Chapter 049 Forced Afterburner

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Why did Xue Zhengrong emphasize that Li Hai should completely trust the instruments and rely on them to fly instead of following his feelings?

The most dangerous situation for pilots in the sea and air is to confuse the sea and the sky. When you are in the air, it is difficult for the naked eye to distinguish the difference between the sea and the sky. The consequence is that you think you are climbing, but in fact you are climbing.

Descending height at high speed.

In the history of world aviation, there are many air accidents caused by pilots trusting their feelings instead of looking at the instruments. There have been many cases where pilots of foreign civil aviation companies were completely unable to sense that the plane was tilting at a large angle, and because they were overconfident, they did not look at the instruments. In the end,

causing the plane to crash.

And almost all of them are veteran pilots with rich flying experience. This is why it is said that those who drown are those who know how to swim.

Will the instrument be damaged? Of course, as long as it is an instrument, it is possible to malfunction. But as a pilot, you must keep in mind that the relevant parts of the aircraft are very, very durable, especially military aircraft. Many people think that the engine is the most important thing on the aircraft.

Fragile components, on the contrary, the failure rate of aircraft engines is one of the lowest among all components.

For new pilots, unconditional trust in the information presented by the instruments is a basic requirement to ensure flight safety. Xue Zhengrong obviously cannot expect Li Hai to fly back based on his personal feelings when encountering dangerous situations, so the only way is to look at the instruments.

At least theoretically there will be no problems when flying with instruments, provided, of course, that the information reflected by the instruments is accurate.

Another reason to seriously emphasize the need to use instruments for flying is that it is dark night, early morning with no visibility, and the weather will gradually become worse.

In other words, the plane in the air is like being in a room painted black on all sides. This room has no walls but only a ceiling and floor. If the pilot's sense of space is unbalanced, the result will be a plane crash and fatalities.

How dangerous is the subject of night navigation in sea and air under low weather conditions?

Nowadays, second-generation aircraft units no longer engage in such training, because the battlefield situational awareness of second-generation aircraft (can be understood as environmental situational awareness) basically relies on the pilot's visual inspection, while third-generation aircraft with multiple battlefield situational awareness methods can be very effective.

Good to fly in such an environment.

New pilots have to make such a flight within a few days of joining the army. At least there has been no similar example in the previous twenty years, and the legendary pilot Li Zhan has never tried it.

Xue Zhengrong had to take the risk because there were more than 60 lives on the Nanyu-33076 fishing boat!

After so many years of keeping a low profile and focusing on development and construction, the Chinese people have finally deployed defense forces and law enforcement rescue departments on the islands and reefs that have been theirs since ancient times, and are finally able to provide safety for Chinese fishing boats and fishermen operating in the surrounding waters.

Guarantee, the people's soldiers will never allow any disaster to happen to the people, and will never give up on any of the people in distress!

Even if there are no conditions, we must create conditions!

So Lehai came.

He pushed the throttle lever vigorously to the end, the twin engines began to roar, and the fighter plane began to taxi. He held the control stick tightly and moved forward through the blurred front windshield. He could not see anything in the pitch black ahead. He forgot himself.

The reef airport is mainly used for military purposes, so there is no runway, etc., which means that civil aircraft can only take off and land when daytime visibility permits, but it will not affect the takeoff and landing of military aircraft.

J-8F No. 81103 was shaking slightly. The faster the taxiing speed, the higher the frequency of shaking. This was caused by the strong crosswind. When nothing could be seen outside, Li Hai stared at the instrument and quickly checked the various indicators.

, the mind is very clear, and the influence of strong crosswind is offset by fine-tuning the flaps.

He finally pulled up the nose of the plane. J-8F No. 81103 trembled slightly off the ground like a toddler, but the nose of the plane was pointed in the direction of the wind, at an angle of twenty degrees to the runway.

The posture of J-8F No. 81103 could be seen on the tower. Xue Zhengrong immediately called Li Hai, "Dong San! Your takeoff direction has deviated to the right!"

"I know that the crosswind is too strong. After losing the friction with the ground, I can only aim at the direction of the wind." Li Hai replied, very calm and composed.

Xue Zhengrong felt relieved a little and said, "Pay attention to the collision!"


The airport and port have an east-west layout. The airport is on the east side of the island and the port is on the west side. The runway runs north-south. When taking off towards the south, there is a port more than a thousand meters to the right of the runway. There are loading and unloading machinery standing on the port.


There are anti-collision lights on the highest pendant tower in the port and on the top of the terminal building. The height of every building that may affect flight safety is in the manual. Although the time to reach Forgotten Reef is still short, it is helpful to write down these important data.

It's not difficult for pilots.

Based on the current posture of the fighter plane, Li Hai quickly calculated how many levers he needed to pull to safely fly over the port. His brain gave instructions to his hands, and the lever was slightly pulled back. When J-8F No. 81103 retracted its landing gear, it was at ultra-low altitude.

After flying over the port, the height difference between it and the tallest crane tower was only twenty meters.

The officers, soldiers, workers, and crew members who were conducting wind protection and anti-Taiwan operations at the port all heard the deafening roar of the engine, and saw No. 81103 J-8F slicing through the air like a scalper.

"Heading 90, you can control the flight height yourself, but it should not exceed 10,000 meters. It's over." Xue Zhengrong gave the next step of guidance.

Li Hai first looked around and below through the cockpit glass. It was all dark. He shifted his gaze to the instrument panel and replied, "Dong San understands, heading 90, I'm climbing altitude, over."

There were thick clouds in the mid- to low-altitudes. The fighter plane accelerated its climb with its head held high, passing through layers of clouds. When it encountered cumulonimbus clouds, it was surrounded by dense small lightnings. Each flash brought an instant of light.

, Li Hai could vaguely see the environment he was in. The fighter plane seemed to be thrown into a drum washing machine and was shaking. What Li Hai was sure of was that if he gave up control of the fighter plane, the fighter plane would roll and fall at a very fast speed.

The airspeed was so fast that the rain falling on the windshield no longer echoed it.

Li Hai gritted his teeth and waited for the moment when he broke out of the thick clouds. After reaching an altitude of about 8,000 meters, the airflow would stabilize.

A long flash of lightning appeared that lasted for two seconds. Just as his eyes suddenly brightened, Li Hai suddenly noticed signs of ice forming on the edge of the cockpit's front windshield.

This is a very abnormal phenomenon.

Although Li Hai has only been exposed to the J-8F for just one day, he has a general understanding of the aircraft's operation manual, and the de-icing methods of the fighter jets are basically the same. Most of them use alcohol acceleration to de-ice.

Cockpit glass is de-iced.

Moreover, the aerodynamic shape of the fighter aircraft itself is not prone to ice formation.

Li Hai quickly made a judgment - insufficient airspeed resulted in unsatisfactory de-icing effect.

He could only turn on the afterburner.

This chapter has been completed!
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