?Chapter 165? The provocative Wang Ai, the scene-stealing Henry (2)

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 Wang Ai’s second public speech added fuel to the unexpected Golden Boot battle. So much so that Wang Ai’s friends at the Chinese Embassy in London called specifically to ask Wang Ai curiously.

Ai, are you really so confident?

Chinese people working in London have already adapted to the local British culture. If this incident happened in China, no matter in any industry, people's common reaction would usually be: Why does this child not know how to respect others?

Even if our seniors are older and their abilities have declined, we should not say it publicly.

But in the UK, it's completely different. Except for Henry's loyal fans, almost everyone from all walks of life expressed their appreciation for Wang Ai. Even Henry's loyal fans didn't say bad things to Wang Ai because of this, but just encouraged Henry one after another.

I hope their King of Highbury can win this competition and take back Wang Ai’s gold medal!

The social culture is different, so Wang Ai's behavior, which is regarded as disrespectful in Chinese society, is very popular in the UK. When the news spread back to China, domestic fans were stunned and worried unconsciously. The Chinese Embassy in London

And the overseas Chinese in the UK didn't take it seriously at all.

After this report came out, reporters swarmed from Fleet Street to Arsenal and surrounded Henry. Henry faced the TV cameras with a straight face. After listening to the reporters asking questions, he unzipped his jacket.

He pulled out a gold medal from inside, pointed at the gold medal and said to the camera: "I cherish this gold medal very much, but I have the confidence to keep it and take yours. Now, my bet is ready, yours

What? I’m looking forward to the moment when you come to Highbury and hand me your bet!”

The live TV clearly recorded the usually gentle King of Highbury's energetic appearance, and it was broadcast to thousands of households and numerous outdoor TVs.

After receiving Henry's response, the reporters rushed to their cars with a roar, preparing to drive to Cobham. Today is Saturday and Dr. Wang is not in school!

Seeing the reporters leaving one after another, Henry laughed and turned back to the club. This afternoon was the first game of the gambling game. Unfortunately, the weather in London was not very good today. It seemed like it was going to rain heavily. I didn’t know what was going on at Highbury.

Can the drainage system hold up?

The reporters rushed to Cobham in a hurry. The sky in the western suburbs of London was also gloomy and accompanied by light rain. However, this amount of rain could not dampen the enthusiasm of the reporters and the tens of thousands of British spectators behind them to watch the excitement.

This enthusiasm also encouraged reporters to forcefully ask Cobham to open the door or at least call Dr. Wang out.

Wang Ai didn't hide this time, but he wasn't in Cobham either. On Saturday mornings, Wang Ai would sometimes train with the team, and sometimes take leave to read at home. Today he was at home. However, he saw Henry's response on TV and also

After receiving a call for help from the caretaker of Cobham, he hurriedly drove to the main entrance of Cobham. After listening to the reporters' chatter, he put his hands in his pockets and smiled: "I'm looking forward to taking it in person at Stamford Bridge."

He sent me the gold medal, I hope he won’t default on it if he loses!”

"What about you, will you default on your debt?" The reporter wearing a raincoat and carrying a camera asked loudly.

Wang Ai turned to face the camera and spread his hands: "Thousands of fans have testified, how could I default on the debt? And if I really default on the debt, it's not me. Maybe the FA suddenly decides not to give me the gold medal, then.

There's nothing I can do."

The members of the Football Association who were enjoying themselves and watching TV with smiles suddenly noticed that Wang Ai had slapped them in the face, and they were immediately confused. How could they not award a gold medal? They were immediately elated again. This time, the Football Association responded very quickly, and it hadn't arrived yet.

At noon, the spokesperson smiled and said to reporters: "I guarantee that this year's Premier League championship medals will be distributed in time, especially Dr. Wang's will be hung around his neck on time. So, please Dr. Wang and

Henry, don’t worry about the bet. So, if Dr. Wang wants to default on his debt, I suggest that he please find other reasons. As for who of the two of them can get the golden boot, or who are we more optimistic about... To be honest, my colleagues

Each has its own supporters. As for who I personally support, I cannot reveal who I support. In short, we hope that these two outstanding forwards can score more goals and bring more happiness to the fans through this competition. I also wish them the best.

All can create good results.”

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Ai, who was walking to the Cobham base to attend the pre-match meeting, received a call from Xu Qinglian who was unaware of the situation. There have been many disturbances from the outside world in the past few days, but she was busy reading and preparing term papers, so that at noon today

I only noticed this when I turned on the TV occasionally.

Okay, it’s only been a few days? The Premier League is about to be turned upside down, and you made such a big deal and you didn’t even tell me?

"What bad ideas are you thinking about again?" Xu Qinglian's clear voice came over the phone.

Wang Ai was confused: "No, I'm in Cobham. Besides, I'm so far away from you. What bad idea can I have?"

"I'm asking you why you bully Henry, do you think he is so honest?"

Wang Ai felt aggrieved: "What is honest? How can anyone be honest who can reach this position? Besides, why did I bully him? I made a move, and he took the move. The gambling game was fair and reasonable. Even the gambling company in Zurich has a special

The odds are stacked, how can it be considered bullying? And..."

"Then why do you gamble? Gambling is a bad habit!"

Wang Ai, who was holding the phone, was stunned for a moment, and then he chuckled. It was rare to see Xu Qinglian being so unreasonable. He probably didn't get enough anger out of his last breath. Also, he didn't even bother to apologize and make a phone call afterwards.

She couldn't stand it anymore, so she found a name and made a phone call to test it out.

As he was about to reach the club building, Wang Ai didn't want to seize the opportunity to pretend to be angry, win sympathy, take advantage, etc. He just laughed for a while and braked before the other party could no longer hold back: "Are you curious about why I did this? At night

Come to my house and I will tell you a big secret."

"You don't want it again, do you want that?" Xu Qinglian said hesitantly.

"What are you thinking about? Let me tell you, since then, I have become more ambitious. Besides, what fun do you have? How fun is it to read and play football?"

"...After all, there is Leonie, right?"

"...Well, let's get down to business! Are you coming tonight? I'm here to tell you a big secret. I'm the boss."

Xu Qinglian, who was a little angry, a little sour, and scratching her heart, missed the wrong tooth, and shouted into the phone in a low voice: "Wait to die!"

This chapter has been completed!
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