Section 378 Never Abandoning Rivers and Eternal Flows (1)

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 Just as Wang Ai concentrated on continuing to make progress with Sheva, and expected that in another month, after the club, sponsors and fans no longer have high expectations for him, he would explode with all his strength and regain Chelsea's number one attacker in one fell swoop.

At the moment when he became the golden king, a major event with far-reaching impact occurred in Chinese football.

This was not a big deal at first, but now it is a sensational event. That is, the 90-year-old national junior who had high hopes, after consecutively dominating the Asian Junior Championships in 1984, 86, and 88,

On the same day that Wang Ai played in the European Super Cup, he was eliminated by North Korea 2:1 in the 12th Asian Youth Championship. At this time, they had just qualified for the group stage!

Next year's World Junior Championships will be cancelled.

Although the 88 National Youth Championship was far from reaching the heights of the previous two World Junior Championships, it could be considered as "breaking out of Asia". Unexpectedly, the new "national team" a year later would not even have tickets to the World Junior Championships.

They didn't even get it, almost humiliatingly stopping outside the semi-finals.

And our national team just reached the quarterfinals in the World Cup two months ago!

As soon as the news came out, the domestic football world was in a wave of turmoil. From distant Singapore to Beijing, to Shanghai, to Guangzhou, to Shenyang, all Chinese football centers, all clubs, all youth teams, and football schools were shocked and inexplicable.

.And when the news spread to the society, many people in the middle and lower classes of football as well as professional fans panicked!

The domestic World Cup craze has not completely passed. Several World Cup games of the national football team are still being replayed frequently, and related discussion topics are still among the best in online communities. Now is the time when various "success studies" are popular. Once a person is in

If a certain field is "successful", it will immediately be given various names and boasted by a group of experts. Wang Ai does not like this kind of mythology, otherwise he would not vigorously promote the movie "Yong Zhixing"

Go ahead. Although Wang Ai wrote to the Football Association after the World Cup and entrusted the Football Association to further explain the situation to the leaders, the society is not clear about Wang Ai's concerns. Even though Wang Ai almost bluntly stated the problems of Chinese football through Bai Yansong's program

Dilemma, but that is just speculation after all, what if?

The country is no longer worried about Wang Ai's group. After all, Wang Ai was born in 1987, and those who were born in 1984, 1986 and 1985 in between all have good results. No matter how bad they are, they will be good.

Where to go? Of course, everyone hopes that the future of Chinese football can rise for all age groups, rather than an individual phenomenon of a certain age group. Therefore, the 90-year-old national team has high hopes.

Wang Ai is the undisputed core of the teams of those age groups. In a sense, it can be regarded as an "accident", a kind of motivation that was driven by Wang Ai, an unconventional star, and left Wang Ai.

Ai's 1990 national junior can also achieve good results, which proves that Chinese football is really successful. Especially the last 88 national junior Asian championship, some people in the football world are inexplicably optimistic, thinking that leaving Wang Ai is okay

.It was only their defeat in the quarterfinals in the subsequent World Junior Championships that allowed them to calm down a little.

Wang Ai's opponents inside and outside the football world are also looking forward to the 90-year-old national youth. If Chinese football can cultivate another "Wang Ai", then Wang Ai's huge and unrivaled influence can be divided. Wang Ai also

It's not that scary anymore. But now it's all over, everything is in vain!

Now everyone is asking themselves: What will happen if Wang Ai retires in the future? Will Chinese football be brought back to its original shape? Look at the level of this national youth team, the top eight in Asia, what is this!

This news was so sensational that even the news that Wang Ai played in the European Super Cup for the first time and won the best of the game was not made headlines in China. TV stations, newspapers, and the sports section of the Internet were all discussing the defeat of the national team.

News from Singapore.

In fact, before being eliminated by North Korea, this national junior team showed a crisis. In February, March, and April, they performed poorly in the Granachine Cup, Sanix Cup, and Montague Cup.

It completely failed to meet people's expectations. It wasn't until we won third place in the Iran Invitational Tournament in May that people were reluctant to rest assured.

But after the Asian Junior Championships started in September, when the opponents showed their true skills, the national juniors struggled. In the group stage, they barely defeated Syria 1:0, tied with Vietnam 3:3, and even defeated Bangladesh 5:0.

These are all ominous signs. If nothing else, if Wang Ai's 86 national team comes, how will Vietnam have the chance to act wild in front of China? It is not unusual to score in double figures when playing against Bangladesh.

After the team barely qualified, they ran into North Korea and were kicked out.

90 Guo Shao will be disbanded soon, but the discussion and reflection have just begun. Some smart netizens dug up clips of Wang Ai on Bai Yansong's program on the CCTV website. Wang Ai once said: "In the future I will

have no idea."

Even if the context is that Bai Yansong asked him to predict the situation of the national team after Sun Jihai and his group of international players retire and not youth competitions, however, it does not prevent netizens from taking Wang Ai's remarks and pointing out that Wang Ai is not optimistic about Chinese youth football.


There were noisy news flying all over the place, but Wang Ai had not heard of it at all. After all, domestic youth competitions were not within the scope of attention of Leoni, Schlapner and others. As for Huang Xin, although she was in charge of the three Liao Shao teams,

The Liao Youth League has only been established for a short period of time, and the team members are just over 10 years old. If they want to participate in the National Youth League, it will be at least 94 years before the National Youth League, so she is not interested.

Until Wang Ai received a call from Feng Jianming at home.

In terms of working relationship, Feng Jianming is the leader of the National Olympic team and the director of the Youth Department of the Football Association, but most of the time Wang Ai talks directly with Yan Shiduo and Nan Yong. In terms of his own work in the youth department, Feng Jianming is in charge of the Youth Department of the Football Association.

In that system, Wang Ai runs free stadiums, Idiot Cup, and Liao Shao. They all go their own way. Once there is work overlap, it is Feng Jianming who negotiates with Huang Xin instead of Wang Ai. In fact, he is the director of the youth department.

, it can also be regarded as a temporary job.

Therefore, Feng Jianming usually talks with Wang Aiping, and they have a good relationship.

During this call, Feng Jianming mainly asked Wang Ai to check his e-mail. The Chinese Football Association was organizing a youth football seminar. In fact, it was a summary meeting of the 1990 National Youth League defeat in Singapore. In this document drafted by Yan Shiduo himself, he said:

"This summary meeting will provide a comprehensive overview of Chinese football youth competitions, lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of Chinese football, identify shortcomings and discuss and resolve them."

In the invitation list behind the document, Wang Ai saw a series of famous figures, even the recently retired Lao Ma, who was invited. This shows how determined and deeply touched the Football Association is!

This chapter has been completed!
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