Chapter 422: Charge towards the World Cup! (5)

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 The next day is the match day, so except for Wang Ai who still had morning training, the other team members were strictly required by the coaching staff to conserve their physical strength... Don't follow Wang Ai's example!

Wang Ai has been training at this intensity for at least five years. With strong nutrition and professional medical support, he was lucky to have no muscle fatigue and became sick from overwork. He has become one of the top physical fitness enthusiasts in the national team.

It can accelerate in short distances and persist in long distances, or it has the advantages of both sprinting and long-distance running. Wang Ai said to Yang Chen in his early years: I want to smooth out the fatigue points, and ride back and forth on the fatigue points, which has already been achieved.

For him now, running 20,000 meters each in the morning and evening is like getting up and brushing his teeth every day. There are no surprises, no surprises, and of course no burden. This is the benefit of athletes training since childhood. Wang Ai doesn’t know it now.

How far he can run in one breath is not limited by physical fitness but by time. There is a big difference between professional athletes and amateur athletes in this regard. For example, amateur athletes will say I did 300 push-ups, while professional athletes will say

Say I did push-ups for half an hour.

For Wang Ai, what drives him is self-discipline, and what restricts him from stopping is fatigue, not quantity and distance. Therefore, there are not many people in the national team who can keep up with Wang Ai's all-day rhythm without falling behind. Wang Ai

Ai's foundation is so good. There is only one Luo Tongliang after all, and he is extremely talented. If we expand the scope, there are only Chen Tao, Zhao Xuri, Zhou Haibin and other friends from the 84 National Youth League. After all, they are young.

They were almost the same, we started them together, and we still persisted in them later.

On the match day of March 25, the national team familiarized themselves with the venue in the morning at the Dashuai Stadium. In fact, it had already been familiar with it, but this was the procedure of the AFC, and then it was handed over to the Uzbekistan team in the afternoon to familiarize themselves. At this time, the national team was fully familiar with the venue.

"Martial law" means that no one can enter the entire Liaoning Football Association-affiliated hotel unless they have a special certificate issued by the Football Association. The international players use different ways to relax, some go back to their rooms to sleep, some listen to music, and some find people to play cards.

Some simply watch movies.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, I ate a high-energy, easy-to-digest meal. After the meal, Ali Haan gave a final tactical explanation. Players who needed to cooperate tactically gathered together in twos and threes and discussed in low voices how to deal with various situations.


The game time is at eight o'clock in the evening. It is a bit cold at this time in March in the north, but considering the problem of ratings, this time is still arranged. As the game time gradually approaches, the national players put on their clothes one by one and filed out.

, walked from the hotel through the bustling crowd, and under the supervision of stadium security, entered the locker room through the side door of the stadium.

At this time, the lights around the Dashuai Stadium were lit up, the colored lights on both sides of the corridor outside the stadium were rarely lit up, and the red light on the head of the stadium was lit up. It was the first time for almost everyone to see this "

"Tiger Head" is all lit up. In the past, Liaoning Football Club has played night games, but the lights in the Tiger Head Hall have never been on, or only a few white light bulbs have been on. But tonight, the red light is shining brightly, and the Tiger Head Hall has never lit up.

Eyes, tiger's mouth, more than thirty meters in the air, as if a ferocious tiger opened its eyes.

According to the explanation from the stadium: This is a courtesy for the national team!

In fact, according to many people who know the inside story, the interpretation is different, such as... Zhao Dan. After he returned to Liaoyang, he met his parents and family, and naturally they had a happy gathering. Speaking of working with Wang Ai in the past two years, it was also He kept talking, and later he even took out a few game tickets and dragged his father and mother, who were fans, to Shenyang. Of course, his sister at China Medical University was not spared either.

As one of Wang Ai's few good friends and a personal guard, it was easy to get a few game tickets.

Zhao Dan, who was in the stands at this time, turned around under the pull of his sister and noticed the red light on the tiger's head. Almost all the more than 38,000 fans who had been waiting in the stadium were attracted. Zhao Dan was stunned. He was stunned, and then curled his lips: "Flattery!"

"What?" Zhao He grabbed his brother's arm in confusion.

"I mean, this is Liaozu trying to flatter Wang Ai." Zhao Dan pointed at the tiger head and said, "Didn't I point it out to you when we came in today? That tiger head is a three-story suspended room, with the topmost one The first floor has always been unused, that is, the king-shaped room in the middle of the eye. That is Wang Ai's room, even though he has never been there. A year and a half ago, I accompanied Wang Ai when the Dashuai Stadium was completed, but Liaozu's Bian mentioned this idea, and Wang Ai was noncommittal, but we all know that this is the whole Liaoning football team thanking Wang Ai for his strong support. So today the national team holds a game here for the first time, and all the lights are turned on as a courtesy to the national football team. , but it is also a courtesy to him, but most people don’t know it.”

Zhao Dan's father, who had his ears perked up, nodded and said approvingly: "This flattery is very clever. But it can't be so absolute. If Wang Ai is not selected for the national football team in the future, the lights will have to be turned on again if the national football team comes again. It can't be Then it was said that the light was broken."

Zhao Dan shook his head: "He can still lose the election? Unless he retires, looking at his physique and concentration in training, he may not retire even if I retire."

The stadium was still dim. Not far from Zhao Dan's family was the live broadcast room of CCTV and Liao TV. Originally, he could have stayed in a box, but he knew his own business, so it would be good to get the tickets. Full-time What security personnel want is to keep a low profile.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the huge white lights above the four legs of the big tiger came on, and the yellow-green court immediately became clear. The two teams went on stage one after another, conducted warm-up activities for the last twenty minutes or so, and then left the field respectively. Leaving the court to There were jubilant fans. In the darkened stands, with the patriotic songs played from the loudspeakers, the fans began to sing spontaneously.

The singing was so bold that even the national players in the locker room could hear it.

At 7:50 in the evening, AFC officials knocked on the door. The new captain Bai Guanghai stood up first, followed by Lao Hao, Xie Hui, Qu Bo, Shao Jiayi, Chen Yang, Sun Jihai, Li Xiaopeng, Zhao Junzhe, Wang Ai, Li Weifeng, Zheng Zhi, Xu Yunlong, Luo Tongliang, Zhang Yonghai, Liu Yunfei, An Qi, Li Jian and others stood up in turn. Substitute goalkeepers An Qi, Li Jian and others stayed behind until the starting players were all lined up. Just came out and followed at the end.

At this time, the singing in the stadium gradually dropped, and applause and cheers were heard.

The bright player tunnel ahead seems to indicate that the door to the World Cup in Germany next year is opening.

This chapter has been completed!
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