The five hundred and sixty-eighth section has been holding back for a long time (4)

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 Since the negotiations between Inter Milan and Chelsea are generally smooth, Wang Ai will be ready to complete his studies remotely. Fortunately, Wang Ai's doctoral program at the University of Tübingen and his earlier studies at Renmin University were all serious.

, so the courses in London are basically self-taught by Wang Ai. The tutor leaves homework and Wang Ai writes the homework. We only meet and talk about it on rare occasions. By the doctoral stage, students are already considered scholars and have their own ideas. The tutor usually does not

The requirements are exactly the same as mine, especially in liberal arts, especially in Wang Ai's case. Most meetings are mainly about discussion.

Therefore, leaving London will not delay Wang Ai's three-year graduation from the doctoral program, but it will definitely be a bit troublesome. However, the school does not care much about special students like Wang Ai who have already obtained a doctorate and are a bit gilded in the school.

Yan, your tuition has been paid anyway.

After finishing this, Wang Ai looked at the time and felt that it was almost done. He got up and went to the gym. He took out the leather mat and placed it in the middle of the backyard. He got on the mat with bare feet and started squatting. Don't think this thing has no technical content.

, I just couldn’t jump around after eating for a while. I felt okay after squatting for a while, so I started squatting, speed push-ups, speed sit-ups, handstands, one-leg squats, leaning back, straight-legged tucks, and continuous pulls.

After a big set of stretching exercises, it was getting dark.

After a brief rush, he put on his clothes and trousers, put on his sneakers and football shoes, Wang Ai went to the front yard and called Li Lin to accompany him out. He had to train at home in Beijing and went to the Affiliated High School regularly. Although it was a bit far away now, he could go there by bike.

Other places are unfamiliar and easy to attract onlookers, but the Affiliated Middle School is good, a quiet big stadium, where Wang Aike can do whatever he wants.

The money back then was not given in vain! Wang Ai had to get some back no matter what!

At night, on the playground of the Affiliated Middle School, with green grass, Wang Ai was galloping like the wind, with no trace of injury. Li Lin stood on the goal line, crouched at the waist, squinting. The guard of the Affiliated Middle School had been changed, but he could still enter and exit freely.

This shows that Principal Liu must have left a message there. In the capital city where land is at a premium, Wang Ai can have a personal training ground, and this kind of treatment would scare people to death.

Every time Wang Ai comes home, Li Lin will consciously put down his managerial work and come to Wang Ai to wait for orders as an ordinary security guard. He understands that the reason why Wang Ai flips his sign every time he comes back is not because he

How amazing it is, does not mean that we are completely reassured about the safety of Beijing, but it is the shared memory between the two of them, which is an aftertaste, a relive, and a kind of friendship.

It has been ten years since Li Lin came to Wang Ai. In the past ten years, he has watched Wang Ai change from a boy to a young man, from a wild football player to an internationally renowned person, although he left Wang Ai very early.

He works as a manager, but every summer when Wang Ai returns to China, he puts down his work and comes to be with him.

It cannot be said that this is flattery, but more of a manifestation of friendship. In addition to Li Lin's professional level, which is definitely different from Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan, in terms of personal feelings, he is the four personal guards that Wang Ai has experienced so far.

The closest among them. In fact, Li Lin had thought about whether he would be assigned to do some dirty work one day, but at his current position, there was still no such work for him, and the entire Wang family did not need to do any dirty work.

It's very stable. So Li Lin, the guard, is also very comfortable in his job.

If the employer is above board and follows the right path, employees will not have any trouble, let alone be used as a shoe shine.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock at night that Wang Ai finally had enough "torturing". His sweat was dripping on the green turf, just like it had been many years ago. Li Lin raised his head and looked at Wang Ai's shoulder. This kid

It grows so fast.

"Are you 1.9 meters tall?" Li Lin couldn't help but ask as they walked towards the main entrance of the school.

"I don't know, I was still 1.88 meters tall some time ago." Wang Aihun said nonchalantly.

"You are 20 this year, so you shouldn't be growing any longer."

"Isn't 23 still running around?"

"Isn't it better to be higher?"

"It depends." Wang Ai walked to the reception room and waved enthusiastically to the guard. The uncle immediately came out and greeted Wang Ai with a humble smile, and asked Wang Ai if he could take a photo.

Wang Ai stopped talking to Li Lin, looked at Tian Nannan and said, "Can your camera handle this lighting effect?"

The uncle didn’t have a camera at all, only a mobile phone. The shooting effect of the current mobile phone was impossible to see. The uncle had to wave goodbye to Wang Ai with a slight disappointment.

"If you are too tall, you will definitely lengthen the reflex arc, but this speed difference can basically be ignored. The main reason is that the level of body control needs to be constantly adjusted. If you don't adjust, you will look stupid. 1.6 meters and 1.8 meters and 2 meters

, the effect of performing the same technical movements is different, so you have to constantly adjust. When opponents face the same technical movements of players of 1.6 meters, 1.8 meters and 2 meters, their resistance capabilities and response situations are also different, and these also need to be adapted.

"Wang Ai got on the bicycle and waited for Li Lin to get on the car. As they walked home together, they continued to chat: "I have been adapting over the years. Sometimes I adjust better and perform well, and sometimes I adapt better.

If it is bad, such as over or under, the performance will be poor. Even my injury this time has something to do with it. I can't help it, I am still young. Generally, most of the young stars who become famous are because their bodies have grown up and have not changed much.

, it’s actually quite difficult for people like me who are constantly changing. If I don’t adapt well, it will hurt Zhongyong and make people laugh for a lifetime.”

Both of them were riding mountain bikes. Li Lin bypassed a manhole cover and said, "No wonder, I asked you why your performance is not very stable. Although the statistics are evened to see that your goals are very good, you often don't play, or

If you play rotation, other stars will basically be the main players if you perform like this."

"Well." Wang Ai held the handlebar with one hand and tightened the collar of his coat with the other hand. The night breeze was a bit cold, "I don't actively strive for it myself, so the coach and teammates can bully me if they can."

.In fact, the coach, even a Western coach, is a personal person and can take care of me to some extent. He knows that I have not fully grown up, so even if he considers it subconsciously, he will be more tolerant to me and allow me to see that I am not very active.

Rest. Otherwise, the main players in the field will be too tired and they will be seriously injured. Once serious injuries occur, it will be troublesome. Unlike me now, resting for more than a month will not affect anything."

"You gave up the top scorer to Stuka in the last Asian Cup, what about this time?"

"It depends on the situation." Wang Ai stopped the car at the door of his house and smiled when he was about to push the cart into the yard: "But, I'm full of energy now, I have to make it enjoyable no matter what."

This chapter has been completed!
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