Section 639 Throwing Stones (5)

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 Jose's eyes wavered for a moment, but he soon firmed up and said calmly: "I have to discuss my work with my agent. I admire the will and dedication of you people, but the youth team is not suitable for me.

Even as a technical consultant."

"Is that the salary?" Wang Ai asked. Seeing that Jose remained silent, he was not embarrassed to expose the fact that Chelsea paid a huge liquidated damages behind his "peaceful breakup" with Chelsea. Instead, he nodded and said: "Indeed, let you, the world's

The best coach should lead China's youth team, which is overqualified, let alone the head coach. Moreover, let alone the youth team, the coach of our national team, who reached the quarterfinals of the World Cup last year, only has a salary that is one-tenth of yours.


"But, you don't have to be so tired, right? As a technical consultant, you only need to provide technical advice, go to the team to take a look, review the tactical system, and put forward opinions when you find the shortcomings. This job is very free, and your explanations

There is no contradiction in being a reporter or a columnist. Frankly speaking, if you are willing to do it, just spend more time. If you don’t like it, just name it.”

Jose frowned, and Matilde came in and sat next to Jose and said, "wiwi, I'm very grateful for your invitation, but this is not in line with Jose's identity."

Wang Ai smiled: "I did take some risks. But, by the way, it's not afternoon yet, right?"

Jose and his wife laughed together and nodded at the same time: "It's still your time."

Wang Ai nodded gratefully and raised two fingers: "Two facts. First, in the last Athens Olympics, we won the bronze medal, which was third. Second, members of this Chinese Olympic team have won successively

They won the 2001 World Junior Championship, the 2003 World Junior Championship, the 2005 World Youth Championship, and the 2006 Asian Games champion, and many of their members played in last year’s World Cup.”

Seeing that both the couple were listening attentively, Wang Ai continued his analysis: "From a historical perspective, this team is far from being an ordinary youth team. It is completely different from the football desert in the Far East. This is a team that has been tested in competitions.

Growing up, I have been accustomed to teams that have won various championships. Such a team has both strength and experience, as well as strong self-confidence that has been tempered. The average youth team does not suit your identity, but if it is before the Olympics

What about the third one? At least it doesn’t insult your status, right?"

Jose thought for a while, nodded and said: "It's a little worse than I am now, but it's not much worse."

Wang Ai looked at Mathilde: "Your husband has proven himself in the professional league, or the commercial football system, but in the national competition, that is, the honorary football system, he is still a blank slate. If he now

It is true that he can take up the job directly if he coaches a weak national team, but the loss of status and complicated interpersonal relationships may even make it impossible for him to carry out his work. And the national team of a strong country will not hire him because he has no experience in this area.

He. In other words, for him, the middle area needs to be chosen very carefully, even if it is the Portuguese team."

Matilde looked at her husband, and Jose let out a long sigh: "You have convinced me. At least I think this reason is reasonable. Then if I go to coach, oh, if I go to work as a consultant for you, can I get rid of it?"

Wang Ai shrugged: "I don't mind if you say you are the technical director of this team this time next year, even if you call it the joint coach, the Chinese Football Association will even give you a reissue certificate."

Jose thought about it for a moment, thought it was interesting, and said with a smile: "You have the final say?"

Wang Ai curled her lips and thought for a while, then suddenly stood up and walked to the door, waving to Kangsi who was waiting in the Bentley outside the door: "Give me the notebook."

Wang Ai turned on the computer at Jose's house and found the official website of the Chinese Football Association. He clicked on the department settings and clicked on the youth department. He pointed to the photo above and said to Jose: "I am in charge of youth events of the Chinese Football Association."

Deputy Minister."

In order to make it easier for Jose to understand, Wang Ai also switched the language of the Football Association to English.

Jose and his wife looked at the small screen seriously, raised their hands, Wang Ai shrugged, so Jose started browsing by himself, and soon found the Olympic team's page, clicked on it, and then in the team management column,

Found the same two faces as before.

Jose pointed at Feng Jianming's big black face: "Minister? Manager? You, deputy minister? Deputy manager?"

Wang Ai nodded: "I am not only the deputy minister and deputy team leader, I am also the team captain and the coach."

Wang Ai pointed at Lao Gao: "He is my enlightenment coach. He has taken me with him since 8 years ago. His wife is my senior. Oh, I forgot to mention that I, the deputy minister, am the only deputy minister.

After I took office, everyone else left."

Jose’s expression: “Oh~~”

What Wang Ai said was really true, but it was not what he hinted to Jose: I have pushed everyone else away, and I am the boss. But there are only a few people in the Chinese Football Association, and he has such a big head.

After entering, others were eager to leave, so Lao Feng stayed and held on hard, and he is still pretending to be a great chef in Tübingen.

"That is to say." Jose sat up straight again: "You have a big say in this team? Can you decide many things? Including my invitation today?"

"I can't decide, there is an organizational process, but the Chinese youth team will not reject you. No youth team in the world will reject you. After all, you are Jose Mourinho."

The sudden flattery made Jose immediately alert: "You're not going to pay me, are you?"

Wang Ai was embarrassed: "Let's talk about money last. I'll talk about why I have the most say first and what it's good for you."

Jose curled his lips, it's your time anyway.

"The biggest difference between the national team and the club team is that the interpersonal relationship of the national team is very complicated. The club has only one boss, but what about the national team? There is the Football Association, and there is the Sports Bureau and higher levels above the Football Association." Wang Ai

Speaking of this, he sighed and said: "We have suffered this loss in the past. Everyone was very anxious, so they all came up with ideas and came up with solutions. Of course, there were also some who were thrown in for the sake of gold plating. In short, it was very messy, coach's

The right to speak is very small. In fact, the national teams of all countries in the world are similar. This may be the coaching environment you hate the most, and it is actually what all coaches hate."

Speaking of this, Wang Ai pointed to his nose: "So? I, the most powerful and honored player in the history of Chinese football, the heir to the largest sports company in the Chinese football territory, the most famous philanthropist in China, and a member of Chinese society.

The well-known young philosopher and thinker used all my halo as a price to keep this youth team under him. I turned the originally extremely complicated national team into a simple club team."

Jose looked at Wang Ai intently, with a hint of admiration on his face.

He is a man who can't even deal with the club!

This chapter has been completed!
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