and a bronze sword.

"The Gyeonggi Legion will hold high the flag of the Condor Legion. I will leave Orosh, the core of the feudal kingdom's hinterland, and the glorious royal capital to you!"

"Your Highness, as long as I am here, I will definitely take good care of my hometown in the capital!"

Orosh clenched his fist on his chest and patted his chest hard. Seeing this familiar action, Shulot smiled.

"Teacher Olosh, I am always at ease when you do things. You will personally lead the Mexica Warriors, and the Holy City Warriors will be included in it. I will prepare enough bows and arrows. Train the warriors well, so that

They all master basic archery skills to reduce casualties during war...Teacher, I can only feel at ease if I leave the capital to you!"

The king smiled and whispered a few words before solemnly giving the order again.

"There are 2,000 sky warriors, led by Horta, the hereditary nobleman of the Sky Family! There are 2,000 Qin Congcan warriors, led by Puap, the hereditary nobleman and the head of the Gray Earth Family! There are 1,000 Qinganbat Warrior Battalion, led by military nobles, industrial and mining

Director, Commander Necali!"

The three of them stepped forward to accept the order at the same time. Horta looked respectful, and Puap was beaming with joy. Necali suppressed his inner excitement, glanced at the king above, and then at the generals around him. After more than ten years in the army, he

Finally he reached the rank of senior general.

"I finally made it to the main hall, even though it was as the leader of the miners..."

Nekali's heart was churning, and he saluted solemnly on his face.

"Your Highness, I am willing to give you wings and live for your will!"

"Very good! Hold the battle stick and fight for me and serve the alliance. The light of the Lord God will shine on you!"

Shulot shook the hair of the three of them one by one and gave some serious words of encouragement.

In the Gyeonggi Army, Mexica warriors and Prepecha warriors each accounted for half. The Prepecha warriors were selected from the surrendered army and were divided into Horta and Puap. Among them, the sky warriors were from Chapa

In Lahu District, Qin Congcan warriors came from the surrounding areas of the capital, and the two were unfamiliar with each other. The design and arrangement of this kind of legion itself contained some kind of checks and balances.

"King's order: Establish the kingdom's first spear corps, with a total of 8,000 people. It has 6,000 spear warriors and 2,000 militia archers. The commander of the corps is a hereditary noble, Kuruka! The military flag is a spear and a crocodile!"

In the Mexican calendar, days one through twenty are represented by different symbols. The symbol for number one is the crocodile, and the symbol for number two is the wind.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Monkey Kuruka's eyes moved, but his expression remained calm. He carefully took the army commander's scepter and sword, and bowed to the ground again.

"Your Highness, I will die for you."

Shulot nodded with a smile and shook the monkey's hair.

"Monkey, the First Lancer Corps is fully staffed. You and I will go to Hekou County in the north, and then station there to guard against the Dogs in the north and Lake Chapala in the west."

"Your Highness, I will guard the north!"

"Not only must we defend it, but we must also take the initiative to plunder the population. Well, I will talk to you in detail on our way north."

"Do your will!"

Shulot smiled with satisfaction and patted the other party on the shoulder.

The predecessor of the First Phalange Corps was the Mexican Phalanx Corps, which was actually composed of elite militiamen who were promoted to warriors. During the Western Expedition, many of the Phalange Corps died in battle, so they were supplemented by two Prepecha archer battalions. These militiamen

The archers have been selected and have good shooting skills and good morale. They hold long wooden bows or long bamboo bows and can move flexibly, which can effectively complement the spear phalanx.

The First Lance Corps will be stationed in the north. Monkey Kuruka will serve as the regiment leader, and will also be responsible for local military and political affairs. He will be the first official, which shows the importance of the king.

"King's order: Establish the kingdom's second spear corps, with a total of 8,000 people. It has 6,000 elite spear militiamen and 2,000 militia archers. The commander of the corps is a hereditary noble, Ezpan! The military flag is the spear and the wind!"

Ezpin's eyes were filled with joy and he stepped forward with a respectful expression. He took the legion commander's scepter and sword, looked at them with gleaming eyes, and then fell down on the ground and paid homage.

"Your Highness, you are my only sun, the light that controls my life!"

Shulot laughed and gave instructions loudly.

"Ezpan, the Second Lance Corps is mainly made up of militiamen, all of whom came from the surrendered troops of the Western Expedition. You must step up your training and reorganize it well! The priest's teachings are the top priority, and the fields of the legion will also be classified.

Your station is in the south of the Patzcuaro Lake area, so you must always pay attention to the surrounding situation!"

"Your Highness, I follow your will! The Second Lancer Corps has been selected. Their loyalty to you will be as indestructible as mine, as indestructible as a rock. I will pay attention to the south!"

Ezpin kept lying on the ground to answer, respectfully not raising his head. It was not until the answer was completed that he walked backwards and left. Seeing the scepter in Ezpin's hand, the generals were a little jealous. The high-headed black wolf curled his lips and simply raised his head.

Don't look up.

The Second Lance Corps was selected from the troops who surrendered from the field. Due to the heavy financial pressure of the kingdom, neither of the two spear regiments could be completely out of production. They owned the fields in the garrison, cultivated during the busy farming period, and accumulated food for the expedition.

, training during leisure time to prepare for war.

Shulot held the staff and looked around. All the generals bowed their heads. After a moment, the king tapped the stone floor with the end of the staff. A crisp ding-dong sound sounded, announcing the military meeting.


"Return to camp, strengthen training, and prepare for war!"

"Do your will!"

Soon, the generals bowed and dispersed, leaving only the armored king thinking alone in the hall.

After the kingdom's army was reorganized, a total of four field legions were left, including the Imperial Guard, the Gyeonggi, the First Lancer, and the Second Lancer, with a total of 30,000 soldiers. Among them were 14,000 Mexican warriors and 14,000 generals.

Lepecha warriors and two thousand tribal warriors.

The design of this proportion of soldiers is also based on some kind of balancing considerations. As the people of the feudal country return and become attached, the number of soldiers from the Lake District will gradually increase, and will eventually far exceed the limited number of Mexican warriors.

In total, this reorganization removed 35,000 Tarascan troops from the fielding army to relieve the financial pressure on the Lake District.

Among them, 30,000 soldiers from the field will arrange marriages with relatives and spend several years digesting them. These trained young men will be integrated into normal villages and serve as professional logistics corps in large-scale wars. The other 5,000 from the mining army will be surrendered.

, they will be replaced by the imported slaves in turn and gradually become the garrison troops in the southwest mining area. In addition to the four legions in the field, villages, towns and settlements in various places will issue weapons and form militias according to a certain proportion of the population.

Thinking of this, Shulot raised his head and looked at the distant sky.

"With a population of more than 600,000, we can maintain a huge army of 30,000 that can fight in the field... Even with the huge profits from copper and glass, and the food for the military and civilian villages, it is still difficult to last long. Haha, such a militancy and foreign conquests are inevitable.

Must do!"

The king's laughter dispersed in the long wind and soon disappeared without a sound. The fire flickered and flickered, containing a burning will, and disappeared deep into the night.

A few days later, February came to an end, and the north wind carried a bit of warmth. The Guards Corps and the First Lancer Corps set out from the royal capital at the same time, heading for Hekou County. The royal flag of Black Wolf was flying high, and more than 10,000 warriors

The armor leaves were clanging. The army marched majestically toward the north against the long wind coming from the plateau.

This chapter has been completed!
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