Chapter 499: The long river in the mountains, everything in the world!

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The sun dipped slightly to the west and fell diagonally from the zenith, giving the map a yellowish halo. It looked like an old map, but it was actually drawn not long ago. On it, the mountains and terrain of the world were drawn, and the various city-states also recorded the alliance's high priests.

With the Kingdom in the Lake, the latest scout information!

At this moment, Black Wolf Toltec and Warrior Chief Bertad followed His Highness's fingers and looked attentively at the same time: only a long blue mark was seen, from the distant Atoyak Lake in the south of Zicao City, all the way.

Stretching through the mountains and canyons thousands of miles upstream, until you reach the south of Shuigu City, the camp of the South Route Army!

"The Talsas River is such a long river in the mountains! It's just a pity that it's only missing this section, just this section!..."

Shulot looked at it for a long time and sighed regretfully. He stretched out his fingers and carefully explored the undulating mountains south of the mountain pass fortress. This dangerous journey in the mountains is like the Three Gorges in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

A thousand-mile long river is divided into two sections that are difficult to navigate!

"There are only two hundred miles of dangerous mountain roads, and there is no way to go up and down! The kingdom's transport fleet has to stop here and take the two hundred miles of mountain roads to reach the upper reaches of the Talsas River. And if

A hundred-mile-long canal can be dug along the western basin and relying on mountain streams..."

Hearing this, Black Wolf and the samurai chief looked at each other, both speechless for a moment.

Since the Eastern Expedition, His Highness has often lamented the dangerous waterway blocked by the mountains, not once or twice. But the mountains and rivers in the world were all destined when the supreme god killed the original sea monster and created the vast land. So what?

Is it something that can be easily changed by ordinary human power?

Bertard thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand to point above the map and explained calmly.

"Your Highness, we set sail from the south of Zicao City, along the Talsas River, winding eastward for eight hundred miles, until we reach the town of Eight Hundred, two hundred miles south of the mountain pass fortress complex. The kingdom's large galleys and galleys can pass there.


"Well, that's right! Although there are dangers and narrow inlets during this 800-mile voyage, the waterway is generally smooth and can be passed without any obstruction! This is the lifeline of the kingdom to the east!"

Hulot nodded solemnly. His eyes moved towards Lithospermum City, heading eastward against the Talsas River, and he read the labels along the way in a low voice.

"Going eastward along the river from Zicao City, two hundred miles upstream, there is the first royal military town. The military town is called 'Two Hundred Towns' and has thousands of militiamen! To the north of Two Hundred Towns is the mountainous area in the eastern part of Zicao County

, and the south is the mountainous state of Wetamao directly under the alliance."

The total length of the Tulsas River is one or two thousand miles, flowing through the hinterland of Central America and connecting all the southern parts of the world. If you want to control this long river, even if it is only 800 miles downstream, you must occupy dangerous river channels at intervals.

Set up outposts and military towns.

For the Southern Route Army, the significance of this long river is to transport food and armaments from the hinterland of the kingdom to the front line upstream, and then transport food and armaments downstream from the Tlaxcala states back to the captured Dingkou. In the entire south of the world,

The mighty waterway of the Tarsus River is the only smooth way through the mountains and mountains, connecting the Western Kingdom and the old enemy in the East!

"Going eastward from Two Hundred Town, upstream, and two hundred miles further, there is a second royal military town, namely 'Four Hundred Town', with a thousand militiamen! Four Hundred Town is located on the edge of Qiongtar Land, right on the

Two hundred miles to the north is the fiefdom of Prince Iskali, the fortress-filled state of Sitacuaro. And four hundred miles to the northeast from Town Four Hundred is Tonatico, the capital of Lachico State.

, Sun City!”

Seeing this, Shulot paused slightly, with an inexplicable smile on his face. Black Wolf opened his eyes curiously and reached out to point to the location of Sun City.

"Ah! Sun City? This is the city-state ruled by the Yuyan family? The place where the late emperor Asaya Cartel 'sleeped' more than a dozen female chiefs with his powerful abilities?"

"Ahem! Yes, it's right here. After the ancestor Asaya Catal conquered the female chiefs here, he not only left the bloodline of the Yuyan family, but also renamed Chalco City the City of the Sun, the City of the Sun...

. He also wrote the Song of Spring to commemorate his achievements... And another meaning of Yuyan is actually the eagle that represents the royal sun. This cannot be hidden from the various royal families... Haha!"

Shulot "coughed" twice, and finally couldn't help it, and laughed out loud. In fact, if you calculate carefully, Mihoti, the leader of the Yuyan group, should be a descendant of the late emperor Asaya Cartel, and he has the blood of the royal family.

, about the same age as him... After a while, the king continued to look to the east with a smile on his lips.

"Two hundred miles to the east from Sibai Town is the third Kingdom Army town, the 'Six Hundred Town' that occupies the tin mine, which is Taer Village on the map! Taer Village is located more than two hundred miles directly below Sun City.

, controlling the important mouth of the lower reaches of the Tarsus River, it is an important area for the kingdom's operations! The kingdom has stationed 500 warriors here, deployed a thousand militiamen, built wooden villages and stone fortresses, and initially developed tin mines..."

Tal Village is located in the center of the Qiong Tal Land. It is an important place at the mouth of the river and has large tin mines and scattered gold mines. The Kingdom in the Lake has large copper mines, but no surface tin mines. And this is the closest place.

It is also the tin mine origin that is easiest to control.

In order to hand over Taal Village to the Lake Kingdom, the high priest secretly used some tricks to get the original hereditary nobles to surrender and transfer their titles.

"A hundred miles east of Tal Village is another crossing of the Talsas River. There is a fourth royal military town, namely 'Seven Hundred Town'. Five hundred warriors are stationed in Seven Hundred Town to guard against the Tepanik tribes.

A hundred miles south of here is the city-state where the Tepanic people gathered, Chilpancingo, Tepancingo, which is the 'Land of the Wasps', the Bee City."

Shulot stretched out his hand and paused at the location of "Bee City", with thoughts flashing in his eyes. "Bee City" is home to tens of thousands of Tepanik tribesmen. If they want to develop the tin mine in Taal Village as soon as possible, they still have to start from the beginning.

Collect tribute here and get Dingkou.

"A hundred miles further east from Qibai Town is the fifth military town, 'Babai Town', which is eight hundred miles away from Zicao City on the waterway. Babai Town is located at the intersection of the Talsas River and the Salt River.

It can be considered the starting point of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and five hundred warriors are stationed there..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "From here, follow the Salt River and go north upstream for two hundred miles until you reach the edge of the Salt Lake... which is the capital of Sarco State, ruled by the Huashu family.

City-state, Tequesquitengo, Tequesquitengo, 'Salt Shore', Salt Lake City!"

Speaking of "Salt Lake City", Shulot's face showed a faint smile again. However, no one in the tent could understand it. Then, he looked to the north and was silent.

The so-called "Salt Lake" and "Salt River" are naturally places rich in salt. Sarco State not only produces salt, but also has vast farmland and a large population. There is also a large area of ​​cotton planted here, making it the richest city-state among the three states in the south.

With the income from salt mines and cotton fields, the Huashu family can even trade controlled bronze weapons from the capital city in the lake.

"Bertard, further upstream from Eight Hundred Town, there is a dangerous and isolated two hundred miles of dangerous route. I remember you said before that you have traveled there yourself?"

"Yes, Your Highness. That was twenty years ago. As a scout, on the order of the late Lord Montezuma, I went south to investigate the Mixtec tribes..."

Bertard's usually calm face showed a rare look of nostalgia.

"Further upstream from Babai Town, the Talsas River will rise suddenly and turn northeast. It will go around the mountains for two to three hundred miles, rise four to five hundred meters, and flow through several dangerous waterfalls and cliffs.

!I have seen this dangerous section of the river with my own eyes. The current is rapid throughout the section, there are undulating waterfalls, and hidden rocks, which forcibly divides the entire Talsas River into two sections!"

"On this dangerous road in the mountains, you can only go down with the current, and it is impossible to go up against it, unless you use human power to tow it. Except in the midsummer rainy season, there is a danger of running a boat on the rocks. And in the midsummer, the current is turbulent, and it is extremely easy for boats, big or small, to hit the rocks.

Capsize! Generally speaking, business travelers traveling from east to west will land on this waterway, walk around the north and south, or start trading nearby."

"After two to three hundred miles of dangerous journey, the Talsas River will turn to the northwest and reach its upper reaches, passing by the Mixtec mountain fortress, Chiauitl, Chiauitl, that is, the 'swamp village'


Having said this, Bertard paused and his expression became solemn. He stretched out his hand and pointed towards the south, with worry in his eyes.

"Going north from Nimarsh Village, only sixty miles away on the mountain road, is the mountain pass fortress group. It is the first important place for the Southern Route Army to break through. It is the southern edge of the 'mountain state' where we are located, and it is also the only way for the army to pass through.

There are only two hundred miles between Mire Marsh Village and Water Valley City...According to the latest scout information, the Mixtecs sent thousands of warriors to Mire Marsh Village, but the specific number is still unclear..."

"Your Highness, although the Mixtecs have not yet declared war on the Alliance, they are looming as a threat to the food route of the southern army. We must be careful and keep heavy troops stationed at the mountain pass fortress group!"

Hearing this, Shulot nodded slowly and replied in a deep voice.

"Well, Bertard, you are right. Most of the six thousand royal regiments entrusted to me by the king have not gone north and are still stationed in the mountain pass fortress group. They are stationed in the fortress, and there are thousands of militiamen who assist in defense.

, just to protect the food road and beware of the Mixtecs who are hiding their hostility."

The meaning of Chiauitl is "greasy or muddy mud". From this name, it can be seen that this area is a swamp full of mud and difficult to march. The Mixtecs set up a stronghold here, relying on the mountains

An unknown number of warriors were stationed in and swamp, which really put the South Route Army on its back.

The terrain around Quagmire Village is muddy and dangerous, making it quite easy to defend and difficult to attack. It would be neither wise nor practical to conquer the Mixtecs from here. And faced with a hidden threat that cannot be eliminated,

, Shulot had to detach a legion to garrison at the mountain pass fortress in the rear to protect the army's food route.

"The Mixtecs...the ancestral land of the East and West..."

Xiulote looked to the southwest, through the cascading mountains, and stared at the distant sky. From Shuigu City to the southwest, walking four hundred miles of rugged mountain roads, we will reach the western ancestral homeland of the Mixtec people, Huajuapan.

.Among them, Huaju is a mountain and apans is a river. Together they are the meaning of the name, "Mountain and River City"!

"Look! After defeating the old enemy, the Tlaxcalans, within a few years, the Mexica Legion will move south! ... And Shanhe City..."

The king lowered his eyes, and a boiling fighting spirit arose in his heart. The Tarsus River surges thousands of miles, connecting the east and west. And the conquest in the south of the world is destined to start from the long river.

Note: This chapter has been compiled for a long time, and it took a long time before. It is a sorting out of the entire southern map. It is best to refer to the map to view. The Easter egg chapter will have a detailed map, and the book club will also post it later.

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