The one hundred and ninety-fifth section of the way of heaven (5)

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 After more than a year of repeated communication, consultation, and negotiation, this matter of vital importance to the development of football in China, Japan, and South Korea has finally been settled.

Originally, the relationship between the three countries should not have taken so much effort as they are close neighbors, but the relationship between the three countries has always been instigated by the United States. China and South Korea have reached an agreement, but Japan regretted it; China and Japan have reached an agreement, but South Korea is not happy; Japan has reached an agreement.

After reaching an agreement with South Korea, China responded with suspicion...

At present, there are many conflicts in the political field of the three countries. It is impossible for the people involved in football to avoid the influence of this general environment. It is still difficult to achieve deep mutual trust. Although Wang Ai had good ideas when he first proposed it to Yan Shiduo

: The three of us mutually open two special quotas to the other two partners. It is fair and reasonable and no one suffers.

But in actual operation, there are many problems. For example, if the quota for foreign players is opened, but the club does not agree? Or not to introduce them? Or if they are introduced, they will not be given a chance? How to guarantee it? How to improve the mechanism?

Is the entire introduction process purely based on the laws of the market economy, or is it part of the involvement of the Three Nations Football Association? To what extent is it involved?

No one wants to suffer, everyone wants to take advantage, and there will also be some political interference, which is why it is so difficult.

Fortunately, football is just a sport after all, and the minds involved in football are relatively simple. All three countries understand that this plan is beneficial to each of them. It is really a win-win situation for all three parties, and the willingness to cooperate is relatively large. So after many hardships,

It was finally settled.

Wang Ai did not participate in the entire negotiation process. Although he was the proposer, he was just a mascot at best. But because he is now the representative of Asian football, the Asian Star, whenever the negotiations reach a deadlock, the Chinese Football Association

He talked about things, and when he was mentioned, the atmosphere relaxed. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the hero behind the scenes. Therefore, when the formal cooperation agreement is signed at the headquarters of the Chinese Football Association in Beijing tomorrow, the Japanese and Korean Football Associations will name him.

He participates.

As a mascot, with such a high sense of presence, he must be present. Having Wang Ai attend also means that he can endorse this plan.

Okay! Although Wang Ai really wants to rest at home for two days and then return to Italy to report immediately, but since he did it himself, let's put it into perspective. Tomorrow there will be not only officials from the Three Kingdoms Football Association, but also representatives from the Three Kingdoms clubs. Wang Ai has to go no matter what.


Wang Ai put on formal attire to attend this time. In the conference room of the Chinese Football Association, he stood beside Director Liu and behind the signatories of the three countries. When the representatives of the three countries signed and concluded the exchange agreement, they applauded together.

Anyway, on this occasion, he was the only athlete, dressed in formal attire, smiling, among five and six people.

After signing the contract, it was natural to have a meal, and by the way, we launched the first batch of cooperation for the special foreign aid system of the first Three Kingdoms Professional League. In the hotel hosted by the General Administration of Sports, the officials of the Three Kingdoms drank and talked happily, and the owners of the Three Kingdoms clubs also whispered together. There were many people but little money.

People with fewer people and more money picked at the bills in their hands. Buying and selling were extremely prosperous.

Originally, the essence of commercial football is globalization, which is the free flow of resources. It’s just that commercial football has the responsibility of cultivating talents for honorary football, so there is a limit on foreign aid quotas. Once a country decides to open its doors, it will naturally break

This kind of artificial intervention into economic laws reflects the "prosperity of both supply and demand".

Korean football has will, Japanese football has technology, and Chinese football has... mutation!

Yes, with the weak youth training foundation of Chinese football, we can only rely on athletes with innate advantages like Gao Feng and Liu Guoliang to create "exports". Fortunately, there are many Chinese people. Without this, at the level of the Chinese league,

It is difficult for the two countries to agree.

During dinner, Wang Ai was pulled by guests from both countries to talk a lot and take a lot of photos. Based on Wang Ai's current achievements, most of these officials, who are also professional athletes themselves, have become pure fans.

In fact, people like the Chinese Football Association are like this too, but they are not very embarrassed and they have to be more reserved towards their own people.

After all, he is considered a superior leader, so he can't let go, so he doesn't care about foreigners.

At the end of the dinner, Wang Ai was called by Director Liu to his special car, and they chatted all the way to the door of Director Liu's community. They didn't have enough, and they talked for a while.

Director Liu mainly praised Wang Ai on behalf of the organization, profoundly pointing out that this was an ice-breaking trip, a relaxation trip, and a pioneering trip for the sports circles of the three countries during the period when the diplomatic relations between the three countries were at a deadlock, which deepened exchanges among the three peoples and in turn restricted the two countries.

In particular, it is a useful countermeasure to the right-wing shift in Japanese politics. Those who engage in sports have national interests at heart, and they can take the initiative to take responsibility and play their role at such a moment. The superior leaders are very satisfied.

Wang Ai didn't dare to ask who the "superior leader" was, and Director Liu didn't say anything. In fact, to Wang Ai, Director Liu was the "superior leader" himself.

In addition to these, Director Liu also expressed concern for Wang Ai's career development, especially the two football awards at the end of the year. Wang Ai was not as conservative this time to the national audience on CCTV, saying directly: "I hope to win more awards than last year."

Big, double golden boots and Olympic gold medals are very important, if nothing else happens, I can at least get one."

Wang Ai's statement made Director Liu very happy. Of course, Wang Ai has seen a lot of the world and met many leaders, so he was not nervous and the conversation was interesting, which was one of the reasons why we chatted for a long time.

Human beings don't like dry and formal articles, especially in private, especially young people. People are attracted to them if they are more lively.

Finally, Director Liu asked his driver to take Wang Ai home. Wang Ailian said no, his car had been following him.

Back in his car, Wang Ai leaned on the back of his chair and closed his eyes to rest, thinking about the gains and losses of the whole day, and taking a rest. Yan Zhu drove the car to the door of his house and asked: "Going back to Europe tomorrow?"

"Well, let's go back." Wang Ai sighed: "You can't know how many things will happen if you stay."

After getting off the car at home, Wang Ai stretched out: "Finally, I have done something useful for the Chinese league. I hope they can seize the opportunity and work hard."

"Aren't all the youth team members grown up?" Yan Zhu said after parking the car and returning.

Wang Ai shook his head: "There is still a long way to go. Director Xu's 15 or 6 years old still needs a few years to grow up. Our Liao Shao's are about the same age. The league has just started. It will take more than 5 years to be effective. Even if

When they grow up, most of them still want to play in the Chinese Super League. If the training class of the Chinese Super League cannot improve its efficiency, no matter how good the children are, they will be delayed."

"I think you are more tired than the chairman of the Football Association this day." Ai Xiaoqing came out of the room and sneered at his son.

"Mom, please don't cheat me, you can't say that." Wang Ai's head shook: "People are also worried about these things, but the Football Association has limited power and lacks an external force to promote it."

This chapter has been completed!
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