Chapter 319 The Light of Apennine (9)

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 When Wang Ai walked out of Jinan Airport with her suitcase, she unexpectedly encountered a large group of reporters in front of her. For a moment, Wang Ai thought some big star was coming, and she even motioned to Zhang Yonghai, who was returning on the same plane, to hide to the side. Unexpectedly,

An eagle-eyed reporter recognized Wang Ai's face from under the red woolen hat and yellow ski goggles, and rushed over first.

Wang Ai was stunned. Are you coming for me?

"Lao Zhang, don't run!"

Just as Zhang Yonghai was about to run away, he was grabbed by Wang Ai, and Erbao helplessly whispered: "It has nothing to do with me, you caused it."

"Then you can share some of the firepower for me."

"Who cares about me? Okay, let go, I won't run away." Erbao shook his clothes and couldn't run away even if he wanted to. There were reporters all around him, and the chatter had already begun.

Wang Ai raised his hands: "Everyone, wait a minute. How did you know that I came back today?"

"When you are changing planes in transit...ah, we have our channels anyway. Can Wang Ai say a few words?"

Wang Ai was speechless. What did I say? Did the people of Shandong work hard?

"What are your expectations for this game? How many goals do you plan to score?"

Finally, he asked a normal question. Wang Ai breathed out: "The team's victory is the first priority. I will try my best to score as many goals as I need."

"I heard that you received the Medal of Honor, the highest honor awarded by the Italian government to a foreigner. Is it true?"

"Yes, really."

"Did you bring the medal back? Can you show it to us?"

"It's at Milan's house. Director Zhang Luzhang got it four years ago."

"Has your girlfriend come back with you? When will we all get to know each other?"

"Why should I let you get to know my girlfriend?" Wang Ai asked strangely: "Don't think that I won't be wary of you since you are a woman."

The reporters burst into laughter, but the female reporter who asked the question was reluctant: "Is your girlfriend your classmate? I heard..."

Wang Ai raised his hand: "Let me solemnly explain that I will not answer questions about my personal relationship. No matter how you ask, I will not answer. Anyway, I will not give you a clear answer."

The reporters' cameras were focused on Wang Ai's face. This was the first time Wang Ai publicly mentioned his emotional problems. Veteran reporters all know that you can't use any means to deal with a top-notch domestic sports star like Wang Ai, because

They often have status within the system. When it comes to Wang Ai, he doesn't need any hype at all. His reputation is high enough.

"I can't stop you from asking, but you can't force me to tell you either." Wang Ai's expression was very formal.

This was the line he drew for the domestic press. The scene fell silent, and then other reporters immediately spoke: "When Beckham arrived in Milan, did you two have any contact? Is he easy to contact in private?"

"No, I have been traveling back and forth during this period and have not attended many local public events in Milan, so I have not been in contact with him for the time being." Wang Ai shook his head and said: "But I have been in contact with him before. In private, he is similar to other stars, but he seems to

A little more personable.”

"What do you think of his prospects in Milan? You will have the Milan derby in a few days. Your two positions overlap. Are you afraid of him?"

"No way?" Wang Ai said with a smile: "We already met on the court in Spain four years ago."

"You won, right? He seems to have average defensive ability?"

Wang Ai quickly shook his head: "Football is a collective sport. Don't think of it like a Cavaliers duel. We are all a group of teammates around us, cooperating with each other. The outcome of the game is the strength of the collective, not us as individuals."

"Then what do you think of the prospects of the Milan Derby? After he comes, can you win against AC Milan, which is even stronger?"

Wang Ai scratched his face: "I have the confidence to win with the team."

"What about the upcoming match against Japan?"

Wang Ai smiled: "I have the confidence to win with the team."

Seeing Wang Ai start talking, the reporters turned their guns on Zhang Yonghai, who had been pretending to be transparent.

It took about ten minutes. Seeing that the reporters wanted to turn it into a press conference, Wang Ai quickly waved from a distance, and Ma Dong squeezed over: "There will be a special press conference for the game the day after tomorrow. Everyone is welcome to be a guest.

Wang Ai is very tired after returning from a long journey. Please forgive me and thank you."

Wang Ai just took a breath and walked out of the airport. Not far away, a large group of fans were waiting on the roadside. It was very cold in Jinan in February. Looking at it through the dim light, it was dark and full of people. Wang Ai was surprised and couldn't help but move forward.

After a few steps, I realized that the fans crowded in the front row were not the young people I imagined, but a group of old men.

"Little Wang'er, Little Wang'er!" Seeing Wang Ai approaching, he shouted.

"What's wrong with everyone? I see you didn't even get the signature book?" Wang Ai asked as he approached.

"If nothing happens, just look at you!" Several gentlemen replied excitedly, and also raised the banners in their hands, which were all blessings.

"Thank you, thank you all, thank you to the folks in Jinan!" Wang Ai said loudly: "I came back with Zhang Yonghai this time just to... perform well in front of the folks in Shandong. Don't worry, I will definitely work hard."

"Thank you, Xiao Wanger!" the fans responded in unison.

Wang Ai shook hands with the fans in the first three rows one by one, and waved to the back when he had time. It must be said that these fans are of extremely high quality. After waiting for who knows how long, they did not go too far and remained calm.

"It's very cold and it's late. Let's go back and rest early. Please don't worry, I'm not here to watch football, but to play football for you. Everyone, go back. I will appear at the Shandong Sports Center the day after tomorrow!"

Ma Dong also followed the advice, but the fans still followed him to the front of the car that came to pick up Wang Ai, and watched Wang Ai and his group get into the car and leave.

In the car with the warm wind blowing, Wang Ai took off his red woolen hat: "What's going on? I'm so stressed."

"Aren't all big stars like this?" Ma Dong said with a smile.

Wang Ai glared at the former captain of the school team: "You don't know what I am like? I just ran away, I feel sorry for you."

"If you don't run away, do you still want to stay?"

"Really? I really want to stay, at least shake hands with everyone? Let's have a chat? My time is time, not other people's?" Wang Ai shook his head: "You know everyone is equal?


Ma Dong breathed a sigh of relief: "You'd better get used to it. We can't keep it secret now. Someone has reported you since you boarded the plane in Milan. When people check the timetable, they will know where you are going."

Wang Ai frowned in distress and said, "To put it this way, I will really be less likely to go back to China in the future. I don't feel that they are in the stands. There are so many people standing on the side of the road this winter, and my heart is heavy."

"World Footballer, the Chinese consider him to be the best in the world." Ma Dong handed over a bottle of water: "Everyone liked you before, but now they respect you."

This chapter has been completed!
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