Section 69 Transfer Dawn

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 On July 30, national youth intern coach Ma Dong rushed from Beijing to Kunming to report. The reason it took him so long to come was because he put in some effort to go through the formalities at the school. The Academic Affairs Office of Beijing Institute of Physical Education didn’t believe it at all!

You, Ma Dong, who has no background whatsoever, can sneak into the Guozihao internship? Are you kidding me! The national junior is also called Guozihao, why do you have it? If you weren't a special student with some extra points in the college entrance examination, could you come to our Beijing Institute of Physical Education?

Besides, you are still in your junior year and have not graduated yet. If you can sneak into the National Junior College as an intern coach, our annual graduates will no longer need to be assigned, and they can all enter the ministries and commissions! It seems that as long as the National Junior College students have good grades, the leaders will be happy.

After you graduate, you can become a full-time employee directly, okay? You can directly join the Sports Bureau. When you come back in a few years, you will become a superior leader. Let’s see what you can do!

Therefore, when Ma Dong went to open a letter of introduction for the first time, he was immediately kicked out by the grumpy dean. If you want to skip class, you can skip class, but you have to have some technical skills to make it up! If you want to join the provincial team, I will pinch my nose.

Just admit it, a national brand? I didn’t even get in!

Helpless, Ma Dong had to go to his boss Gao Hongbo, but Gao was in Kunming. In order to concentrate on training, he even turned off his mobile phone. It took a lot of trouble to find the team leader's phone number. The team leader didn't know about this and thought he was a liar.

Hanging up the phone. Ma Dong didn't have the nerve to trouble Wang Ai, so he just waited at the door of the Football Sports Management Center. For God's sake, Cheng Wei finally saw Ma Dong when he was at work one day, but they didn't know each other yet.

At lunch time, Cheng Wei remembered it and asked casually out of curiosity. Others laughed and said that the dog-looking guy at the door actually claimed to be the intern coach of the National Youth League.

When Cheng Wei heard this, he immediately remembered that this person should be his junior brother's fellow Liaoyang fellow, a junior at Beijing Institute of Physical Education, and that Lao Gao had mentioned it to him.

Cheng Wei hurried to the door and took Ma Dong in, who was almost blue-eyed. He asked questions while eating, and then he understood what had happened to this silly boy. Cheng Wei, who couldn't laugh or cry, turned back and took Ma Dong to the office, and completed the formalities for Ma Dong. In the afternoon

After taking Ma Dong to the Beijing Institute of Physical Education, the teaching office believed that Ma Dong was not lying. The procedure was very simple, and after sending the two of them off politely, the dean thought for the whole afternoon and still didn't understand.

How did he get connected with the popular Director Gao, and even alerted Director Gao's wife, Little Pepper from the old Cheng family came over in person.

When Ma Dong came to Kunming, Lao Gao suddenly felt that work was much easier. No matter how immature Ma Dong was, he was still a man! He was also a college student majoring in sports management at the Beijing Institute of Physical Education! And immaturity has its advantages. It is obedient and easy to use. What are you doing?

What are you doing? There is no nonsense. If you don’t believe me, just look at Yunnan Hongta... then look back at yourself, this awesome and coaxing national boy! He dares to play against the national team! Lao Gao sometimes wakes up early in the morning and is in a trance. What the fuck?

Is this the team I lead? How can I lead a team with such a style? My playing style is not like this either. This, this, the national youth coach is a small style, right?

After the national junior won the Asian Junior Championship, no one approached Lao Gao and asked to join the coaching staff. Lao Gao said that the Football Association did not provide the national junior with such a staff, so they blocked it. In fact, based on Lao Gao's results, as long as he wanted to,

Can the Football Association still give it? At this time, the young and energetic Lao Gao is still very proud and looks down on the guys who come here to get gold plating without doing any work. The concerted efforts and positive atmosphere that the young people in the country have finally formed are broken. Besides, there are

Wang Ai is such a bastard who has bad tempers from time to time. The old high-pressure man cannot use the young man as a favor.

Wang Ai was discovered by Lao Gao. After two years of getting along, the two became good friends in private. As for the team leader, while working honestly, he always wiped Wang Ai's butt. Under Wang Ai's leadership of the Football Association

When he got very angry, the team leader rushed to the leader and shouted, "Shoot at me." Although Wang Ai did not change his "willful behavior", he did not know good from bad, and he respected the team leader who loved and cared for him. These three people

Once the relationship is good, the entire leadership of the National Youth League will be very united, and the relationship between the cadres and the masses will be very harmonious. But if you want to sneak in a guy with a background and no ability, why don't you ask Wang Ai to run away? Rather than that, it is better to simply

Don't worry if you don't come.

Ma Dong came, but Wang Ai asked for leave and left. There was no way, Liaozu's matter suddenly came to light.

On the morning of August 1st, Manager Cao of Liaoning Football Team personally called Wang Ai and very warmly invited Wang Ai to go back and talk. He said that players studying abroad would be conducive to their growth, can show the style of Chinese players, and can also help the youth of Tubingen.

Creating a great cause and so on. Wang Ai felt sick when he heard it.

Fortunately, not long after hanging up the phone, Wang Liang called to explain: It turned out that after Wang Ai called Liao Zu's big stick to "scare away" that day, Zhao Junzhe went to the manager's office alone. I don't know what he said. Anyway, half of it.

After many hours, the manager finally sent Zhao Junzhe out personally.

Wang Ai thought for a while and understood.

He remembered receiving a call from Zhao Junzhe when he was a freshman.

Around the new century, the Northeast's economy collapsed, and it was not just the laid-off workers who were unlucky. Liaoning Football Team was also unlucky. The overall economy was not good. Who would give you funds and sponsors? Even the football market was not as good as expected, let alone any jersey souvenirs. Liaoning Football Team was unlucky.

In the end, the Little Tigers failed to truly become China's Kaiserslautern. The big reason was that Liaoning's economy was ruined. You must know that when they were making rapid progress in the league, the club always owed them wages. In other words,

The Liao Tigers fought on an empty stomach, and finally fell down exhausted in the last step before achieving the legend, leaving Liaoshen fans with unforgettable regrets.

Therefore, Liaozu's life has been extremely miserable in the past few years. They have to sell their main players every year to get some money to pay everyone. Manager Cao is begging for food everywhere, but who has money? Dalian's economy is really good, but people have

Can you control your own football team? Shenyang also has its own team. There are three football associations in Liaoning, Liaoning Football Association, Dalian Football Association, and Shenyang Football Association. This is a rule established when they won ten consecutive championships. But in addition to Dalian and Shenyang, Liaoning has

The rest are short and poor. The Liaoning Football Team is forced to do nothing. They are seriously thinking about going to Beijing to hunt for wild food, but is it still called the "Liaoning Team"? There is no way, they have to live!

Zhao Junzhe, who has always had an overall view of the overall situation, also helped to think of solutions. After searching for a long time, he suddenly remembered the Idiot Cup. I remember hearing a cadre from the Liaoyang Sports Bureau casually say, "This game is sponsored by Wang Ai's family."

Junzhe thought about it, since he could sponsor a high school league a few years ago, then it might be possible to "sponsor" Liaoning Football League now, right?

Just like that, Zhao Junzhe called Wang Ai at that time.

This chapter has been completed!
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