Section 286? Grape and Wine Luminous Cup (Part 1)

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 When Tübingen fell into exhaustion after the carnival, it was the early morning light of Beijing. A large number of citizens had heard the sound of firecrackers in the city more than an hour ago, although they had work reasons and could not get up.

They watch football in the morning. But when a new day comes, they still hurriedly turn on the TV, radio or simply buy a newspaper on the way to work.

The major sports newspapers and Morning News published today were all out of line! This is a rare scene in the Chinese newspaper industry. Because it was already five o'clock in the morning Beijing time when the game ended, and the newspapers had already finished printing, so in order to snatch this

Important first-hand news, various newspapers have published the extra copy prepared in advance "China's team qualified for the World Cup group!"

Various radio stations and television stations have dedicated a large period of time in their morning news to introduce the good news to audiences across the country. Among them, the morning news of China Central Radio and the newspaper joint broadcast are the most typical. This issue starts at 7 a.m.

During the one-hour news program at 8 o'clock, we usually read about 20 pieces of news from domestic newspapers, but this morning, half of them were about the Chinese team qualifying for the group stage.

“In the final round of Group B of the World Cup in Germany early this morning, Sun Jihai, Qu Bo, Hao Haidong, and Wang Ai scored goals for the Chinese team, and finally defeated the South American powerhouse Paraguay with a score of 4:1.

With a six-goal difference, they ranked first in the group and qualified together with the England national team to enter the knockout stage. This is the best result achieved by the Chinese men's football team in an international competition so far, although compared with its Asian counterparts, it is still

There is a certain gap, but Wang Ai, the captain of the national team that everyone is very concerned about, has now topped the scorer list of this World Cup with six goals. This result has not broken the World Cup scoring record for Asian players, but the current goals

The record was also created by Wang Ai, and that was the World Cup in Korea and Japan four years ago that is still fresh in our memories. Let us congratulate the Chinese team!"

Voices similar to the above bloomed all over the land of China, stimulating the enthusiasm of ordinary people. A large number of government agencies, groups, enterprises, and units sent congratulatory letters and telegrams to the Chinese Football Association. The climax of the celebration occurred at ten o'clock in the morning, when people who were attending the State Council meeting

The Vice Premier, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, sent a congratulatory message to the Chinese World Cup delegation in Germany, and the full text was broadcast on the news broadcast that night.

This blockbuster news killed all domestic publications including entertainment news! The evening news broadcast also showed footage of reporters from the front interviewing the national team. During the interview, the national team was undergoing recovery training, including Wang Ai.

All the players gathered at the training ground to be interviewed by Huang Jianxiang.

This morning, the fax machine of Tuebingen Youth Club did not stop. Thousands of domestic congratulatory messages and telegrams were sent out. This was the result of the Football Association's selection. It is said that the Chinese star football team has called on friends for emergency.

After taking off, we first went to Hong Kong to pick up the Hong Kong star football team and flew to Germany to witness the national team’s knockout matches.

Even Wang Ai was very excited at this time. On behalf of the teammates behind him, he said in the TV camera: "We eat from the country, wear the country's food, and use the country's food. The country has trained us for so many years and given us such high praise.

, the people have given us such high expectations, and my teammates and I are very excited. Yang Shen of the Ming Dynasty once said: 'The country has been raising scholars for a hundred and fifty years, and it is today that we fight for integrity and justice.' Modern times are more enlightened than the Ming Dynasty.

The country does not require us to die, but our mood is the same, that is, serving the motherland today!"

What Wang Ai said was only the last eight words that appeared on the Xinwen Network screen: "Serve the motherland today!"

When Wang Ai's screen switched off, a set of comments specially allocated for this purpose from CCTV appeared. The announcer said affectionately: "Serving the motherland, today, how well said, this is the voice of our national team ahead.

They have experienced rigorous training and elimination since childhood, and have come step by step to where they are today, reaching the finals step by step, bringing the style of Chinese football and Chinese people to the world."

While the announcer was narrating, the TV flashed back footage of the training and competition of the national team members from childhood to adulthood, starting with Lao Hao and ending with Wang Ai.

"We have criticized them, complained about them, liked them, and worshiped them. No matter what, they are children of the motherland and the people. Maybe their abilities are really limited and they cannot bring us more, but as long as they work hard

After they have passed and fought hard, their growth will be enough to please the motherland and the people, and it will be enough to surprise and praise the people of the world."

The last scene is exactly the scene last night where Wang Ai and the Deportivo ball boy wearing his captain's armband raised their arms in greeting to each other.

In the last part of the domestic news, there is also an interesting excerpt. This is a picture of an ordinary CCTV staff member's home. At three o'clock in the morning, when it was still dark outside the window, a family of three generations and seven or eight men were already sitting in the living room.

In the living room, as goals were scored one after another on the TV screen, and cheers mostly in Mandarin were heard from the TV, the living room was boiling. This is the epitome of many Chinese families this morning.

Maybe women don’t understand why their men are so fanatical, but they will also be infected by this craze. Even if they are not watching the game, it is interesting to see their men. Men who have been bent over by life can only stand at this moment.

When you are full of passion, you are like a child, regardless of age!

All day long on June 21, the national team was conducting light recovery training and dealing with the boiling external news part-time. Nan Yong, Zhu Heyuan were so busy that they had to temporarily recruit members of the Tübingen Youth Club to assist.

.A large number of overseas Chinese rushed to Tübingen, a large number of reporters surrounded the club building asking for interviews, and a large number of business representatives sent gifts and condolence money.

It was not until ten o'clock in the evening that the commotion gradually subsided. The exhausted Zhu Heyuan sat down on the steps of the front entrance of the hotel, which was getting colder. He took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath. In the conference room upstairs, Leo

Ni, Constance and the newly joined Anika were busy with the delegation sorting out various gifts, sorting out congratulatory letters and telegrams, and sorting out consolation funds. This lasted for a whole day.

There are a lot of things happening tomorrow. For example, the Hong Kong Star Football Team’s stars, who are popular all over Asia, have to open the training ground for them to see, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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