Section 7 Mesut Ozil

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 The surprised Wang Ai forced himself to remain calm. When he walked under the streetlight, he took a closer look at the player's appearance. Sure enough, he had the iconic big, dull eyes, tightly pursed lips and pointed chin.

I asked why I always had an inexplicable familiar feeling when I was playing football just now!

Unexpectedly, I met the young Ozil! This is a treasure! Bu Wang has been running around Germany for a month, and just because of Ozil, this treasure hunting trip was not in vain!

"Mesut, where is your home? We are going to find your father now."

"Need to go to Gelsenkirchen."

"Where is that? Is it far away?" Leonie said unexpectedly.

Ozil nodded: "20 kilometers."

Leonie looked at Wang Ai, wondering if she should stay in Essen for one night?

"Would it be rude to come to your house so late?" Wang Ai asked.

"No, no, my father should still be in his billiards room now, and my mother is...well, she won't be back until around ten o'clock anyway."

"Okay, let's go to Gelsenkirchen. By the way, is there a hotel somewhere?"

"Yes, yes!"

The three of them chatted and laughed as they waited for the shuttle bus to Gelsenkirchen.

After more than ten minutes of walking, after getting off the car, Ozil led the two of them along the winding road towards the Turkish community. This is an old and dilapidated community. Garbage can often be seen on the side of the alley, and the air is not good.

It smells so good.

Ozil, who was leading the way, walked slower and slower. Leonie was a little strange. She was about to urge her when she heard Wang Ai say: "Mesut, you may not know that when I was a child, I lived in a rural area in northeastern China. It was much shabbier than here. I

We can only live in thatched cottages."

"Really?" Ozil turned back, unable to hide his happiness: "The door to my apartment is difficult to open, and the basement is full of stench. I don't even dare to pick up the bicycle myself!"

"You actually have a basement at home? You actually have a bicycle?" Wang Ai opened his eyes wide.

"Yeah! It's a beautiful bicycle. I had a leather football when I was eight years old, and look!" Ozil opened his eyes even wider and raised the plastic bag in his hand in surprise: "Genuine.

Nike sneakers!”

Wang Ai took it over: "It's so beautiful! I used to only use canvas shoes to play football, Chinese-made pull-back canvas shoes."

"Hey, I used to do the same! But it's not a Chinese brand, it's cheap local sneakers."

The more they talked, the happier they became, and their steps became faster and faster. Before long, they arrived at a billiards room on the street that was still lit.

This is a small billiard room renovated on the first floor of an apartment building with eight billiard tables. There are also two tables with guests. A thin middle-aged man with a thick upper lip beard, who seems to be the boss, Musta

Mr. Fa Ozil.

Seeing his second son returning with two strangers, Mr. Mustafa stood up enthusiastically. Whether they were Chinese ethnic minorities or tall, beautiful and elegant Germanic women, Mr. Mustafa was very happy.

Especially when I heard that the other party was the main player and leader of the fourth-level league and came here specifically for his son.

"My son scored 7 goals in the first game after joining Red-White Essen, in the derby of Black-White Essen! Did you know that in the first game, he played against his old enemy?

In the game, the whole team only scored 8 goals, and my son scored 7 goals. Guess what the result was? In the second game, Mesut actually came on the bench! He came on the bench!" In a pub on the street

, Mr. Mustafa muttered angrily.

Leonie and Wang Ai looked at each other unexpectedly, why?

"Why? Humph! It's not because someone is richer than us! A bastard family gave the Red and White Essen a lot of money and pushed my son down! Also, Schalke 04 is not a good thing! My son

Such a genius, he actually took the test four times! You know, he took the test four times! Every time my son performed the best, but every time anyone could get in, my son would fail!" Mustafa!

The gentleman took a big gulp of beer.

Leonie raised her glass and clinked it with Mustafa. Originally, this was not acceptable in traditional Turkish families, but after living in Germany for so many years, she had become accustomed to the German way of doing things.

"For Mesut!" Leonie suggested, and Mr. Mustafa decisively drank another drink!

Wang Ai glanced at Ozil, who was sitting silently on the side. The two teenagers shrugged in unison. Neither of them liked drinking. They were unable to stop the German girl and the Turkish middle-aged man from drinking hard. This was their fault.

The way to communicate feelings. Sure enough, after three drinks, it became easier to communicate. Maybe it was because Mr. Mustafa felt more relaxed after he vomited his displeasure.

"What football team do you think... um... can guarantee my son's playing time?"

Wang Ai shook his head slightly, but his next words turned Mr. Mustafa's worries into joy: "Mesut is still young, and I don't want to use him as a real adult player, otherwise he will be easily injured, which will affect his future football career.

.Actually, it’s me, also a rotation player.”

"Are you Japanese? Korean?" Mr. Mustafa suddenly asked Wang Ai's nationality.

"Chinese" Wang Aidao said: "The dimensions of Northeastern Chinese are similar to those of Germany. However, in conservative southern Germany, there will also be some ethnic issues. But fortunately, Tübingen is a university town, and a quarter of the city's

The population is composed of foreign college students, so it is very friendly to ethnic minorities. By the way, there is a Turkish restaurant near my home.”

Mustafa nodded, was silent for a moment, and then said to the team leader Leonie in a somewhat reserved manner: "My son is going, oh, I said, what is the salary if my son goes to the Tubingen team?"

"The salary of our team's substitute players is 600 euros. As long as they play in every game, they will receive a reward of 50 euros. If they win, there will be an additional 50 euros." Leonie said: "Mr. Mustafa, you should understand that we

I discovered Mesut while inspecting young players from Essen. I came to Gelsenkirchen so late on purpose, not to make fun of you."

Mustafa nodded repeatedly: "I understand, I understand."

Leonie shook her head gently: "I'm afraid you still don't know one thing. Don't think that your son is the only genius. Do you know what kind of player the relative of the owner of the new team opposite you is? When your son is still playing for a six-year-old

When you are working hard for the main position in the first-level league, the Chinese player opposite you has been selected for the national team! At the Asian Youth Football Championship in the first half of this year, the Chinese team he led was the champion, and he was the top scorer and best player.

The chairman of the Football Federation personally awarded him the award. In other words, among the hundreds of millions of young people in Asia of the same age, the Chinese opposite you is the strongest! Do you know the Stuttgart football team? A strong team in the Bundesliga,

He has been invited to the Stuttgart youth team for trial training three times this year. You should know what this means? In just two years, he can play in the Bundesliga. But he likes Tübingen and wants to lead Tübingen

upgrade, so they were rejected.”

Mr. Mustafa, who was confused by Leonie's bombardment, took deep breaths continuously: "So, so, my son can be your teammate?"

Wang Ai nodded with a smile: "I like Mesut. We just played at the training ground for a while and were very happy. Our team does not have a youth team, so my teammates are much older than me. If Mesut is willing to go, he can

He should be the youngest, and everyone will definitely take good care of him. Now I suddenly feel a little regretful and don’t want to give up this wonderful position."

Leonie smiled and her aggressiveness disappeared in an instant: "So, Mr. Mustafa, are you willing to let Mesut join Tübingen Youth?"

Mustafa nodded repeatedly with a smile on his face, but still hesitated when he spoke: "I, I want to go see Tubingen, is that okay? After all, it's far away, right?"

Wang Ai stood up and shook hands with Mustafa: "Of course, but Mesut is welcome to join!"

This chapter has been completed!
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