Chapter 087 The organization is too good for us

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On the taxiway on one side of the runway, two Dolphin helicopters were parked there. There were several support vehicles on one side, and maintenance officers and soldiers were sitting on folding stools on duty.

Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Yuntian were with the maintenance officers and soldiers, but they couldn't sit still and stood up from time to time to observe the aircraft, even though it was clear that all flight preparations had been completed.

"What time is it?" Zhao Feiyan asked.

Zhan Yuntian glanced at his luminous watch and said, "Four fifteen in the morning."

"I guess it's okay." Zhao Feiyan counted the time and said, "Go up and lie down for a while, I'll keep an eye on you."

Zhan Yuntian thought about it and stopped being pretentious. He got up and walked over to the crew cabin. He lay down directly on the floor and closed his eyes to rest.

The Sulawei Sea, 1,300 kilometers southeast of the Forgotten Reef, is 3,800 meters deep. The flat seafloor is cracking huge gaps. The strong suction generated by the sudden vacuum quickly forms a vortex on the sea surface, which is getting bigger and bigger.

The number of cracks on the seafloor continued to increase, and one became two, and two became four. In a very short period of time, the cracks were distributed like spider webs on the seafloor, and the scope continued to expand in all directions, with one of them rushing firmly towards the Sulawesi Trench.

The Sulawesi Trench is the intersection of two small plates, from 3,000 meters deep to 6,700 meters deep, with a length of about 30 kilometers and a width of about 8 kilometers. The pitch-black trench has existed for who knows how many years, and the cliffs on both sides are also

There have been traces of human exploration.

At this time, the width of the Sulawesi Trench is slowly shrinking because the plates on both sides are moving and the speed is steadily increasing.

Ships on the sea were the first to notice that the sea conditions were deteriorating. After comparing the weather conditions, they found that the deterioration of the sea conditions was not caused by climate. However, no one would analyze the movement of the earth's crust.

The resulting whirlpool was discovered by a large cargo ship. They reported the situation to alert ships passing through the area, but neither the navigation control desk nor the crew on the ship thought further.

At 5:30 in the morning, the sky was already bright at the tropical Forgotten Reef. The wake-up call sounded, and a new day started at the Forgotten Reef Airport.

For pilots, physical training is very important. Having a strong body is the basis for performing flight missions. Xue Zhengrong's body has not fully recovered, so he asked Li Hai to lead the team for morning exercises.

When they were gathering, Li Hai saw that Zhao Feiyan and Zhan Yuntian's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and said, "Old Zhao, Lao Zhan, go back and catch up on your sleep, and sleep until dinner."

"Yes!" Zhao Feiyan smiled, "I'm really sleepy."

The two of them went to the dormitory.

Li Hai and Dang Weimin are the only ones left in the air force team.

After smiling, the two exercised their bodies and ran along the taxiway.

"When will the new members arrive?" Party Weimin asked.

Li Hai breathed in the fishy sea breeze vigorously, felt refreshed, and said, "I don't know, I haven't even mentioned whether there are new members coming."

Dang Weimin said, "Then what's the difference between our current independent brigade and the original flying squadron? It's still the same people. Oh, there are two more helicopters."

"That is the helicopter of the local maritime search and rescue team, and it is only temporarily used by us," Li Hai said.

"So, nothing remains the same." Dang Weimin said.

"Take your time. After all, it is not easy to add several fighter planes."

When he got on the runway, Li Hai said "Hey".

A construction site appeared on the west side of the runway.

"The engineering team knows magic, it wasn't there yesterday." Li Hai ran towards the construction site.

Dang Weimin, with his sharp eyes, saw the erected construction diagram and said in surprise, "Old Li, look at it! Does it look like a runway?"

The two ran over and took a closer look, and were shocked.

Not a runway, but a ski jump takeoff deck!


Li Hai gasped and looked at Dang Weimin, not believing that what he saw in front of him was true.

"Building a ski-jump take-off deck here? Are you crazy?" Li Hai's eyes almost popped out, and his mind was spinning rapidly. "If there is a ski-jump take-off deck, there must be a blocked landing area. Isn't that a land-based simulated flight?"

Is the deck ready? There’s not enough space here!”

Dang Weimin subconsciously said, "We can reclaim the sea. Then don't we have two heavy-duty cutter suction machines?"


Li Hai took a sudden breath of cold air again, thinking about the events before and after. The light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. He stared at Dang Weimin and said in surprise, "Old Dang, it can't be true, right?"

"I think it is..." Dang Weimin smacked his lips.

They also thought of a possibility - Hainan Airlines would build a second flying shark training base on the Forgotten Reef!

This judgment is too unbelievable.

The lights in the prefabricated room over there turned on, and a man wearing a white safety helmet walked out. He saw two people wearing military fitness uniforms here, and quickly ran over to say hello, "Chief, Chief, good morning!"

Li Hai returned the courtesy, pointed to the planning board, and said, "Comrade, are you the person in charge?"

"I'm the supervisor." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Li Hai didn't understand engineering, so he said, "This planning board is not easy to display. Besides, are you building a runway?"

The supervisor quickly said, "Okay, okay, our workers don't understand the rules of the army, so I'll have them demolished immediately. That's right, that's right, the target is to build a simulated aircraft carrier flight deck, and we don't know the more specific situation."


Li Hai's brows twitched and he nodded slightly, "Thank you for your hard work."

"No, no, serving the soldiers and the army is actually harder for you. What does it mean to us? Besides, the subsidy for working on the island is higher than going abroad. We brothers are very happy..." The middle-aged supervisor said this

Tuberculosis, enthusiastically took Li Hai and the two to visit the construction site and introduced everything in detail.

After learning that Li Hai was the second-in-command at the airport, he became even more enthusiastic. Little did he know that Li Hai, the so-called second-in-command, had more symbolic meaning than actual meaning, as he only had three people under his command.

"We won the first phase of infrastructure construction, including the pouring of the runway and reclamation. Oh, all of this has reclamation approval, which is the approval of the Natural Resources Department of the Ministry of Commerce. The third phase of the project covers an area of ​​about 500 acres.

, it looks like 0.4 square kilometers..."

After listening to the middle-aged supervisor's nonchalant introduction, Li Hai's eyes almost popped out of his head. Eternal Prosperity Island is only as big as Eternal Prosperity Island, and Forgotten Reef is only as big as it is now, only a few square kilometers. You actually have to get 0.4 for a runway and ancillary area.

square kilometers.

As if he knew Li Hai's confusion, the middle-aged supervisor smiled and said, "It's not all airport projects. Almost half of the area is used for tourism, to build a yacht dock, helicopter airport and so on."

Li Hai couldn't help but recall the master plan of Forgotten Reef. There was absolutely no such project in all three phases of the plan. In other words, the master plan of Forgotten Reef had changed again, becoming larger and more complete in functions.

With a look of shock on his face, he left the construction site and continued to work on his physical fitness. His mind was not on physical training.

Dang Weimin, who was pressing his leg, said in disbelief, "I didn't expect that our superiors would spend so much money to allow us to conduct carrier-based takeoff and landing training during our temporary duties. If we don't do it well, how can we be worthy of the organization's love and cultivation."


Li Hai smiled and said, "Don't be narcissistic. Do you think it is possible? I estimate that the higher-level leadership agencies have probably repositioned the Forgotten Reef. This is the pace of development in the direction of Pearl Harbor."

"Pearl Harbor is as big as the Forgotten Reef..." Party Weimin couldn't continue.

Forgotten Reef used to be very small, but what about now?

This chapter has been completed!
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