Chapter 671 The Hunter at Otter Lake

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The mighty Tampon River originates from the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains in the central plateau. It connects to the Lake Texcoco water system in the south, and meanders in the north. After passing through the city of Sui Qiu in Xilotepec, it rushes down and flows into the

The land of the Huastec people. Eventually, this thousand-mile-long river will rush into the seashore, forming a series of large lakes northeast of Otter City, and flowing into the Caribbean Sea.

In the Nahua language, "Tampen" means otter. At this moment, this place where otters live has welcomed an uninvited guest with red hair.


A bone arrow flew out, as fast as lightning, and shot towards an otter that was building a burrow in the lake. But in an instant, the otter let out a scream and died on the spot.

Then, the young huntress, with red hair flowing and a strong figure, strode forward. She confidently put her bow behind her back, stretched out her strong and slender fingers, pinched the otter's tail, and lifted it upside down to inspect. She just looked

He took one look and smiled with satisfaction.

"Oh My God!"

Another young hunter, carrying a spear on his back and holding a light hunting bow, also came from behind. He glanced at the hunting otter and exclaimed in amazement.

"Ah! You shot the otter in the eye again! This one is smaller than a kidney bean, and it can move!"


The vigorous huntress turned her head and glanced sideways at the young hunter without saying a word. Then she looked around and saw no trace of large beasts in the dense water network of lakes. The huntress pulled out a delicate

With an obsidian dagger, he squatted by the small lake and skillfully disemboweled the otter and peeled off its fur.

Another young hunter put away his hunting bow, took out his spear, and was alert to the left and right. He looked to the south while chatting with the huntress.

"Ah? Why are you still using this old dagger! It has been so many years and the blade has been replaced many times."

The young hunter pursed his lips, stepped forward carefully, and asked with a shy face.

"Alan, um, where is the dagger I gave you before? Take it out and use it."


Huntress Alan raised her head, her eyes were like sharp blades, and she gave the young hunter a cold look. Seeing this murderous look, the young hunter shrank his neck, whispered softly, and shouted.

"Sister Alan"


Alan's face was expressionless, and he lowered his head again, patiently handling the fur. Her technique was very skillful, and in just a quarter of an hour, the otter's skin and flesh were separated, and the fur was initially cleaned. After that, the tanning process had to go back to the tribe.

, softened with smoke, then kneaded with plant ash and stove soil, and beaten with stone slabs and wooden sticks.

"Take it!"

Alan stood up, her figure as slender as a deer, and her movements as vigorous as a fox. She put several kilograms of otter meat in her hand into the young hunter's hand, and gave instructions in the tone of a sister.

"Go back and make soup to replenish your body. Chippawa, you have to train yourself every day! You must be stronger, faster, and more ferocious in order to survive every battle!"


Chipawa held the otter meat in his hands, stared blankly, and put it in the bamboo basket behind his back. Otter meat is sweet and warm in nature. Like venison, it can improve physical weakness and nourish the kidneys and Qi.

However, from Chipawa's point of view, he did not feel that he needed to make up for himself. A few years later, he was no longer a fledgling who had just experienced war, but a warrior who had experienced fighting! The spear in his hand had already killed

There are no less than ten enemies, and his skills in close combat have long been as pure as breathing. However, his skills in hunting and hunting.

"Sister Alan, you promised to continue teaching me archery! You are the best hunter in the tribe, and the apprentices you teach must be half as good as you!"

Chipawa came forward with a shy face. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Sister Alan's bright and sharp eyes and sharp-cut face, and felt a little lost.

"A few years have passed, and Sister Alan has become more and more cold-hearted, and she has become more and more beautiful. She is full of energy and full of energy. She is like a falcon in the wilderness. Ah, such eyes that penetrate people's hearts are very indifferent to everyone except

for me."


Alan stretched out his hand, curled his index and middle fingers, and gave Chippawa a "chestnut" on his head. Then, she frowned and pulled her dyed red hair, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Chipawa, I don't know how to teach you archery. It means seeing it, aiming it, and shooting it. But the first step is seeing. I can see it, but you can't."

"Ah! Sister Alan, except you, who can see the beetle on the tree from three hundred steps away? Are you lying to me?"

"I did not lie to you."

"You have!"

Chipawa angrily covered his head and retorted loudly. Then he rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"Otherwise, you stand behind me and teach me step by step! Teach me a few more times, teach me for a few more days, and you will be able to do it naturally!"


Alan stood up and glanced at Chippawa expressionlessly. Suddenly, her pointed ears twitched, she took off the big bow from her back, and held three more arrows in her hand.

"Sister Alan?"

"Shhh! Someone. Maybe a Vastek scout."

Hearing this, the smile on Chipawa's face suddenly faded. He looked stern, clenched the spear in his hand, and lay prone on the ground, ready to fight at any time.

"This way!"

After a few breaths, Alan's expression turned cold. She opened her hunting bow and aimed at the bush where the sound came from. Her eyes were sharp, like a falcon before hunting. Then, a bowed figure appeared in front of her, and she was quickly caught.

Locked. The moment she let go of her right hand, her eyes suddenly changed, and her left hand rose sharply.


A swift bone arrow drew a slightly higher arc, stuck to the top of the figure, and shot into the big tree in the jungle. The figure was stunned, his hair was blown by the wind of the arrow, his feet went weak, and he sat down in fear.

On the ground. She raised her head in horror, revealing a thin face, but it was a Huastec girl of twelve or thirteen years old.


Alan walked up to the girl with a hunting bow and a spear-wielding Chipawa. She looked at the girl's bare upper body, which was a custom of the Huastec tribe. She then looked at the shell necklace and the

The little straw bag should be the daughter of the middle-level warrior of the tribe. After observing for a moment, Alan asked in a deep voice in skilled Huastec language.

"Where are you from? Are you alone?"

"I, I, am alone."

The girl raised her head and glanced at Alan's striking red hair. Her eyes were full of fear. She knew that this was the most ferocious and powerful hunter among the ferocious tribes from the north to the south. She trembled and struggled to organize her words.


"My tribe is in the southwest. Tiger-skinned warriors, spear-wielding warriors, axe-wielding warriors, many warriors shouted and fought in. Dad died in the battle, and I escaped for two days. Please, don't

kill me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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