Five hundred and thirty-sixth chapter fixed storm (2)

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 Mr. Roman came to the locker room, and he smiled and shook hands with everyone one by one. He came to Wang Ai and said a few words. Wang Ai also expressed his gratitude to the generous boss. Wang Ai has very complicated feelings about Mr. Roman.

, it is true that he is very generous, and it is his generosity that has made Chelsea what it is today. However, he is also too impatient and believes that money can do anything. Unfortunately, money can buy the depth of the lineup, but it cannot buy the depth of history. He

I plan to use ten years to make Chelsea the number one club in the world, surpassing not only Manchester United but also Real Madrid. I am really too anxious.

The stronger Chelsea rises, the greater the intensity of the suppression. In a sense, the current internal strife in Chelsea is also part of the suppression by the opponents: various methods are used to induce Chelsea to give up results and pursue glory. The methods include but are not limited to newspapers.

Articles, expert reviews.

It's hard to say anything else about the British. Their ability to pick on foreigners is unparalleled in the world! At least the Russians can never beat the British.

After changing their clothes, everyone walked up to the rostrum, accepted the congratulations of the distinguished guests, and received the championship trophy. This time, Wang Ai stood behind Terry and Lampard and became the third toaster. Although usually the third

The one who raised the glass was more casual, but everyone knew that, at least now, it was not casual.

In the evening, Chelsea booked a small restaurant for the players to celebrate. Although the long season is over, it cannot be dismissed immediately. Tomorrow morning will be a float parade, and in the afternoon there will be fan activities: more than a thousand fans are invited to the club. Anyone who owns Stamford Bridge

Fans with package tickets can vote for their favorite star this season. As the main player of the club, Wang Ai will attend tomorrow morning and afternoon, especially in the afternoon, which is very fun.

Because this thing is unexpectedly unpopular, the fans also know that this is just for fun, so it is very unseemly. The more the main shooter, the less you can get, and of course the substitutes are not good. The selection criteria are not strong and respectful, but fun. For example, this year,

The top scorer Wang Ai and the second scorer Didier Drogba were not selected. Captain Terry and magic lamp Lampard were not selected. Shevchenko, Robben and Ballack were also not on the list.

Even those who were so admirable were not selected, and the final one selected was Essien.

In addition to being fierce, Essien also has a few talents that make ordinary fans feel approachable, although most of the people who can approach him are female fans...

On the afternoon of the next day, after the event, Jose announced a holiday on behalf of the club. He also announced the arrival of contract renewal negotiations and transfer negotiation dates. Those who wanted to come, those who wanted to leave, those who wanted to stay, those who wanted a salary increase, etc., behind the scenes of the players

The agents began to mobilize intensively, and you followed Yang Yan, each with his or her own plans.

The same goes for Wang Ai. Judging from the news from Leonie, she and Moratti have basically reached an agreement on their salary: a weekly salary of 95,000 pounds, which is almost equivalent to an annual salary of 7.5 million euros at the current exchange rate. Moratti

I don’t want to continue to irritate other players, such as Ibrahimovic who called out 8 million annual salary... Moreover, the tax rate in Serie A is a bit higher than that in the Premier League, which means that Wang Ai’s salary income has not increased, but has decreased.

Because of this, Wang Ai has received relatively loose treatment in terms of advertising and image licensing: World, 64 open: China, 82 open! It didn’t count before! Although this condition is worse than Chelsea, Inter Milan’s popularity, especially

The favorability is much stronger than Chelsea, which means that Inter Milan will have more achievements than Chelsea in the selection of the two awards.

Preliminary calculations show that with this contract, Wang Ai's annual total income will increase by more than 20%.

Of course, Wang Ai's performance is not very "greedy". After finishing second in the two major awards, Lampard's salary soared by 40%. This is not because Wang Ai does not want money, but because Wang Ai has some shortcomings.

Racial issues are easy to seize and sensationalize. For example, in addition to inciting the image of a "greedy Chinese", Wang Ai wants to continue going to school, and there may be many additional tasks for next year's Olympics. So even if this is the case during negotiations,

In this season, Wang Ai broke the Premier League scoring record and won the Premier League Golden Boot. He will definitely win the European Golden Boot. As the current leading scorer in the Champions League, he is likely to win three golden boots in one season. He did not force Moratti too much.

This is actually Wang Aifang's gentle answer to Moratti after his three-year pursuit.

In this way, the club's financial pressure will not be very great, but Wang Ai will be compensated in terms of revenue sharing. Of course, the hidden danger is that once Wang Ai is injured or performs poorly, the damage will be doubled.

There is something Wang Ai did not say clearly in terms of salary and benefits, but Inter Milan is very clear: there can be no one else with a higher salary than Wang Ai! For example, Ibrahimovic, Inter Milan really agreed to his 8 million, which is tantamount to humiliation.

Wang Ai. No matter how humble and low-key Wang Ai is, he cannot bear this aspect. It is not to fight against Ibrahimović or anyone else, but because of the situation. UEFA and FIFA will be unhappy if he comes second in two major awards and gets the second highest salary.

At the same time, salary is a symbol of status and means various conveniences. If Wang Ai cannot get the status of Inter Milan's number one star, he will not go.

Not only will he not go to Inter Milan, he will not go to any club... except Real Madrid!

Compared with two years ago, Wang Ai now has this qualification. And the transfer is just an opportunity to extend this qualification. Otherwise, if he stays at Chelsea, because his foundation is there, Wang Ai will not be able to surpass Terry and Terry in salary.

Lampard. But it's different after leaving. He can start his career again. What he had before will be restored to zero, and he can now use his current capital.

Now the only thing that restricts Wang Ai from officially transferring to Inter Milan is the transfer fee. Chelsea has offered a sky-high price of 100 million euros! It is obviously based on the 80 million euros plus Crespo that AC Milan offered to his beloved Sheva last year.

, based on this condition, Chelsea’s psychological bottom line is 60 million euros!

Moratti, whose entire net worth, including real estate and stocks, totaled only 2.4 billion euros, took a deep breath: Wait a minute on this matter, I have to discuss it with the vice chairman!

Therefore, theoretically, there is a possibility that Wang Ai will not be able to transfer to Inter Milan.

But Wang Ai has no shortage of suitors. The last time Valdano publicly criticized Chelsea, the first sentence was: "Since the magical wiwi left the field..." There are a lot of club presidents who have publicly expressed their appreciation, including not only Juventus

Top clubs such as AC Milan, Real Madrid and Manchester United also include many ambitious second-tier teams - challengers who pursue results rather than profits.

Wang Ai's competitive value is higher than his commercial value.

He doesn't have many off-site gossips. For example, you can't find him in nightclubs, you can't find his stories on the third page, and you can't hear his irritating remarks. He relies on breaking various records again and again.

Come let you know him!

Super awesome on the court, invisible off the court!

This chapter has been completed!
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