Chapter 22: Charge, Young Master!

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 Ozil is a Westerner, so he does not have the gentleness, courtesy, frugality and modesty of the Chinese. The German habit has always been to speak out and speak out, and of course he will not be polite in his actions.

The two sides, who were originally relatively close in strength, had a huge dramatic result after the first contact due to different cultural values: In the first half of the training match between the two sides, Ozil scored six goals alone!

The national junior team members were all devastated. It wasn’t that Ozil was so good that he scared them, but... why did the boss lie to us? Why does this guy need our care? He needs to take care of us!

During the intermission, Zhao Xuri sat down next to Wang Ai: "Boss, what do you mean? You said we would take it with you, so how can we take it with you? It's like a living donkey!"

"Oh, blame me, blame me, brothers, blame me, blame me. I told him that you are the strongest young people in Asia and the strongest peers he can meet now, so I asked him to use all his abilities. You know

, Westerners are relatively average, I didn’t expect him to be so strong.”

All the players pursed their lips and rolled their eyes: You have been playing together for half a season, don't you know what this "big-eyed guy" is capable of? The boss is a great footballer, and his digging skills are even better!

However, this foreign boy is really awesome!

If the boss's skill was 5 in the past, then Chen Tao would be about 4.5, Zhao Xuri, and Zhou Haibin would be about 4, and the abilities of the other national youth players would be about 3.5 to 2.5. I haven't seen you in half a year. If the boss's skill is still 5, then Chen Tao

The skill of Zhao Xuri and Zhou Haibin is 3.5.

But this "big-eyed guy" has at least a skill of 4, and if he is good, he can reach 4.5! This is amazing, better than everyone else in the national junior high school! Is this amazing?! The boss can tell you, this guy actually turned out half a year ago

He is actually from the German seventh-level league, an amateur team. Not to mention the German national team, he can't even get into the municipal representative team!

German football is actually so hopelessly powerful!

Ozil, who looked relaxed, found that his "brother" was smiling and saying something to these Chinese people. Then these players who had been very friendly to him on the court just now began to breathe quickly, frown, and their faces turned red.

Looking into my own eyes...

"Brother...Brother" Ozil touched Wang Ai, his teeth chattering: "He, they..."

"Don't be afraid!" Wang Ai smiled and patted Ozil on the shoulder: "They are all civilized people and will not do anything to hurt you. However, they are interested in your skills and are ready to use all their skills.

My strength competes with yours."

"You mean, they didn't use their full strength just now?" Ozil asked doubtfully: "Why? Are you looking down on me?"

"No, you are the only young player in our team or China who was specially invited from Germany. How could we look down on you? Everyone is afraid that you will travel too far and not get enough rest, so they plan to have a game with you.

A light confrontation game to help you recover, this is their way of showing friendship to you." Wang Ai shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, just tell them, just go all out. I played for ten hours straight when I was a kid." Ozil is full of confidence in his physical fitness.

The national youth players who were forced by Wang Ai and Ozil to put in regular competition levels were completely different in their mental outlook and competitive level. Ozil was still the best on the court, but he no longer stood out from the crowd. Chen Tao

, Zhao Xuri, Zhou Haibin and others seemed to have transformed. They were completely different in the first and second half, which impressed Ozil. Even other players also performed extremely well!

The competitive level of this team and these peers surpasses all teams and peers Ozil has ever encountered!

After Ozil assisted Cao Di to score a goal, the two teenagers who couldn't speak the same language excitedly high-fived in celebration.

Dai Qinhua walked beside Chen Tao: "This big-eyed guy has pretty good eyesight. He didn't even look at Cao Di's position when it came to matching him."

Chen Tao sighed: "No wonder the boss called him here. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have thought he was so good? The boss said he was just 13 this year, and his skills were even better than mine! How was he going to do in the Junior World Championships!

Fuck! There’s still half a year left! Lao Dai, I want to risk my life! What about you?”

Dai Qinhua gritted his teeth and nodded: "Let's fight! Even if the training is over, I will train by myself! The boss practices eight hours a day, and I practice eight hours too! If you can't catch up with the boss, you can't even see the taillights of the car!"

Ever since Ozil, the big catfish, came to Haikou, the national youth who were already working hard did not dare to relax. Wang Aike did not tell them that Ozil's misfortune was not because of technology but because of his nation. In terms of technology, Ozil was unlucky.

Zier is also the absolute main force in the German national team. Therefore, it left an impression on the friends that the opponents are so powerful that they are almost invincible. Think about it, the opponents of a team composed of eleven bosses are still kicking!

At the Haikou Sports Team Stadium, the relaxation of the national youth training ground is gone forever, and the tense atmosphere is spreading! Every morning, facing the cool sea breeze and the shining star in the deep blue sky, the team members spontaneously gather behind Wang Ai

, set foot on the roads, hills, grass, and beaches around the stadium to practice physical fitness. After an hour, I ran back to the stadium to take a shower, rest, and have breakfast. After that, there was a one-hour tactics class with Lao Gao, and then special skills training. After lunch, I rested for an hour.

, start the training match! In the last two hours of the afternoon, Wang Ai personally gave everyone a cultural tutoring class. After dinner, he took a half-hour break and continued one-on-one skills special training. Lao Gao was personally responsible, and he also worked hard, and Ozil also

It stimulated him so much. A casual player in an amateur team is better than a member of my national team. This, this... damn!

After an hour of training, at seven o'clock in the evening, they go to the swimming pool for an hour of swimming. This is the most relaxing moment of the day for the national juniors. By the time they get out of the swimming pool, most of them can't hold it anymore...

It has been seven hours of high-intensity training, especially for Gao Lin, Wang Yongbai, Zeng Cheng, and Yu Yang who were born in 1988 and 1989, including Ozil. They are so tired and sleepy that they can't open their eyes. Wang Ai is afraid.

After hurting them, I persuaded them to go back to the room to rest. Wang Ai doesn't care about the rest of the others who are the same age as him or even older than him. If he can keep up with you, just come. If you want to go back to sleep or even play games, it doesn't matter!

For Wang Ai, where is this? He hasn’t trained as much as he did in Germany. Holding the football in his arms, he ran along the road illuminated by street lights for an hour at night to warm up, then returned to the stadium and started dribbling.

Stretch your muscles for half an hour, shoot for half an hour to relax and loosen up quickly, go back to the gym to do upper body, waist and abdominal strength training for an hour to sweat a little. Turn around and count, oh, there are a lot of people, let’s play a game of futsal, let’s go!

Except for the younger ones, none of the national junior team members were left behind. It was inevitable that they would be lazy in the middle, but they were full of complaints and no one slipped away! Even if the training volume is twice as large as before, the boss

Instructor He Gao has never asked you to follow. The boss here has the highest academic qualifications, the strongest skills, the greatest reputation, and is still relatively young. This is the way to practice every day! It is not adulterated at all. Do you want to follow or not?

There are no heroic words or red flags waving. In this winter in Haikou, the junior national team members are silently charging towards a higher position.

This chapter has been completed!
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