Section 127? R Fund (3)

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 Image, simply put, is personality. Both have external expressions and internal support. In other words, internal thoughts, morals, and values ​​determine external words, deeds, actions, and behavior.

Thereby summoning and driving people who appreciate, like and accept this image. Naturally, consumer trust and brand impression will be generated.

A person always has many sides, some of which are contradictory, but commercial needs can only show a certain side to enhance its impact. Therefore, no matter whether it is beautiful or ugly, good or evil, in the end, you have to be inhuman to bring goods.

In a diversified society, the market is segmented, so the creation of an image is becoming increasingly personalized in order to accurately capture the target market and fully mobilize it. It is no longer enough to cast a wide net, but to focus on cultivating. This is the inevitable pursuit of maximizing benefits.


Now Wang Ai is facing this problem. In the past, when Wang Ai was underage, he was a prodigy in learning and a prodigy in sports. They were both prodigies, with a unified image and a unified internal and external, so this problem was not prominent. But with the arrival of adulthood, there are suddenly many roads ahead.

After getting up, we really need to study carefully how to go and where to go.

Wang Ai's decision to choose a private car when he first arrived at Chelsea last summer already had a hint of this aspect. Later, Schlapner's constant feedback from some customers who had been in contact for a long time but failed to win also promoted Wang Ai's decision.

For example, Nokia has many mobile phone models, targeting different groups of people. Although Wang Ai’s overall endorsement is not impossible, Nokia has other overall spokespersons. It hopes to cooperate with Wang Ai on a certain mobile phone first, but Wang Ai’s image

It's too complicated and not as impactful as a person with a single image, so we never talked about it.

Leonie prefers to retain the image of a scholar and focus on creating gentrified football players. Although the scope is narrow, it will be more compatible with some products and brands, and both parties will be more loyal. In this way, even if Wang Ai retires one day

, the cooperation can continue. Xu Qinglian’s opinion is to dilute the academic color and highlight the masculinity of Wang Ai as an adult, so that it can be suitable for more products and brands.

Neither of them could convince the other, so in the end, Wang Ai had to give his opinion.

Wang Ai didn't know whether it was because of their different perspectives or different conclusions about the problem, or because of their vindictiveness. As for the problem itself, if Wang Ai could figure it out, there would be no need to ask them. Seeing that the two were arguing, Kang

Still unable to explain, Stans simply made an international long-distance call to Huang Xin and said one, two, three, one, two, and three. Huang Xin didn't ask anyone for their opinion, but directly told Wang Ai, "How can you downplay it? You are also a scholar, and your temperament,

Your lifestyle habits cannot be changed.

Huang Xin is inclined to Leonie's opinion, and Wang Ai also feels that this is good in his heart. After all, if he follows Xu Qinglian's advice, he can get more money, but he will also be very busy. Wang Ai always has to have some time for himself.

.So I decided to listen to Huang Xin.

From now on, the image should be based on the past, or Wang Ai's true character can be played.

The next step is how to spend the money. Neither Leonie nor Xu Qinglian agrees to spend at will, nor to buy luxury homes, luxury cars, yachts, jewelry, and artworks. In this regard, they are surprisingly consistent. And the reasons are also

Almost, I am afraid that Wang Ai will indulge in a luxurious life and stop struggling. After all, Wang Ai is only 18 and cannot retire from now on. And jewelry and art can indeed maintain their value, but they have no practical use other than showing off. And Wang Ai

Ai's academic qualifications don't need to be so showy.

But apart from that, they couldn't explain how to use it. Leonie has been working in the football field for a long time, and she also knows that Wang Ai can no longer buy a football team. Tübingen's financial situation is very good, and there is no need for Wang Ai.

Ai continues to invest. Xu Qinglian is still a student. Innate qualities and acquired training are not equal to vision. She doesn't see much yet. Everyone knows that buying a company is good, but she has a dark eye on which company to buy. Wang Ai actually wants to

Airbus bought it, but it is the lifeblood of the French. Even if you have money, you can't buy it, let alone you can't afford it. You want to build an aircraft carrier in the former Soviet Union, Varyag has returned to Dalian. But how long ago

At that time, Wang Ai couldn't afford it. Besides, this thing was not something Wang Ai could play with.

Wang Ai's family's enterprises are either agricultural and sideline products or light industrial products. Although the scientific progress in this area is not small, the research is also very fast. Besides, the family is also constantly doing internal research and external acquisitions, so it is not very urgent.

So, for a while, I really couldn’t spend the money.

Later, Constance cautiously suggested setting up a charity fund?

Charitable funds are very important. They can avoid taxes, the most important thing is inheritance tax. The older generation will make a name before they die and donate naked! To whom should they donate? Either a family charity fund or a friend's charity fund.

, so there is no need to pay inheritance tax. Then, the controller of the fund is still its heir, and the fund can still be spent however he wants. For example, buying a villa for your family can be claimed to improve the residence for charity workers.

When it comes to the environment, sharpening your sword won’t make you a chopping wood.

Cultural and sports stars also do this. Relatively speaking, celebrities need to be exposed frequently, but entertainment stars, whether they are singing or acting, usually need a long time to prepare for exposure, so they need to organize charity dinners from time to time.

Sports stars don’t need to show their faces in such activities. One is that sports stars’ performance has a long influence period. In addition, people like Wang Ai have competitions every week and are exposed every week. This entertainment star can’t keep up even if he grits his teeth.

Therefore, sports stars have the highest degree of authenticity when doing charity.

Constance took out the invitation letter sent by tennis star Agassi to Wang Ai from her briefcase. Simply put, she asked Wang Ai to pay and let everyone make a name for themselves. The premise of the cooperation between Agassi and Adi is that Adi supports his charity.

Why does Agassi, who has retired, engage in charity? At least it is more innocent than businessmen and entertainment stars.

After much deliberation, Wang Ai agreed. In the past, she accepted sporadic endorsements and engaged in charity. Half of the endorsement fees were donated through different channels, but Adi’s sum was too big.

Donating more than 40 million euros would be fatal, it would be too sensational, and it would make people hate it, so it is only right to set up a charity fund with a steady stream of flowers.

Wang Ai doesn't care how much fame this brings, he mainly uses it to protect himself.

So, on this night outside London, three girls aged 23, 18, and 16 and an 18-year-old boy came up with a personal charity fund of 42.5 million euros and prepared to register it in La Coruna.

It is named "R Fund" after the initials of Wang Ai's most famous nickname Rey.

This chapter has been completed!
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