The 328th Serie A new record (8)

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Although he has been in Europe for many years, Wang Ai still laments the economic acumen of others. Even if it is the Football Association, as long as Wang Ai pokes a stick here, others can climb up the stick.

Regardless of whether they are managers or practitioners, their sense of smell is extremely sensitive and their senses are extremely fast. Wang Ai originally made a joke to dodge reporters' inquiries, but he expressed his position overnight, and he was very direct: Didn't you ask me if I had any? I told him

You have!

It wasn’t there before, but it is now!

Why not originally? The record of 35 goals has been 59 years old, who would prepare a commemoration of 40 goals?

But this does not stop others from taking advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. Serie A sponsors and Inter Milan sponsors all appeared in the newspapers today: We can do it now! Just wait for you to break the record!

The newspapers were very lively that day, even more lively than when Wang Ai won the two awards. The two awards are given every year, and the five major leagues always have their turn. The Italians no longer think it is new, but the 59-year record has been broken.

It’s so rare. It’s disappointing enough that Inter Milan has not won the Champions League for more than 40 years, let alone 59 years? What’s more, this is a regret for all Italy?

Of course, what the Italians didn’t say was: Why aren’t we Italians the ones who can break the record?

Fortunately, Italy is known as the "China of Europe" and has a relatively good relationship with China. Wang Ai's own image is very good, so his record creation is widely proud of him.

This morning, the family happily read the newspaper and then set off each other. In the afternoon, Wang Ai returned to the base to participate in training. Breaking the record is inevitable, but it just depends on when and where. Since Zanetti has expressed his stance, it means that even if it really happens

If there is a problem, his teammates will also lift Wang Ai up. Judging from the current leading points, Inter Milan will definitely have a few games this season that are garbage time, and it is easy to accomplish something that all Italy plans to accomplish.

What is in front of Inter Milan now is not Wang Ai's record-breaking record, but the top 16 of the Champions League.

The last game was a draw with visiting Manchester United at Meazza, and the qualifying situation was not good. Wang Ai was catching a cold at the time and was unable to play. The only consolation was that Manchester United did not score an away goal, which meant that the only way to go to Old Telford was to draw with Manchester United.

If Manchester United draws, Inter Milan will be fine.

And this one is the most direct dialogue between Wang Ai and Cristiano Ronaldo, the most direct competitors of last year's two awards. Originally, the media of the two countries had hyped the last match, but it's a pity that Wang Ai actually put up the fight-free card. Objectively, he has recently

If he comes back and is in good condition, then the game on the fourth day after tying the record will be very interesting to watch.

On March 10, Wang Ai packed his bags and said goodbye to his family and friends, and went to Manchester with the team. In the afternoon of the same day, he went to Old Trafford to adapt to the venue. Arriving at this stadium that was not familiar but left a deep impression, Wang Ai

Ai actually feels a little nostalgic. He once imitated Beckham's arc and defeated Manchester United here. The scene where the audience stood up and applauded him will be unforgettable for a long time.

Jose sent out a full lineup for this life-and-death battle, with Ibrahimovic and Balotelli as double forwards, Zanetti, Cambiasso, Vieira, Wang Ai in midfield, Maicon, and Samuel.

, Cordoba, Thornton plays defender and Julio serves as goalkeeper.

And Ferguson also sent out the strongest lineup, with Berbatov Garuni as the striker; Giggs, Carrick, Ronaldo, and Scholes in the midfield, and Evra, Ferdinand, Vidic, and O'Shea in the midfield.

Defender and goalkeeper are Edwin van der Sar!

However, Jose and Wang Ai told him to play as a shadow forward and hide behind the tall Ibrahimovic and the strong Balotelli. Because both of them have a very large range of activities, and Ibrahimovic also likes to run outside, so it is appropriate

Sometimes Wang Ai can step forward. This is not far from what the outside world expected. For this kind of highly anticipated game, there will be various experts to help analyze it. In fact, there are not many surprises that the coaches of both sides can come up with. In the end, it still depends on the field.

How the stars performed.

Of course, the stars of both teams made bold statements before the game, but Wang Ai and Cristiano Ronaldo, who were the most concerned, expressed milder opinions. Not only did Wang Ai reject the criticism of Cristiano Ronaldo induced by reporters, Cristiano Ronaldo also sensibly did not criticize Wang Ai.

This is not only because the two of them had private communication in Switzerland the year before last, exchanged mobile phone numbers, and occasionally sent text messages. It is also because of their personalities, at least off-court personalities, at least the personalities they are willing to show, which are relatively big.


Amid the chaos, on the evening of March 11, the two sides gathered at Old Trafford. Manchester United wore a bright red shirt, and Inter Milan wore a classic blue and black striped shirt as usual. After the opening ceremony, Inter Milan walked past the Manchester United players one by one and shook hands one by one.

When it was the turn of Wang Ai and Ronaldo, who couldn't wait for the reporters' cameras, they not only shook hands and talked happily, but also hugged.

Balotelli next to Wang Ai clearly heard the Portuguese and Chinese say: "Welcome to Old Trafford."

What the Chinese and Portuguese say is: "Welcome to Old Trafford."

It's just that many sharp-eyed reporters have noticed that Chinese people who usually look very well-proportioned and not very tall are actually taller than Portuguese people who usually look very tall. Cristiano Ronaldo's short hair of a successful person and Wang Ai's

Compared with simple short hair, it’s not clear who wins and who loses yet.

The game started at 8:45 pm, 3:45 pm Beijing time.

Amid the cheers from the home fans, the Manchester United players performed enthusiastically and advanced very quickly. On the contrary, Inter Milan showed a steady performance with little motivation as usual. As a result, Manchester United took the lead in the 4th minute of the game.

This time, Ronaldo won a corner kick while advancing, Giggs took the penalty, and Vidic broke through Vieira's defense and broke Julio's fingers with a simple header.

Jose on the sidelines saw this scene and shook his head slightly. Vieira was seriously injured and did not play in the second half of last season. His condition declined sharply, and he barely came back this season and often failed. At this time, why?

There was not much he could do, just like Ferguson, he stood on the sidelines.

Inter Milan kicked off, Ibrahimovic passed back to Wang Ai, and Wang Ai split the ball. Unexpectedly, he was intercepted by Giggs midway. Cristiano Ronaldo dribbled the ball forward quickly amidst the shouts of the Manchester fans, and finally passed a high-quality cross. Unfortunately,

He advanced too fast and his teammates couldn't keep up.

But this also made Inter Milan, who was accustomed to the slow pace of the game, a little bit overwhelmed. Julio held the ball and shouted loudly and gestured forward while holding the ball. Finally, he flicked his right arm and threw it to Cambia, who came back to respond.


Wang Ai was also a little anxious. He rarely appeared in the backcourt. After receiving Cambiaso's direct pass, before Scholes approached, he simply distributed the ball to Zanetti and then pointed forward.

Sprint forward.

This chapter has been completed!
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