Section 590 Sujiatun Meeting (6)

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 Wang Ai and everyone listened to the leader's speech and started eating and drinking. Wang Ai even went to Bai Yansong's table to chat with Shui Junyi, Duan Xuan, Zhang Bin and others. Suddenly someone took a picture of Wang Ai.

On the shoulder, Wang Ai looked back and saw that it was Yan Shiduo's secretary.

"Xiao Wang, are you free tomorrow morning?"

"What instructions does the leader have?"

Yan Shiduo's secretary smiled: "The leader will be waiting for you in the office at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay!" Wang Ai nodded and glanced towards the guest of honor seat and said: "Please reply to the leader, I will be there on time tomorrow morning."

Yan Shiduo's secretary said goodbye, and Wang Ai turned around and spread his hands at a table of CCTV celebrities: "Uncles, brothers, and sisters, take a look, how can I still have time to go to your place? I will go back to Europe the day after tomorrow.


The people at the table sighed, and Duan Xuan replied: "If I had known, I would have come to see you in June."

Wang Ai scratched his face. CCTV actually sent an invitation in June, but at that time Wang Ai was busy with Huang Xin's affairs, so he declined. After thinking for a while, he said, "Let's do this. I'll try my best to smoke in the future."

Time, it is easier to make an appointment for a telephone interview. You can also find someone in front of you and simply take a high-definition digital camera to take pictures. For example, you can entrust a reporter from the European branch of Xinhua News Agency to do it. You don’t need to mobilize troops, which also saves costs.

.In addition, I would also like to ask all brothers and sisters to convey my apology to the leaders of the station. It’s not that I am not cooperating, but there was something that I really couldn’t do without some time ago. If I was forced to go on TV, it would be difficult for me to adjust my mood, and the quality of the program would probably embarrass you.


Bai Yansong and Zhang Bin nodded together. They were real masters of one set and five sets. They could talk to the leaders. Even if Zhang Bin and his wife hadn't made such a fuss, he would have almost become a leader now.

"Has the transfer been decided?" Bai Yansong didn't drink much and asked seriously: "Inter Milan is one of our generation's favorite teams, and Serie A is also one of our favorite leagues. Can you go?

It is related to the next series of work arrangements in the station, such as the issue of Serie A broadcast rights."

After Wang Ai heard this, he slowly took a breath. He understood that whether he went to Serie A or not, the ratings of Serie A games would be as high as in the sky. The advertising costs, program arrangements, and work arrangements involved were very high.


Zhang Bin added: "We actually bought the broadcasting rights of Serie A some time ago. What Yansong said is that if you go, we will increase our promotion efforts, arrange live broadcasts of your games, and previews. These are all

For advertising time slots, a lot of arrangements have to be made in advance. For example, the schedules of our brothers have to be adjusted accordingly. And after you go, our advertising prices will definitely increase, and some may be temporarily added. Generally speaking,

It was said that the advertising auction for the new season should be held in June. But because you might go, it has not been held. There are still many advertisers in our station, all waiting for your confirmation. Now the time has passed

Very nervous."

Wang Ai grinned, took out his phone, opened the text message that Leonie sent some time ago, and put it directly in front of Zhang Bin without avoiding everyone. They had already talked to this point, and Wang Ai also

We can only treat each other with sincerity.

Leonie's text message read: "95% of the contract has been negotiated. The remaining point is the payment method and currency. Due to the huge contract, it is expected to be announced five days before the league, which is also a warm-up for both parties in the new season: Inter Milan

Chelsea have made a good deal by getting a new generation of super strikers."

When the mobile phone was passed to Bai Yansong, he looked at it and smiled: "Chelsea has made a fortune in the transfer market, otherwise this rich man will never be able to take off his hat."

Zhang Bin also smiled and looked down again before frowning and thinking: "You are not completely sure yet. There are still variables, right?"

While Duan Xuan, He Wei and others were passing around the text messages, Wang Ai also nodded: "No one can predict such a big contract until the last moment, and it's not without falling out at the last moment. Chelsea has a willful personality.

Boss, Inter Milan is supposed to be better, but Moratti is also an emotional person, so I really can’t say for sure.”

Speaking of this, Wang Ai shook his head, and then said sincerely: "Brother Wang, I have to go back and tell the leader about this. I really didn't take Qiao, the matter is like this now. You also know that although I am somewhat famous, but the players

In this kind of contract between clubs, I don’t have much say in it. I can only make demands on my salary and benefits. For other things, it’s useless if I press.”

Zhang Bin sighed and nodded in agreement: "Yes, this is essentially a game, and the players are the weakest party in it. And as far as you are concerned, you can't be too arrogant because your skin color is different. Okay, I'll explain it to the leader later.

, but if you have any new news, especially the signing of the contract, you must notify me as soon as possible after it takes effect."

Wang Ai nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, no matter when I get the confirmation, I will call you immediately and accept your phone interview. I think there are people of all ages who care about this matter, right?"

Zhang Bin smiled and said nothing, but Duan Xuan interjected: "Our station director has asked specifically about it, and it is said that the higher-ups are also listening."

"Hey!" Wang Ai covered his little heart: "Then I really have to be more careful, lest the leader will be happy and come back to look for me."

Before getting up to toast the leader, Wang Ai specifically said to Duan Xuan: "Old Liu is on duty tonight? Please come back to me. We are all friends for many years, and we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Okay, don't worry!" Duan Xuan took care of everything.

Wang Ai walked around in a circle and felt that something had not been said clearly. He simply went to the leader to toast and came back and sat down and said: "By the way, you usually play with a lot of international football players, right? You see, all the brothers and sisters are so good to me. I

I haven’t played with you specifically yet. I don’t often invite you to dinner, which is really a shame.”

Bai Yansong was a little drunk now, and he slapped the table and laughed: "We will suffer if you come!"

He Wei also said happily: "That's right, you're such a big guy. If we want to play with you, we have to bring an ambulance!"

Zhang Bin nodded seriously: "I have to bring Jiuxin Pill with me."

The whole table laughed.

Wang Ai also laughed heartlessly, "Well, I'm really busy here, and there are too few opportunities to get together with you. But I have a new house right in Houhai. It's a big place and quiet.

It’s still close, you can play whatever you want. I’m going to Serie A and have a winter break. If everything goes well, I’ll come back this winter and invite you to play at home.”

Shui Junyi was drunk and drowsy: "Do you have any wine?"

"Not now." Wang Ai clapped his hands: "But whatever you want to drink, Brother Shui, you order it! I'll just bring it back from Europe."

"That's it, it's settled!"

This chapter has been completed!
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