Section 271 Only the blue sky is the limit (1)

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 Under the guidance of Ambassador Kong, Wang Ai shook hands with representatives, ministers, counselors, military attachés and others in turn. The military attaché also saluted Wang Ai, which frightened Wang Ai and didn't know what to do. He wanted to salute but he didn't know how, and he wanted to hug but he couldn't.

It wasn't appropriate, so I had to shake hands in the end.

Today is Wang Ai’s award day, and it is also the reception held by the Chinese Embassy. It is similar to last year. Diplomats from various friendly countries came to congratulate. Representatives of Chinese-funded institutions, overseas Chinese, and international students also arrived. Wang Ai is also familiar with the situation.

, faithfully fulfilled his responsibility as a diplomatic volunteer, leaving when he was allowed to go, standing when he was asked to do so, talking when he was asked to speak, and watching when he was asked to do so.

In the evening, the embassy held a dinner. When the guests gradually dispersed, Wang Aicai had a good Chinese meal under the warm hospitality of Ambassador Kong.

For most of the day, CCTV's cameras were always on, and every frame was valuable historical data.

After dinner, Wang Ai said goodbye to his new and old friends at the embassy.

Back at the Shangri-La Hotel, Wang Ai booked a small restaurant to entertain his girlfriend, assistant, agent, press officer, security team, and friends from CCTV and Xinhua News Agency. The flash of the camera would still light up from time to time.

But Wang Ai couldn't care anymore. After pretending for a long time, he couldn't pretend anymore.

After Fengjuan Canyun had eaten his fill, Wang Aicai leaned back in his chair happily and listened to everyone's lively conversation. He couldn't speak anymore after talking for a whole day. He just listened. Everyone was happy anyway, and he didn't care about his posture.

In the camera, I looked much more embarrassed when I was eating just now, so that’s it.

At night, everyone checked into Shangri-La together. Of course, Moratti only paid for one suite of deluxe rooms, and the standard rooms for everyone else were paid for by Wang Ai.

In Yanzhu, after Zhao Dan checked the room and exited to rest on the opposite side, Wang Ai stretched out his arms and put them on the shoulders of the two girls on the left and right: "Let's go, it's our carnival time!"

This morning, Leonie, who had traveled thousands of miles, finally arrived. The Charles de Gaulle Airport was closed for a long time under the heavy fog. She almost missed the award ceremony. Even if she arrived in time, she did not enter the press conference hall, but went to Wang Ai

We only met him when he came out holding the trophy.

Throughout the afternoon, she played the role of a staff member of Wang Ai's team honestly, suppressing the longing in her heart and not taking action, but she couldn't care less about it now.

As soon as the door closed, she pushed Wang Ai against the wall and kissed her forcefully. Xu Qinglian laughed, took the trophy that Wang Ai was still holding with both hands, put it on the table in the room next to the terrace, and took a tissue to wipe it with

She didn’t know how many people had touched it in the afternoon, so she felt it wasn’t clean enough after wiping it, so she picked it up and prepared to go to the bathroom to wash it with water and apply soap... If it didn’t work once, she had to do it several times!

But when she turned back, things had already started over there. The two of them had changed positions. Leonie was leaning on the wallpaper, panting, her body bent into a seductive curve and enduring the dull impacts.

Xu Qinglian walked over holding the trophy, couldn't help but patted Leonie's butt and rubbed it.

A moment later, Xu Qinglian was facing the bathroom mirror, carefully wiping the trophy, and occasionally using the reflection to admire the big golden ball. The door suddenly opened, and the two panting people outside the door changed the battlefield.

"Hey, don't delay my work!" Xu Qinglian pushed the two of them.

Who do the two happy people care about? They continued on the sink next to her. Xu Qinglian moved the trophy away angrily and joined forces with Wang Ai. Leonie finally gave up, and with a scream that echoed in the washroom,

He lay on Wang Ai and panted.

While she was reminiscing, a stream of water woke her up. Xu Qinglian was holding the shower head with a smirk on her face. Leonie dodged and suddenly burst into flames. She held Xu Qinglian down in a few seconds and called Wang Ai: "Quickly."


That night, the three of them kept quarreling until midnight, leaving water and clothes all over the bathroom floor. If the three of them hadn't been too tired today, the quarrel lasted until dawn... Well, based on the current month in France, basically

It's impossible.

Anyway, the exhausted three people didn't care about the mess on the floor or looked at the time. After drinking a little wine, they hugged each other under the goose down quilt and fell asleep.

Another early morning in Paris, Wang Ai was the first to wake up as usual. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, "Okay." He didn't know when he ran to the side from the middle. There was no quilt left, and the two of them were sleeping in each other's arms.

Just fragrant!

Huang Xin didn't come this year, probably because he was avoiding Wang Ai, and Shi Wenjun also ran away midway. After attending the award ceremony, he secretly went to see Huang Xin on his back, so Wang Ai and the three of them really started to feel shameless. Same thing.

, Assistant Kangsi also ran away.

However, Wang Ai chuckled and turned around and patted his two buttocks under the quilt: I'll wait until I go to Switzerland!

This is the second time he has won the Ballon d'Or, so forget it. If he can win the World Footballer, judging from the judgment of Chinese society, that will be Wang Ai's true peak.

I don’t believe you won’t come by then!

Wang Ai, who was mumbling, got up, pulled up the quilt for the two of them and went to the bathroom. He picked up the messy clothes and towels. He took a warm shower first to wash away his fatigue. Then he brushed his teeth, washed his face, put on clothes, and put the golden ball in his hands.

After putting the trophy into the big suitcase, he stepped out on the thick carpet.

He couldn't sleep, so he chose to go out for morning exercise. Of course, it was too dark outside and it was difficult to go out due to security concerns, but the hotel had a gym and a swimming pool, so there should be no one at this time.

Zhao Dan, who was on the night shift, had just gone to bed, and Yan Zhu accompanied Wang Ai out. One of Leoni's four guards and Xu Qinglian's two guards also accompanied him.

After practicing hard in the gym for an hour, Wang Ai, who was sweating profusely, went up to the top floor, jumped into the room-temperature swimming pool, and rippling in the blue waves. Wang Ai didn't go ashore until his whole body was sore. At this time, breakfast downstairs had already started.


"How many days can we stay this time?" Wang Ai asked while eating at the dining table next to the terrace.

"Five days." Leonie, who was dressed in a leather suit and looked neat and tidy, replied while eating: "I will go back to Italy with you today. I want to see Tiger's business and help out. I will go there on the last day.

Tubingen, there's something going on with Sister Huang Xin."

"What about the Chamber of Commerce?" Xu Qinglian asked.

"Yes." Leonie nodded: "The China Chamber of Commerce in Germany has been officially established. As a friendly person from both countries, I need to attend. After all, I know people on both sides."

"What about next time?" Wang Ai asked without raising his head, busy eating fried eggs.

"Next time? That time in Switzerland in mid-January?" Leonie bit her fork and touched Wang Ai's thigh with her free hand: "Tsk, tsk, I should be hungry again by then."

This chapter has been completed!
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