Chapter 661: The second kingdom exploration, the ritual of night and fire, the first Mayan priest

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The moon rises in the east and the bonfire shines. Priest Tuomat holds the scriptures high and stares at the patriarch of the Cocom family, the young descendant of the Serpent God Tiakim. The devout priest has long been as stone-hearted and regards faith as the foundation of everything. If the opposite

If the Maya chief refuses, he will lose the hard-earned opportunity.

"Ah! Abandon the Serpent God and completely convert to the Lord God?"

Hearing his uncle Tikalo's translation, sweat broke out on Tiajin's forehead. Such conditions are an unacceptable price for any descendant of the Mayan god. The ancestors have worshiped the Serpent God for generations, and the family has worshiped the Serpent God with the most respected

The descendant of the Serpent God claims to have been inherited for thousands of years... Could it be that he is going to convert to the main god of Mexica on the plateau today?

"Me?...This!...How can this be possible?..."

"Promise him! Tiakin, my nephew, the last sun of Mayapan!"

Mayan businessman Tikalo looked at his young nephew with firm eyes. He had traveled around the world for decades and had long developed a flexible bottom line of faith. At this moment, he spoke in a deep voice in the ancient Mayapan language.

"Think of the hundreds of thousands of dead souls in Mayapan! Think of your father, grandfather and great-grandfather! The blood feud of the Cocom family is as deep as the sea... This is the family's last chance! Seize it and promise him!"

"My father died in the war, my grandfather died in the war, my great-grandfather died in the war... the blood debt of the Xiwu family, and Cocom's revenge!"

The young god-born Tiajin gritted his teeth and his eyes ignited with fire. For revenge, he was willing to pay any price, even if it meant completely converting to the new god. He no longer hesitated, and slowly knelt down under the "Ali Sutra" written by Priest Tomat.

Fall, shout out in a low voice.

"I am willing! I am willing to worship the supreme god! No matter what kind of god she is, no matter what price she requires me to pay, as long as she gives me strength!"

Hearing this, Priest Thomas raised his eyebrows. He looked deeply at the young god and said meaningfully.

"My child, the Lord God Huitzilopochtli, is the highest deity in the divine world. Her power is beyond your imagination. You only need to believe in him devoutly, and the power will come to your heart.

.You must swear by the spirit of your ancestors, never abandon it, and be pious!"

Boundless darkness shrouded the jungle, and stars of fire shone underfoot. The ancient and dilapidated Chaos Temple stood in front. And hundreds of corpses of warriors from the Xiu family lay prostrate in the back. Light and darkness, vicissitudes and death, were traced together.

The mystery of the night also tells the story of the antiquity of God.

"...I...swear by the spirits of my ancestors!"

Under the scriptures, the young god-born Tiakin knelt on his knees, sweat dripping from his forehead again. He bit his lips until they bled. He swore by the spirit of his ancestors, if he violates...

"I will devoutly believe in the Lord God, Huitzilopochtli! She is the supreme god in the divine world, who rules my body, blood and soul! I will never abandon her throughout my life, if I violate it... if I violate it.


Priest Tomat lowered his eyes, opened his lips slightly, and read out the guidance.

"If you violate..., the bloodline of the Kokom family will be cut off, and the souls of the ancestors will fall into the abyss forever, and there will never be peace."



"...I will never betray the Lord God throughout my life. If I disobey..., the bloodline of the Cocom family will be cut off, and the souls of the ancestors will fall into the abyss forever, and there will never be peace!"

The young god was so distraught that he swore the most vicious oath.

"very good!"

Priest Thomas finally nodded, with a smile on his lips.

"Lower your head, I will cut off your hair and throw it into the fire. Raise your hand, I will cut your palm and let the blood drip into the fire. From today on, your soul and blood will be

Go to the Kingdom of God and be controlled by the Lord God! And your body must stay in the human world to spread the glory of the Lord God among your tribe!..."

"...Yes. I will spread the glory of the Lord God among the tribe..."

Soon, the green smoke of the birds was lit on the low bonfire, carrying the smell of a scorched lake. Priest Tuomat was meticulous and held the most stringent and formal belief ceremony. And such a strict

In fact, the ceremony has gone beyond the standard for ordinary people to convert, and has met the requirements for the entry of priest apprentices. Yes, this conversion ceremony is also the entry ceremony for the priest of the main god.

"Praise the Lord Huitzilopochtli! She is in the highest position, rules over all things, and is omnipotent!..."

"Praise the Lord Huitzilopochtli! She is in the highest position, rules over all things, and is omnipotent!..."

The two of them stood in front of each other, kneeling and reciting prayers in a low voice. The smell of burning blood floated in the air, and the people around them were silent. The mysterious atmosphere slowly spread among the firelight in the dark night.

Come on.


Chihuaco, the old militiaman, remained silent and watched quietly without making a sound to urge him. He glanced at the Mayan merchant Tikalo, who had a very calm face and allowed Priest Tomat to do what he did.

"very good!"

After Priest Tuomat finished the ceremony, he looked at the inexplicably confused young descendant of the god and pondered for a moment. He always felt that there was still something lacking and wanted to do something more. What should be done? Can the faith of the main god be like the imprint of jade?

Deeply penetrate the heart of the young priest?


Thinking of this, Priest Tomat's expression changed. He recalled the most diligent sailor on the flagship, who had a bright red sun hummingbird carved on his forehead.

"Ahem! The last step. As the most important descendant of the Mayan god, I will give you the most special ceremony! Close your eyes, raise your head, and feel the light and majesty of the main god... I will leave her emblem deep in your heart.

On top of your forehead!"

The young god-born Tiakim was startled, then closed his eyes obediently and raised his head. Priest Tomat raised the corner of his mouth, pulled out the obsidian dagger from his waist, took a step forward, and dropped his wrist calmly!


The Mayan businessman Tikalo's eyes widened suddenly and he opened his mouth to speak. However, after a few breaths, he said nothing. The old militiaman Chihuaco also thought of something, and the corners of his eyes twitched.


The cold pain came from his forehead, as if it was carved into the bone marrow. The young god-born Tiakin gritted his teeth, thinking of more unforgettable revenge, and endured it forcefully.

After a while, Priest Thomas completed the last step. He watched the bright red sun hummingbird flying on the forehead of the young god and smiled with satisfaction.

"Tiakin, my child, do you feel the gaze of the Lord God?"

"I feel it, respected Priest of Nava."

"Oh? What's her gaze like?"

"It's majestic, like fire. Dazzling, painful, and powerful!"

The young god-born Tiakin closed his eyes and answered sincerely. Hearing his serious answer, Priest Thomas smiled gently.

"Very good! Tiakin, from today on, you are a descendant of the Lord God's blessing! In the same way, you will also become a priest of the Lord God and serve her for the rest of your life! ... Praise the Lord God! She protects us and gives us blessings.

Invincible power!"

"Praise the Lord God! She protects us and gives us invincible strength!"

Low chanting echoed between the temple and the jungle, and then disappeared into the night. The first Mayan chief to convert to the main god, and the first Mayan priest to worship the main god, were born. Tikalo looked at the two people, silently

Lowering his eyes, he smelled the scent of fate's preference, but it had nothing to do with him.

"Okay! Tikallo, we can finally talk again. As a new ally, let's talk about the price of your mistakes. And this will be related to your fate."

Priest Tomat turned around and switched from a devout priest of the main god to an important leader of the fleet. He smiled half-heartedly, looked at the silent Mayan merchant Tikalo, and spoke the Nahua language of the alliance. For some reason, Tomat

The sacrificial dagger in Priest Matt's hand was never put away, glowing dimly red in the firelight.

"Ti Carlo, you should know that His Highness attaches great importance to this Eastern exploration. And you still planned all of this. In this case, are you ready to make enough compensation to appease His Highness's anger? Or, are you ready to offer sacrifices?

Sacrifice yourself, give your heart to the gods..."

This chapter has been completed!
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