Chapter 120 Revenge only takes three seconds

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In the northeastern corner of the island and reef, in the land reclamation area, several cutter suction dredgers kept filling the area day and night. The night watchman noticed a fire dragon coming towards this direction from the air at a very fast speed.

Before they could react, the fire dragon plunged into the semi-finished area - water about five meters deep.

An umbrella flower floated leisurely in the air. It was a very skilled parachute, and it floated slowly towards the airport.

It was Le Hai.

After realizing that there was no chance of an emergency landing, Li Hai abandoned the plane and parachuted when the fire spread to the middle of the fuselage.

He did not jump randomly, but pointed the nose of the plane at the semi-completed area in the reclamation area. Falling on the islands and reefs may cause other damage, and falling in the deep water area will make future salvage difficult.

Semi-completed areas of the reclamation area with only a few meters of water depth are most suitable.

Fortunately, J-8F No. 81103 obediently landed in the most ideal position. The searchlight on the cutter suction dredger hit it, and Li Hai in the air saw it clearly - 80% of the nose of J-8F No. 81103

It was stuck in the mud, and the tail fin and half-stretched vertical tail were exposed out of the water, forming a butt-up state.

"Oh, this plane is really strong." Li Hai sighed with emotion.

It did not disintegrate under the impact of such a blow, which shows how solid the fuselage structure is. After that, Li Hai refused to believe the rumors that the aircraft built by Shen Hoi was not good. This quality is one of the best in the world.

The field ambulance roared towards the landing point with its sirens blaring. As soon as Li Hai's feet touched the ground, the ambulance personnel rushed over and unhooked the parachute without any explanation, then lifted him and started running.

"Hey, hey, I'm fine, I'm fine! Hey, hey, hey!" Li Hai kept saying while holding the camera.

One of the medical staff looked over and said coldly, "I have the final say whether you have anything going on."

When Li Hai saw that it was the director of the aviation medical office, he immediately shut up.

The director of the aviation medical office has the same military rank as Zhong Guobang. He is one of the highest-ranking officials on the islands and reefs and belongs to high-level professional and technical personnel. He said that anyone who can fly can fly, and his words are more effective than Xue Zhengrong.

No, if it hadn't been an emergency this time, he wouldn't have agreed to Xue Zhengrong's risk of taking off. If the blade of the knife broke apart, it would be fatal.

Li Hai calmed down, lay down and handed his body to the aviation medical room for treatment.

He always protected the camera. When he saw the party for the people, who was about to arrive after landing, he handed the camera over with both hands and solemnly said, "Comrade for the party and the people, you must keep the camera well. No one else can except me."

Don’t give it.”

"Please feel free to heal your wounds, Comrade Li Hai!" Dang Weimin took the camera and saluted Li Hai who was lying on the stretcher bed, and watched as Li Hai was carried into the car and left.

Li Hai thought to himself, just go to the aviation hospital for a routine check-up and it would be over. He was not injured at all. The flying altitude was 800 meters when parachuting, which is a very safe altitude. In addition, the canopy itself was cracked and it would explode.

The vehicle easily threw away the entire canopy, the ejection seat ejected in one second, the parachute opened smoothly, and the seat detached smoothly, which was easier than skydiving.

However, after everyone gradually calmed down, they discovered how Li Hai floated over from three kilometers away and accurately landed on the runway?

This is not something that ordinary technology can do. First of all, the wind direction is the most important, unless Li Hai accurately judged the wind direction before parachuting and specifically selected the direction in which the aircraft entered the fall route.

Otherwise it's just luck.

However, judging from the subsequent series of manipulations caused by the "special danger", did Li Hai rely on luck?

"Raging Shark" - After this battle, the "Shirley" system that simulated the Blue Army gave Li Hai a new code name, which more vividly demonstrated this person's comprehensive skills and personality than the previous "Super Photographer Teacher Li"


He was able to control the plane at such a low altitude that it was about to fall out of control, and he also fired all the 23mm aircraft cannon shells at the deck of the unknown culprit ship, directly killing the pirate command team who was commanding on the deck!

What shape is this?

an eye for an eye!

Not to mention staying overnight, not even for a second, we must fight back on the spot!

Li Hai was basically confined to the aviation hospital. Xue Zhengrong sent two guards with guns to watch him. The director of the aviation hospital did not say anything, and Li Hai could not get out.

Immediately afterwards, Zhong Guobang also came, and together with Xue Zhengrong, they immediately salvaged J-8F No. 81103. Forgettable Reef is a large construction site with a lot of construction machinery, but there is no shortage of professional salvage tools. Moreover, the water depth where it fell is only five meters

, and it is about twenty meters away from the completion area, which brings great convenience to the salvage work.

After a series of orders, various departments began to work together intensively. The main force of the salvage was a heavy-duty crane. The construction team of Chaoneng Company gathered urgently and first laid a 20-meter-long strip on the completed area with a five-centimeter-thick steel plate.

A passage ten meters wide.

The heavy-duty crane only needs to advance about ten meters to enter the passage. After the crane arm is extended, it can easily reach the J-8F No. 81103.

There are many soldiers in Zhong Guobang's infantry battalion who are good at water. They are the island garrison troops of the Marine Corps. They are all dragons in the water. The water depth of five meters is like a small pond to them.

After tying up J-8F No. 81103 with steel cables, the heavy-duty crane began to work. It steadily pulled out the aircraft with its head stuck in the mud, and then hoisted it up high. Because there was no suitable flatbed truck, the heavy-duty crane

The plane simply drove directly to the hangar, but it also crushed a section of the taxiway.

At this time, we can no longer care about these things. It is most critical to finish the work and restore the scene in the shortest possible time while it is still dark.

When the sky was dark, the entire salvage work was completed and the site was restored to its original state. The cutter suction dredger was supposed to work, and the Chaoneng Company construction team was supposed to catch up on some sleep. They were all disciplinary forces. Quan had been doing everything in the past few hours.

Never happened.

Xue Zhengrong couldn't afford to rest, and he and Li Yuanchao's maintenance team immediately inspected J-8F No. 81103. The most important thing was to take out the flight parameter recorder and cockpit recorder!

While he was busy, Xue Zhengrong suddenly remembered something, called Zhao Feiyan over, and whispered, "Li Hai has a camera in his hand. According to this guy's temperament, he must have taken a lot of large-scale photos. Hurry up and ask him for it."

come over."

"Yes, I'll go right away!" Of course Zhao Feiyan knew the priority of the matter, so she ran away, jumped into the car and drove to the aviation hospital, leaving the driver who was resting aside looking at him for a moment - as for me, what about me?

What am I doing?

From the "accidental encounter" with RC-135V/W to the escort of the "Jianjiang 1" bulk carrier, what exactly happened in these two hours?

Xue Zhengrong wants to know, and Nan Zhi wants to know even more!

The division needs to know, the China Southern Airlines Headquarters needs to know, the ship division, battle division, naval commander and even the general commander must know!

The difference is that if the brigade knows it first, it won't be completely passive!

Xue Zhengrong's lips kept trembling because of nervousness.

Maybe this time, Li Hai will be stripped of his military uniform lightly!

This chapter has been completed!
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