The four hundred and ninety-ninth section Shuanglong wins the pearl (5)

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Before New Year's Day, the National Olympics returned to China for the holiday. The Football Association had done a lot of work before, so many National Olympics players were transferred from various clubs to follow Lao Gao for long-term training in Tübingen. Under Leonie's guidance, from

In less than three months from September to November, friendly matches were held with three Bundesliga teams and three Bundesliga youth teams.

As for the Tübingen youth, they are daily sparring partners, not to mention Gao Lin, Feng Xiaoting, Zhao Xuri, the four most well-known youth team coaches in the country, Lao Gao, Lao Liu, Lao Shen and Mai Chao, who have been in Tubingen for a long time.

They are all here, and Tang Yaodong has also joined, and Lao Feng, the top leader of domestic youth competitions, is also here. In addition, Schlappner, a figure who has brought advanced German football concepts to almost all well-known coaches in China, is also here...

...So even though Wang Ai has not been there during this period, preparations for the National Olympics are still in full swing.

When Wang Ai went to Abu Dhabi to participate in the Asian Games in November, Lao Gao discussed with Wang Ai and said that someone suggested that we go to Chelsea when we resume training at the end of January. What do you think? Wang Ai thought for a while and said: "If you want to

It's okay to see the luxury of Cobham, but if you focus on the effect of the warm-up match, Chelsea's youth team is a bit unimpressive and boring. Besides, there are too many games in January and the pressure is high. You have to count on Murray

I'm afraid he doesn't have much time to give Neo some pointers. He can't do it even if he's trying to save my face, because he really doesn't have time."

Therefore, this proposal was rejected after being circulated among the four-person National Olympic team, and was not handed over to Yan Shiduo. Looking at it now, Wang Ai has to praise himself: What a smart man! Look at what Chelsea looks like now.

How can Jose have the time to care about China's Olympics? You can't even give him money. He really doesn't have the time. Besides, how much can you give? Their contract liquidated damages are 36 million, which is enough to cover the funding of our Football Association for ten years!

There are few money thieves but big hearts. In the end, Chelsea and Jose are pitted against each other. Apart from comforting the fans and fooling the leaders, no actual benefits can be gained. It is different when it comes to Deportivo, which is currently ranked in the middle of the pack.

Deportivo very much welcomes the visit of the National Olympics. In recent years, with the leadership of Wang Ai, Lao Hao, Datou and others, as well as Lendoiro's conscious development, Deportivo is approaching Tübingen's popularity in China. It can make a fortune in China every year

Hundreds of thousands of euros, accommodation fees, training fees, etc. for the Olympics are of course not a lot of money, but the increase in influence brought by it will turn into money.

Football is also the largest sport in China. Although China is a bit poor, poverty has its advantages. Although giants such as Real Madrid and Barcelona regularly go to China to make money, to be honest, they have not really invested in market development.

, most of the time they just make a quick buck and leave, using China as a wild leek field.

But Laco is different. He comes from a remote country and can endure his temper. Since Wang Ai opened the door to the Chinese market for them, Toronto Iero has worked hard in the past two years and goes to China at least four times a year. At first, it was simple

The business negotiation later turned into an in-depth investigation of the Chinese market. With Huang Xin’s advice and help, Lendoiro realized that in China, football is not only a sport, but also a symbol of the greatness of this century-old humiliation.

The dream of national rejuvenation.

In this way, the goal of business development has suddenly expanded from the narrow field of sporting goods to the whole society and the whole industry! Huang Xin showed Wang Ai's advertising partners list to Londoiro. Among them, only those with professional sports products

Accounting for 5%, other food, home appliances, cars, clothing, mobile phones, everything is available! In other words, the acceptance of football stars in China is much wider than in Europe.

Therefore, Lendoiro, the already courageous club president, made a surprising decision: On Children's Day in 2006, he attended the Project Hope donation ceremony in Beijing and announced to the outside world that it would be donated to China's young, old and poor.

Region, donate ten Hope Primary Schools!

European professional football clubs donate Hope Primary Schools to China. Can you believe this?

This thing is super magical! But the effect is also super good! In fact, the money is not much, only 200,000 euros in total, but the problem is that Depor is not a rich club. There have been so many wealthy clubs in China over the past 20 years, who can give it to them?

Has China donated money? And is it a public welfare undertaking that only Chinese people can notice and care about very much?

With Lendoiro, at least in terms of Internet search volume, Depor is on par with Real Madrid and Barcelona. The Chinese are not stupid. Everyone can distinguish between a few nice words from international friends and real work. This

This incident shows that Depor, a club, really intends to take root in China and is really considering issues from the perspective of the Chinese.

If you don't have a lot of money and a short time, you can even think about being called an "old friend of the Chinese people"!

At the same time, this matter is also extraordinary politically. Usually sports organizations will not get involved so deeply in China, so Lendoiro's 200,000 yuan was actually received by the leader! Is it for a mere 200,000 euros?

?No, it’s because Depor set a precedent!

Lundoyiro was so beautiful that even Huang Xin benefited from it and accompanied him to the interview. Although this matter was entirely Lundoyiro's own whim, if it hadn't been for Wang Ai's guidance and Chaoyue's cooperation, Lundoyiro would have

Doiro also failed to see the potential of the Chinese market.

Therefore, the current Depor has the meaning of a second Tübingen. I can’t say that I feel at home after the National Olympics, but it is definitely better than other places. In the five powerful leagues, if China now wants to gain sincere friendship

, you can't rush to find a wealthy club, they will look down on you at all. On the contrary, it is easier to break through in "weak areas" like Deportivo.

Wang Ai and Lao Gao called to ask if there was anything he needed, but Lao Gao replied: "The training camp in China is too far for you, the training camp in Tübingen is too cold for you, do you want to go to Chelsea, and is it too expensive for you? Now we

We’ve arrived in Laco, it’s not far, it’s not cold, and it’s not expensive. I’ll give you three choices now. Should you come? Come here? Or come here?”

Wang Ai had nothing to say to Gao Gao, so he had no choice but to agree to go south to Deportivo to train with the National Olympic Games during the international match day at the end of February.

As the top star of the National Olympics, it is unreasonable to not go. Of course, I went to Deportivo for training this time, and I also wanted to take care of Chen Tao. In the National Olympics, overseas players, like the national football team, generally do not participate in training, but Wang Ai and Chen Tao are both there

In top events, the "privilege" is greater. During the training camp in Tübingen, Chen Tao only went there for two weeks.

In Depor, Chen Tao is Belleron's substitute. Half a season has passed and he has scored three goals.

This chapter has been completed!
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