Four hundred and eighty-fifth chapter fight for oneself (1)

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 On the first day of 2007, if the party had not ended at two o'clock in the morning and Leonie's security guards came to look for her on the third floor, she might have slept in Wang Ai's room. On this day, they said a lot of private things.

One day, they became more open and intimate. After being interrupted by Kang Si, there was no more charm between them, only the warmth of hugging each other.

In this cruel world, in this long river of rapid passage, they all understand that this is the time when they will never know each other again.

They are more familiar with each other and can accept each other better than confidante.

Leonie was almost asleep when she left, but Wang Ai was getting more and more energetic. When he heard the low roars of the lions and tigers in the room next to him, Wang Ai simply stood up facing the window and looked at the quiet village under the dark night.

and Cobham not far away.

When he left Tübingen, he was full of grief and anger, when he left Depor, he was full of nostalgia, but now that he is officially considering leaving Chelsea, his heart feels peaceful.

Leonie, who couldn't help but pick up the wine glass just now, said drunkenly: "It's time for you to fight for yourself."

"Although Chelsea is not yet known as a giant, it already has the temperament of a giant. It has a ruthless owner and a group of ruthless fans. Such a club is not worthy of your affection for them. Your efforts will only make them laugh at you.

In addition, you may even be surprised. Everyone, including Frank and John, talks about interests and money comes first. Have you forgotten the turmoil last summer? Frank did not renew his contract until his salary was increased.


"Even Didier threatened to leave again and again. Every summer there must be a time when everyone is clamoring to leave. In Tuebingen, we are united. In Deportivo, you are united. They are all small families.

Not a wealthy family. Only a wealthy family can lift you to a height that matches your strength."

"You have to learn to step out of your comfort zone and leave the cradle of warmth. In Chelsea, an immature, turbulent, established giant, you should learn all this. From now on, you will not fight for the club, you will only fight for yourself.

War. Don’t think too much about Chinese football. Your presence is the greatest help to Chinese football.”

"So, fight for yourself, my little giant!"

Countless major competitions and cheering faces emerged from the depths of Wang Ai's memory, but it was always these few around him that really entered his heart.

They know that Wang Ai is not a selfish person, and even compared to many people today, he is too fair and generous. Although this has won him a lot of friendships, even without these, with his current competitive strength, he can still compete in the competition.

Chinese football has achieved a status similar to today. Many of his efforts are like Foolish Old Man moving mountains, with large investments and slow results, but perseverance, and the final beneficiary is not him.

Leonie could not forget the feeling when she first saw Wang Ai demonstrating his technology in Tubingen. It was a kind of trembling from body to soul. It was a kind of enthusiasm that glimpsed the childhood of a great man. But since leaving Tubingen

Root, this legendary color is becoming lighter and lighter.

Something is like a layer of shackles, slowly covering the best football body in China, making the space for him to move around smaller and smaller. His mood becomes anxious, and his smile becomes rare.

Although years of hard training have ensured that his skills are still growing, he has slowly lost the amazingness he had as a child. Even if he is still one of the best players in the world, it is just a low-end version of his basic conditions.

, if he is not distracted, he will shine even more dazzlingly.

Leonie's advice made it difficult for Wang Ai to fall asleep. He listened to the laughter of Leonie and Xu Qinglian in the room next to him, but he was reflecting in his heart. He did not understand the significance of Leonie asking him to let go of his restraints for his personal growth, even though he thought about it.

He doesn't care if Chinese football can rise to the top of the world, he will have no regrets even if he retires immediately. Even if he is already the second in two awards today, he still has a passionate heart as a fan. What he thinks of is

Chelsea's current situation does require him to be more selfish. For example, his world-renowned direct free kick skills, because Lampard is also a direct free kick master and is the habitual first penalty taker, so he even took the third penalty kick.

He doesn't even have a hand, let alone a penalty kick that is a weapon for scoring points. So much so that the fans at Stamford Bridge have forgotten that he is the number one free kick expert in the team!

At least last season, if he had realized that he didn't need to be emotionally invested in Chelsea, he would have scored many more goals and would not have lost to Henry at all. Then in the past two awards, at least his points would have been higher.


"I am a good person after all." Facing his own face on the glass window, Wang Ai laughed at himself: "Okay, then be a villain and fight for yourself!"

At 6:30 the next morning, Wang Ai woke up rubbing his forehead. He slept too late last night.

He took the ball and ran around Cobham, but his steps were not as light as before. This was also a sequelae of drinking. In desperation, Wang Ai had to end his morning exercise early and returned to his home, but he felt uncomfortable. It had nothing to do with hangover.

, it just didn’t move in place.

"Teach me how to practice martial arts." Wang Ai, who sent the ball upstairs and returned to the yard, looked at Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan with interest.

The two were surprised. Wang Ai had seen them when they were practicing martial arts before, but they had never practiced, not even once. According to him, his body was born for football, and to adapt to a sport, one has to become pure. Today, this

What happened?

"Which one of us are you going to practice with?" Yan Zhu, who had calmed down, asked, "Xiao Zhao practices Tai Chi, and I practice Mantis. Of course, we will also do other things, such as large and small captures, and capturing enemies front and back."

Wang Ai frowned and thought for a while: "What do you know?"

Yan Zhu said gloomily: "What I am good at is relatively fierce. I follow the path of fighting, mantis-based, Bagua Baji, Sanda boxing, free fighting, unrestricted fighting. I will teach you whatever you want to learn. But...


Yan Zhu shook his head when he said this: "You probably won't need it, and if you really know how to do this, I'm afraid you won't be able to help it sometimes. Zidane is so serious, if you use these of mine..."

"It sounds like I can practice it." Wang Ai smiled and said: "I'm 20 years old, how can I still practice to your level?"

Yan Zhu grinned, stepped forward and pinched Wang Ai's shoulders and waist casually, and sighed: "Your foundation is very good. Although it is not a foundation in martial arts, the training is similar. Your individual tendons may be in martial arts."

It seems to be a bit weak, such as the length of the tendons of the upper limbs such as the spread of Dapeng's wings, but the flaws are not outweighed by the flaws. Besides, when it comes to fighting, one's physical strength will not be compromised after all."

This chapter has been completed!
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