Section 193? Fighting for the Hero (2)

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 This season's Champions League has come to an end. For both sides, only one can play three games, while the other can only play two. This means that the current 1-goal gap in the Champions League scorer list still exists.

Uncertainty. Who wins and who loses depends not only on the on-field status of the two top shooters Wang Ai and Shevchenko, the strength of the team's support, but also largely depends on the outcome of the two teams.

On the other hand, the on-field status of the two top shooters also has a lot to do with the team's victory or defeat.

Therefore, when Chelsea arrived in Milan, the eyes of fans all over the world were following closely. Before this summer's World Cup, the second half of the European Champions Cup, which brought together the best players in the world, was equivalent to a warm-up for the World Cup.

For many senior fans, the World Cup is more about patriotism than pure football enthusiasm. Many matches in the World Cup are not as good as the Champions League.

If there is no Champions League, but only the World Cup, European Cup, Copa Libertadores, Asian Cup, and African Cup, then many fans will lament, "Why can't so and so be together?"

Since Wang Ai has completely entered a state of war, Leonie, who is far away in Germany, has taken charge of Wang Ai's logistics affairs. On the one hand, she and Schlapner regulate Wang Ai's long-term, mid-term, and short-term management affairs; on the other hand, she mobilizes

Constance, who was preparing her graduation thesis, took over Wang Ai's Sina blog and accepted temporary interviews with several domestic news media on behalf of Wang Ai. The last aspect was to threaten Xu Qinglian and ask her to take leave to go to Milan.

Leonie said it well: "If you don't want to go, I will go!"

As for the team, Jose's request to Wang Ai was to try to play the entire game. In front of all his teammates, Jose publicly said: "wiwi, your goal feels good now, you have to do your best to explode. You have to

Dribble less and use your physical energy on shooting, and I will let everyone help you."

In terms of formation, Jose made a bold change, changing the defensive-oriented double midfielder + single front midfielder configuration into a single back midfielder + double front midfielder configuration, with Wang Ai and Lampard playing together.

As the attacking midfielder, Wang Ai is positioned slightly ahead and is responsible for mid-range and short-range shots and small dribbling around the top of the penalty area. Lampard is behind and is responsible for long-range shots, dispatching and assists.

This aggressive formation rarely appears in Chelsea and is usually used when desperate. It was unexpected to use it like this in the first game of the semi-finals in an away game.

While Wang Ai was sharpening his skills, Shevchenko also saw new changes. He had not shown enthusiasm for Chelsea affairs before, nor had he answered questions about the competition between Wang Ai and Henry, and even asked reporters

When asked about the prospect of the Champions League golden boots this season, he also avoided talking about it.

Recently, with Wang Ai taking the lead in the Champions League scorer list, Sheva's attitude has begun to loosen. The reason may be that his agent is gradually leaning towards the latter in the negotiations on contract renewal with Milan and transfer with Chelsea.

It may also be that after he gradually determined his intention to leave Milan, he noticed the problem of his status in Chelsea's attacking system next season. Of course, it may also be because Ballack's statement was noticed by him and he realized that Wang Ai

a threat to his future status.

In short, Sheva said before the game: He hopes to win the Champions League Golden Boot this season: "That is a wonderful taste."

At the same time, AC Milan players also expressed their support for the Ukrainians.

On the day Chelsea players arrived in Milan, they were adapting to the venue at San Siro, and the confrontation between the two sides reached its peak. Just as Chelsea finished adapting to the venue, and when they were leaving on the bus, they encountered the Milan bus coming for training. The vehicles from both sides crossed each other at the entrance of the stadium.

And then. The photographers of "Gazzetta dello Sport" took several snapshots. One of them was the scene where Wang Ai and Shevchenko were leaning against the window of the bus, staring at each other.

The "Milan Gazzetta dello Sport" published the next day used this photo, which was meaningful. Both of them had serious expressions. In fact, Wang Ai and Sheva did not notice each other at the time, but just glanced at each other's vehicles.

That's it, but people can't help but like to interpret it this way, just like when Chelsea and Barcelona met before, newspapers would choose photos of Ronaldinho and Lampard.

The team rested in the hotel in the evening, and Wang Ai temporarily applied for two hours of personal leave from assistant coach Clark.

It was not that he was going shopping with Xu Qinglian. Wang Ai was not in such a leisurely mood, but guests were coming. The head coaches and captains of the three youth teams of Liaoning Football Team received invitations from Wang Ai respectively, and while preparing to watch the two Champions League semi-finals, they arrived.

Chelsea Club inspected for a week.

Precisely because they had consulted with Jose before, the club knew what Wang Ai was going to do and released him before the war. The three head coaches of Liao Shao's first, second and third teams are Zhang Yin and Mertesa Lao.

Ke, Yu Ming, old and young, native and foreign, all available.

If the youth are strong, China will be strong. Wang Ai is more attentive to the training of the youth team than the adult team. Since the acquisition of Liaoning Football Team, it has basically been free-range, allowing the original team of Liaoning Football Team to perform on their own after they have no shortage of food and drink.

Wang Ai of the youth team has put in a lot of effort. Not only did he ingeniously establish three youth teams, one more than when Liaoning Football Team was at its peak, but he also forced Liaoning Football Team to allocate a fixed proportion of funds every year to support the development of the youth teams.

Two years have passed, and the three youth teams have begun to take shape. However, they are still relatively young. Currently, they are all members under the age of ten. They are still far away from the youngest national youth team, so they are not obvious yet. But according to Wang

Ai has watched the videos of their matches several times and found that, at the very least, their level is not inferior to that of Zhang Yuning, Li Jinyu and Liao Xiaohu of their generation.

The future is promising!

Of course Wang Ai will provide help again. There is nothing interesting in the country at present. The only one in this age group that can compete with it is the younger team of Genbao Beyond Football School. So Wang Ai took advantage of this opportunity to bring together the three heads of family and

The captain invited me to come and see with my own eyes what the world's highest level football match looks like, and to see with my own eyes the working status of the world's highest level coaching staff.

From the fundamentals, it has elevated the Liao Youth Team from China, local youth training, and low age to the world, top level, and adult level.

Even if you can’t learn much, learn as much as you want!

After this decision was issued, the three Liao commanders quickly took action. Without Wang Ai's mobilization, they were assembled within one day. They took the passport specially issued by Huang Xin and flew directly to Milan. They just arrived today.

When Wang Ai arrived at their hotel, the three coaches were chatting and laughing.

This chapter has been completed!
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