Chapter 459 Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! (Prologue)

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 With the arrival of another national team match day, the Chinese media, especially the sports media, have been carnival these days. Yesterday when the Chinese team returned to China, various analytical reports on the battle in Riyadh appeared in the newspapers, including "Liaoshen" Evening News used a silhouette of a Siberian tiger as the background on its first page, and the headline was "Tiger!"

Every subtitle in the article has the word "tiger", and the last subtitle is "Tiger Descending Mountain"! The photo of Wang Ai and Li Weifeng joining hands to thank the fans after the game is regarded as the representative of this game. And even with Wang Ai Other media that had nothing to do with it also reported very enthusiastically. Even the media who were speechless by Wang Ai at the airport did not hesitate to praise him.

Because they have all seen the fans' reaction, the majority of fans have forgiven the Chinese team's backcourt mistakes and focused on the sudden equalizer by Wang Ai and Li Weifeng in the final stage of the game. This is very rare in the harsh public opinion environment of Chinese football. It is rare that Chinese fans sincerely show a tolerant attitude.

Of course, this is mainly because the Chinese team has won three of the three games before. Although one defeat delayed the qualifying process, the overall situation is still good and it is still the first place in this group. According to the regulations, the top two can qualify. .Therefore, Chinese fans have every reason to be tolerant.

In this social mentality, if the media does the opposite and constantly curses the Chinese football team, Chinese fans will scold the media.

The purpose of scolding the national football team is to sell newspapers and increase sales. If they can't sell, why would anyone scold them? Since the fans want to hear good things, it will be easy for the media to change their style.

On the afternoon of the day when the national team returned to China, the Football Association suddenly announced the appointment of Wang Ai as the captain of the national team. The reaction of major sports newspapers and major TV stations was a bit strange. The next day, they suddenly collectively and louder, Sing praises for this order from the Chinese Football Association!

Even they were a little surprised by the reaction of their colleagues. Because this is definitely not caused by Wang Ai's personal influence in the country, nor is it the performance of all the media kneeling down and licking Wang Ai. Even many fan organizations are deeply concerned. Surprised: Didn’t you and Wang Ai always have a bad relationship? Shouldn’t you say that the Chinese Football Association is too exaggerated? Shouldn’t you say that Chinese football is dominated by football hegemons? Shouldn’t...


Zhang Erwen, who has also served as a reporter for the Liaoshen Evening News, inadvertently revealed the truth in his article: Although Captain Wang Ai's eloquence often embarrasses our frontline reporters, we must admit that many times what he says makes sense. Our "confrontation" with him has to a certain extent promoted more people to have a deeper understanding of football, and also promoted the popularity of more correct football concepts. Even for our media itself, having such a powerful "opponent" is a problem. A blessing.

To put it simply, the attitude of the media represented by Zhang Erwen is actually: welcome Wang Ai, a big troll, to the front desk. Don’t let there be too much news craze surrounding Wang Ai in the past few years. This is a man with his own special effects. In one fell swoop Every move, every gesture, every move can attract news attention and trigger a surge in media sales.

Moreover, as Wang Ai comes to the front desk, his good attitude of not shying away from news topics will officially usher in the era of comprehensive cooperation between the national team and the media. Before he was not the captain, he dared to speak publicly many times. Even when Veerappan suddenly attacked the organization of the Asian Cup, he came forward to speak. When a person like him becomes the captain, he will never be the former captain who is ignorant of questions or as boring as a repeater. As you can imagine, The appointment of this captain will bring more good news to the media.

Whether they really like him or like the money he brings, the media is very welcoming to Wang Ai.

Among them, Wang Ai's "Queen Media" "Liaoshen Evening News" was the most excited. It directly printed the headline "The Strongest Chinese Captain in History" on the front page of the next day. In order to support this shocking and offensive news The article systematically analyzes Wang Ai's personal skills, awareness, understanding, and resume, analyzes Wang Ai's supporters in the national team and the power structure within the national team, and finally believes that Wang Ai is a well-deserved captain of the national team and will How about leading the national team to a higher peak.

Wang Ai was so angry that when he saw the newspaper that day, he immediately called the Liaoshen editorial department and was very dissatisfied: You don't love me, you are cheating me, and insisted that Liaoshen withdraw the front page of that day the next day. Continued After receiving Wang Ai's call, the director of the Liaoshen Sports Department knew that he was flattering and flattering the horse. Can the front page of the previous day be revoked? We can't do it. This is agreed by the chief editor's office.

In view of the almost "official" cooperative relationship between Wang Ai and Liaoshen and the fact that Wang Ai's family company is a major advertising client of Liaoshen and other multiple interests, the Liaoshen Sports Department was forced to compile a report on Wang Ai the next day. Ai's phone interview article, in this article, retells Wang Ai's attitude on the phone exactly. However, in the editor's note at the end of the article, Liao Chen still insists: We think the report the day before was correct! This is our view!

Of course, in the media frenzy bombarded by this wave of Football Association's big moves, there are also some experts who jump out to enhance their presence and deliberately express opposing opinions. However, it is irrelevant and has nothing to do with the overall situation. Wang Ai is too lazy to argue with them. In terms of professionalism, there are How many can compare to him? In addition, this group of experts has all majors, but not from the football world. The entire football world either speaks out in support or keeps silent. Outsiders say a thousand words, but the Football Association does not Keep it in mind.

From this perspective, the legend of Wang Ai as a "ball tyrant" still has a shadow. In the Chinese football industry for seventy or eighty years, although it accounts for a very low proportion of the population, there are still hundreds of thousands of practitioners, and there is actually no one. Come out to oppose. But if you say that Wang Ai is carrying out *** white terror, no one will believe it. It can only be said that his personal strength and influence have reached a certain level, driving the overall improvement and positive circulation of Chinese football. It has been widely recognized by the football circle and brought general benefits to the football circle, so that even if people are not convinced, they must be patient, or let's look at the performance of the national team in the next "Wang Ai Era".

With the media hype, the fifth round of the first group of the 2006 German World Cup Asian Qualifying Finals will be held on June 8, the match between the Chinese team and the South Korean team will be held at the Dashuai Stadium, the home stadium of Liaoning Football Team in Hunnan, Shenyang. It is getting more and more attention.

Many non-fans have also begun to pay attention to this key battle. If China wins, it will directly qualify and compete in the Men's Football World Cup for the second time in history!

Players such as Wang Ai, Bai Guanghai, Sun Jihai, etc., who are usually very popular among fans because they play in Europe, all returned to play in China, which also vaguely reminded people of overseas players such as Yang Chen, Xie Hui, Sun Jihai, etc. four years ago. It was an exciting moment for everyone to return home.

This chapter has been completed!
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