Section 63 The Name of the People (3)

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"I feel uncomfortable all over. I was in a hurry to take a shower, and I saved up for the drug test." After the plane stabilized, Wang Ai unbuckled his seat belt and twisted his body, complaining.

Next to her, Kangsi was also unbuckling her seatbelt. She lowered her head and replied, "Isn't it the flight time you chose? When you chose it, Brother Yan said it was too urgent. You also said you should go back early to prepare for the battle."

"Oh, that's what I said." Wang Ai took out a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth: "Are the cats and dogs okay?"

"Give me a piece." Kangsi grabbed a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into her little mouth. "What can be the problem? You lived in the rescue station for a long time before you came to our house. Didn't you look at it when I gave it to you?

Yes, that lady's tail is wagging."

"Tsk, no conscience!" Just as Wang Ai was about to continue, a passenger came over with a smile, apparently wanting to chat, so Wang Ai greeted his fans.

Latin people love to chat. One fan chatted with Wang Ai for half an hour. If it were a British person, it would be only half, and if it were a German, it would be half and half. In the end, if the flight attendant didn't come to remind him that dinner time was up, there's no telling how long the chat would last.


"Aren't you tired?" Kang Si asked in Chinese after the steak, bread and other dinners were served.

"Why are you tired? How fun is it to chat?" Wang Ai ate it up in a hurry, still wanting to finish it, but he was too embarrassed to ask for more from the gentle young lady. His portion was originally meant to be extra, but Kang Si was so rude that he stopped.

Pulling the flight attendant's arm, she pointed at Wang Ai's empty dinner plate: "Like this, three servings."

The stewardess exclaimed in low voice, covered her mouth, and then smiled sweetly: "Mr. Wang, you have just come back from the stadium, right? You must need a lot of energy replenishment, please wait. In addition, I can talk to you

Want to take a group photo?”

Generally speaking, first-class flight attendants are the ones with the best "quality", or the most rigorously trained, with the best personal qualities. They have good body shape, good age, and good looks. In addition, their industry attributes make them always gentle and generous, and even

delicate and charming.

Women with this position, especially athletes with well-developed limbs, have huge lethality. Otherwise, there would not be so many wives of football stars who are stewardesses. Of course, due to the nature of the industry, most of them are forced by work, which does not mean that they are like this.

This can also explain the high divorce rate among football stars who marry stewardesses.

Wang Ai... was no exception. Even if he didn't want to worry about people asking for their mobile phone numbers, he was still in the player's profession. When he didn't use his brain, he would follow the instinct of his body. So, he looked at people with wide eyes: "I

Is this an honor? Can I?"

The stewardess smiled even brighter and nodded gracefully.

"Great, please let me know when you are ready." Wang Ai said in surprise.

The flight attendant swung her butt and walked away happily. Wang Ai turned around and leaned back on the chair happily. Just as he was about to talk to Kang Si, he saw Kang Si's contemptuous eyes: "Are you going to do this just to eat something good?"

"When did I have enough food? I want to be full...Who, what the hell!" Wang Ai couldn't keep up with his brain, but fortunately, he had quick hands and stabbed Kangsi's forehead with one finger.

Kangsi's neck seemed to have no bones. She leaned on the backrest and looked up at the ceiling of the cabin: "I want to call Big Tiger!"

"What happened to me and you just called me?"

"You're in heat!"

"Who...then why are you watching me for her? Whose assistant are you?"

"Your assistant." Kang Si nodded seriously: "But you don't dare to do anything to me, but if I mess with her, she can eat me."

"As for that?" Wang Ai rolled his eyes: "I'll deal with her anyway."

Kangsi's mouth tightened, and she said melancholy: "You don't understand, people of the same sex are really cruel."

"Has she bullied you?" Wang Ai asked curiously: "I remember you slept together many times and went out to play together? Tell me how you were bullied?"

"Can you help me?" Kangsi's eyes were full of hope.

"No, I just want to see you get bullied, hahaha."

When the beautiful flight attendant came back with a huge plate, she saw Mr. Wang's assistant, a delicate girl with fluffy flaxen hair, with ten pointed fingers spread out and a ferocious expression on her face, ready to insert holes all over his body.

After putting down the plates and putting away the drinks, Wang Ai stood up and shook hands with the flight attendant, taking a very formal photo. Kang Si's words just now had some effect after all. Wang Ai still restrained a lot of emotions, at least he didn't dance around. After all, the other party was indeed

It's very beautiful and easily reminds people of pink.

After having some good-tasting airplane food, Wang Ai opened his laptop and played the video of the recent national football team's warm-up match.

Wang Ai didn’t go back, and the national football team’s warm-up didn’t stop either. Four games were played in January this year alone. In order to improve efficiency, Wang Ai asked Liu Chunming and Director Liu for game videos before coming.


Compared with the national team two years ago, this team has changed a lot. First of all, all the veterans have withdrawn. The oldest ones are Bai Guanghai and Sun Jihai who were born in 1977. The remaining Qing Yishui was born in the 1980s, and most of them were born in the 1980s.

Some of the people were also familiar faces. So Wang Ai watched the game video for a while and felt that there was not much change. He also played a few stand-alone games, read some books, and then fell into a drowsy sleep.

This sleep lasted until the plane landed.

Wang Ai left the stadium at 5 pm, Italian time, the plane took off at 6 o'clock, and fell asleep at 10 o'clock. After a 12-hour flight, he landed in Italy at 6 o'clock the next morning. Wang Ai had just slept for 7 hours. But this

It was already 1 pm in Kunming at that time.

Wang Ai didn't get enough sleep this night. The reaction of his biological clock was equivalent to waking up 7 hours later. This was just the right time. He had a certain amount of energy to support the restorative training in the afternoon, but at the same time he was not energetic enough. He could do it in the evening.

Go to bed early and sort out the jet lag.

This is what Wang Ai has learned after running back and forth between Europe and China for many years and having money. One day is enough. Otherwise, if you leave Italy in the morning and arrive in China at dawn, will you sleep? When you sleep, open your eyes again.

It's just dark, are you still asleep?

Not sleeping? You are sleepy again at dawn. Sleeping? Can you still fall asleep after sleeping all day?

To get rid of jet lag like this, you can only adjust it by sleeping in small stages. Sometimes you can't adjust it in two or three days. What's more serious is that as soon as you adjust, it's time to go back to the game after the 90-minute game.

I have to go back further...

Many Chinese players have been ruined in this way. European and American players basically do not have this situation. However, if you want to get training in other leagues, you have to bear the price, so Wang Ai is obsessed with the special foreign aid quotas for China, Japan and South Korea.

The Football Association also tried its best to create conditions for Wang Ai and others.

After landing in Kunming, Wang Ai's first feeling was warmth.

It's early spring in February in Kunming, and it's already 20 degrees!

This chapter has been completed!
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