Chapter 326 Please listen carefully to me (Part 1)

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Wang Ai has always been hesitant about the urgent matter of cooling down the temperature of Chinese football. Fortunately, Xu Qinglian gave him an idea and asked the Football Association to come forward. The feedback from the past few days has been very good. Yan Shiduo corrected Wang Ai's paper.

Finally, it was presented to Director Liu. Director Liu thought it was good and uploaded it. Now most of the country's leaders in charge of sports have read it and "liked" it. This gave Wang Ai the courage to go up the stream.

What I have been worried about is that in the current frenzy across the country, his prestige is not enough, and pouring cold water on him will have the opposite effect, especially when he still has many opponents.

But even so, he did not dare to target the fans, but only dared to target Chinese football itself. Because he was born and raised in a professional background, unlike his predecessors, he did not make money playing football and his service attributes were not obvious.

Of course he can "teach" the fans, but Wang Ai can't and doesn't dare to.

From a traditional perspective, anyone who is sitting in the live broadcast room of CCTV's most important news program and commenting on the big topic of Chinese football must be in his 40s or 50s to be convincing. But it just happens that he is a recent leader.

Young people with ID cards talk freely here, but people take it for granted.

Not only because he is the captain and main force of the national team and has broken a series of records, he is also well-deserved to be known as the number one player in contemporary Chinese football and has great reputation in international football. Because even if an ordinary player can enter

Football, at most, he dominates within the team, and his opinions cannot rise to the level of "Chinese football" at all. For example, Lao Hao, many of his opinions are very pertinent, but so what? The leadership "pays attention".

But it is only "attention" because he does not have enough power to promote his proposition.

This is the most important difference between Wang Ai and Lao Hao, because Wang Ai has a huge family business, and the family business has a more direct influence on Chinese football! This is called the economic base determines the superstructure!

After six years of hard work, Wang Ai's "money ability" and the power of the "RMB warrior" are now gradually emerging. With a Liaoning football team and a Liaoning football circle that have written countless glories in the history of Chinese football, he can truly change the rules of China's top football events.

!Tübingen, which he invested in and built, is currently the most important overseas base for Chinese football; he took advantage of the opportunity of his parents to go to La Coruna to acquire local fishery companies, and impressed Lendoiro with his economic strength, which helped him successfully become La Coruna.

The shareholders of HKUST have laid the foundation. This is the first time that the Chinese have owned a team in the five major leagues, and the potential value and significance are immeasurable.

After acquiring Tübingen and transforming it into Tübingen Youth, in a few years, the "Tübingen System" has become a synonym and cluster for the country's top players, supporting most of the national team, and will continue to expand. Even

The Chinese Football Association, which originally intended to suppress Wang Ai, was forced to hurriedly appoint him as captain. As a player, he actually restricted Ali Haan from moving. Is it just because he is the top scorer? No! Because of Wang Ai

One sentence can wipe out half of his future business income in China. Mainly because of Wang Ai, he must bow his head!

The Civilian Stadium, the Idiot Cup, the Liao Women's League, and the Rehabilitation Medical Center have penetrated into all aspects of Chinese football. In Nan Yong's words: "Our Football Association's six teams and one team plus the women's football team will not be unable to play without him, but most of the Football Association

Your work will be greatly affected if you don’t obey!”

The most critical of all factors is that amidst the many shortcomings of the acquaintance society in the current Chinese football circle, Wang Ai is a breath of fresh air: he has never relied on interpersonal relationships to obtain anything, and he has worked hard to achieve this step by step through performance.

When Wang Ai won the Asian Junior Championship six years ago, some people said that he would be a figure in the future; when he won the World Junior Championship five years ago, some people said that he would be a figure now. After returning from South Korea four years ago, the outside world

The attributive of the evaluation has changed from "person" to "big shot", but there is also the prefix "future". And today, four years later, it has been recognized both inside and outside the football circle that he is now a big shot!

In common people's terms, if he stamps his foot now, Chinese football will tremble!

Therefore, Bai Yansong's authoritative program takes "Chinese Football" as its core proposition, but only Wang Ai was invited. When Wang Ai expressed his views and warnings about Chinese football as a whole, no one was surprised, whether it was Wang Ai or Wang Ai.

Bai Yansong was still watching TV. Leaders, coaches and players at all levels were listening attentively. They even turned up the volume of the TV to avoid being unable to hear clearly. Among them were Nian Weisi who was at home in Beijing and those who were far away in Shanghai.

Xu Genbao, Gao Hongbo at the Olympic Sports Center, and Shen Xiangfu on vacation in Hainan!

Because they understand that Wang Ai's speech today will be called an "important speech" in the football world!

"Great rout? What do you mean?" Bai Yansong subconsciously used the honorific.

"Uncle Bai... uh..." Wang Ai on the TV was still very relaxed. He turned to look at Bai Yansong, who was a little surprised and couldn't help laughing, and explained: "Aren't you friends with Teacher Benshan? I call him uncle. Besides, at our age...


"Okay, you can call it whatever you want." Bai Yansong waved his hand: "What is the great defeat you are referring to? We really don't want to go back to the dark nights of Chinese football in the 1980s. That scene was too heart-wrenching."

Wang Ai nodded in agreement: "The great defeat I'm talking about has multiple levels. The most intuitive and shallowest level is of course the failure of the competition results. But objectively speaking, back then, we only had a few steel in our pockets.

We really can't afford to lose. We conceded two goals and were miserable after losing a few games because our capital was too small. But today, even if we lose one or two important games, we can endure it because at least

We now have a few big unity cards in our pockets. Although it will hurt to lose another 80 yuan, it will not be a total loss. What I mean by a big rout mainly refers to deep-seated problems."

Bai Yansong made a "please" gesture, indicating that I am only responsible for listening. Please explain in detail.

"The national team is the pearl of Chinese football, but the national team is not everything, and the national team is not equal to Chinese football. Chinese football is strong, and it should be strong as a whole, including the national team, club teams, youth teams, amateur teams and venues.

, the overall system of coaching, logistics, and medical care is strong. But now we only have the national team, the most cutting-edge aspect of Chinese football, that is good, and the others are far behind, much worse. For example, above a strong Chinese football

If the national team doesn't play well, then the big deal is to smash it up and start over, and we have all the talents. But the reality is, if we people don't play well and let the leaders and fans down, well, replace us...

…Who will replace it?”

This chapter has been completed!
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