Chapter 269 Picking up the submarine

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Late at night, the No. 53 ship set sail from the anchorage, entered from the east entrance of the Nilacca Strait, quickly increased its speed to 30 knots, and overtook all the way into the Nilacca Strait.

Immediately afterwards, the No. 53 ship maintained a high speed of 30 knots and raced wildly on the international waterway. The engine room stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. The helmsman Chen Yun concentrated on holding the rudder. He overtook ships all the way. The target was the northwest of Niu Liujia, 300 nautical miles away.


Eleven hours later, that is, late at night, ship No. 53 arrived at the designated sea area on time.

This is the latest action of the No. 53 ship after receiving the order.

Li Hai did not expect that the mission given by the war commander was really an escort, but the escort was not a merchant ship, but a submarine returning from the Indian Ocean.

After receiving the submarine, the No. 53 ship turned around and entered the Nilacca Strait again at a speed of 12 knots. At a speed of 12 knots, it passed through the Nilacca Strait under the cover of the No. 53 ship.

The submarine force is always mysterious, and the Blackfish force is the most mysterious. Even with the response, Li Hai failed to get more intelligence reports from the responders, and the order did not provide more mission background instructions. To sum up, this is

In one sentence - escort the target back to Hong Kong at the designated location.

Chang Haizhou saw Li Hai's doubts and introduced, "The Niu Liujia Strait is narrow and shallow. Submarines can hardly play a role here. Without surface ships accompanying them, they would be wary every time they passed through the strait. In the past, our ships often cooperated with each other.

Submarines went out to the Indian Ocean for training. Later, more and more new ships were put into service. Well, specifically, after our ship participated in the escort mission in the Gulf of Aden, it never took on ocean training missions. However, our ship did the job of taking over submarines.

A lot."

Li Hai asked in a low voice, "Injured submarine?"

Chang Haizhou smiled and shook his head, "There are so many injured submarines, just in case. You also know that the situation in the Nilukko Strait is more complicated. I really didn't think about it this time. Don't worry, it's an easy task."

I guess after sending them to Hong Kong, our superiors will let us go back to Hong Kong directly to rest."

Although this trip to sea did not last long, the intensity was far better than any previous one. The officers and soldiers were in a state of high concentration for a long time, wandering on the edge of life and death several times. It was also during the Spring Festival, and the psychological toll was extremely high.

Enormous pressure.

Escort the submarine to the port and go to rest at the same time. This is good news.

Li Hai, Chang Haizhou and others formulated an escort plan and several backup plans. Considering that they had to cross the entire South China Sea longitudinally, they also formulated two contingency plans. According to the actual situation of the submarine, the speed was limited and everything

If everything goes well, it is expected to take five days to arrive at Wuya Port.

The commanders and crews of the No. 53 ship did not think this escort mission was simple. If it were simple, the superiors would not require the No. 53 ship to accept battlefield supplies.

After just having a large-scale maritime confrontation with Anglesan pirates that lasted for several days, under this background, it was reasonable for the superiors to make such an arrangement out of caution.

For the officers and soldiers of the No. 53 ship, such a mission may seem calm on the surface, but in fact the psychological pressure they need to endure is no less than driving a horse and driving a horse, even though this is not the first time they have performed such a mission.

At this time, the combat capability of the No. 53 ship has returned to full health, the carrier aircraft has been repaired, and some previously damaged optical equipment has been replaced. Even if it encounters a 10,000-ton combat ship again, it will still be able to survive.


Li Hai has a warlike gene, but this time he must be cautious and put avoiding war first. He knows that the safety of the submarine is the first priority, and the mission must be successfully completed when it returns to the port intact.

His unusual performance surprised Chang Haizhou and others. In previous combat commands, they also felt Li Hai's deep desire to fight.

Obviously, Li Hai is not just a passionate young commander as they thought. This is very different from the star captain Su Ludong.

Su Ludong is a young commander who is eager to fight and make achievements on the battlefield. If the task of escorting is placed on him, he will think that his superiors are overqualifying him.

But Li Hai's attitude was very upright and his mentality was very calm.

Chang Haizhou believes that this is where Li Hai is better than Sulu Dong - his mentality is more mature.

During the five-day voyage, Li Hai was not idle. He asked for instructions from his commanders, communicated with the submarine, and used his time to conduct several collaborative exercises. Such as air-submarine coordinated operations, trinity anti-submarine operations, relay communications and other subjects, which consolidated his strength.

The various combat capabilities of the No. 53 ship have been demonstrated.

The old captain Liu Haikang often does this. The difference is that when additional training content is added, the grassroots officers and soldiers are more or less complaining and resentful. It is rare for them to have time to rest when they are half exhausted. Adding additional training content is absolutely inappropriate.


But this time, the officers and soldiers at the grassroots level did not have any complaints and grievances, and their training enthusiasm was so high that Zhuang Xiaoying easily wrote an article "Strengthened training in the context of long-term and high-intensity actual combat training. The officers and soldiers of the No. 53 ship used practical actions to interpret 'Use me'"

The long communication "We must win" was published on the first page of the Military Daily the next day.

Some people say that because Li Hai and Zhuang Xiaoying are good friends, they took targeted actions with the purpose of reporting to the military.

In the eyes of Chang Haizhou and others, this is nonsense.

Zhuang Xiaoying spent a lot of time interviewing at the grassroots level, and Li Hai basically stayed on the bridge. The two met very rarely. The most important thing is that Chang Haizhou and others knew very well that Li Hai was not a person who liked face-saving projects. If he was,

He has better ways and more things to do, and there is no need to wait until now.

It was morning when they returned to the Wuya base without any danger. Li Hai, who was standing on the handrail of the bridge passage and saw the unfamiliar high-end tourist hotels on both sides of the port waterway, let out a heavy breath.

Only here did he truly feel relieved.

Tourist hotels of various styles are lined up along the coast of the bay. The beach is full of tourists catching up early, colorful parasols are scattered in an orderly manner, and the warm and sober sea breeze blows slowly by, creating a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

Chang Haizhou pointed to the opposite side of the military port and said, "When I first joined the army, this area was all farmland and coastal forests. I heard from the local people that the salt content on the seaside was too high to grow many crops, and life was very difficult. At that time, we had a few

The marina is right here. You see, the yacht marina over there is in the area. Later, in order to support local economic development, the army transferred all the land here."

Smiling, he pointed at the military port and said, "More than ten years ago, the local government wanted us to transfer part of the coastline there, and we almost did it. Fortunately, we persisted at the time. If we denied it, we wouldn't have enough.

The dock is used.”

Similar situations occurred in many places many years ago. Fortunately, even in the most difficult times, the army was not short-sighted, leaving enough room for rapid development later.

Li Hai said, "Even so, the space here is saturated. Three detachments plus an aviation division are concentrated in one port, which is too crowded."

"It has been rumored for two years that the big ships will be sent to the new port. After the new port was built, there was no movement among the big ships of the three major detachments. I don't know what the superiors thought about it," Chang Haizhou said.

Li Hai thought of what Dang Weimin had mentioned and said, "Maybe we are waiting for the new aircraft carrier."

"The home port of the new aircraft carrier, Sa'an Uno, has been decided." Chang Haizhou frowned.

The homeports of the Saan'ono and the Leonin are both within the jurisdiction of the First Fleet. Generally speaking, once the homeport is determined, it will not be changed easily.

"New aircraft carrier." Li Hai said again while biting the words.

Chang Haizhou suddenly thought of the unseen new aircraft carrier still on the slipway, and suddenly grinned.

Among the three major fleets, the third fleet is the most powerful. Even at a certain period, the other two fleets combined could not catch up with the third fleet.

However, although the aircraft carriers are directly under the command of the Supreme Command, their home ports are all in the north. Due to physical distance constraints, it takes more time for the aircraft carriers to support the South China Sea, and their rapid response capabilities are limited.

Everyone can see that either a temporary homeport for the aircraft carrier should be built in a suitable place in the south, or a place in the south should be selected as the homeport for the new aircraft carrier. Obviously, the latter is more reliable.

A port does not mean everything will be fine just because it can berth an aircraft carrier. It must have basic repair and maintenance capabilities, supply capabilities, and an airport nearby with complete carrier-based aircraft support capabilities.

After screening several conditions, Wuya is the most suitable.

Compared with helicopter airports, the support of fixed-wing aircraft is quite complex, has higher requirements for airport infrastructure, and requires a larger land use area. Under several conditions, only Wuya is the most suitable.

The arrival of the new aircraft carrier in Wuya is almost certain.

Of course, these are just speculations by grassroots commanding officers like Li Hai, and it is still unknown who will be the winner in the end.

When they docked, Zhuang Xiaoying found Li Hai and said, "I have received a new mission. I will fly directly over Dan to say goodbye to you."

"Yuedan?" Li Hai asked in surprise, "Are there any big events over there?"

Vietnam is a Middle Eastern country with a weak presence and little oil resources. It is located on the east coast of the Mediterranean and borders Saudi Arabia. Its economy is not very good, but its society has long-term stability, tourism is relatively developed, and its happiness index is high. It is not an international hotspot.


Zhuang Xiaoying said, "There was a case of prevention and control. Originally, another colleague was in charge of foreign prevention and treatment, but she was expecting childbirth, so I asked my superiors to take over."

Vietnam-Dan International Defense and Military and Police Exhibition, a name like this floated before Li Hai's eyes. In the military field, Vietnam-Dan is the only defense exhibition that is relatively old and well-known.

"It's a pretty good exhibition. You go from Wuya Airport, right? I'll arrange for someone to take you off." Li Hai said.

Zhuang Xiaoying smiled and agreed. It was a rule to pick up and drop off troops. She also knew that Li Hai could not send him off in person. He had just arrived in Hong Kong and Li Hai had a lot to do.

After sending Zhuang Xiaoying to the car, Li Hai, Chang Haizhou and others rushed to the combat center to make a report...()

This chapter has been completed!
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