Three hundred and sixty-ninth chapter small sentiment (nine)

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 On June 6, the sun was blazing. The cool sea breeze could not dissipate the heat over Bahrain Island. A large number of Chinese fans rushed to the Bahrain Stadium. At 7:30 in the evening, a quarter of the Chinese people were seated in the stands.

Lao Gao sent out a 451 lineup, with Wang Ai as forward, Chen Tao as midfielder, Zhu Ting, Hao Junmin as double forward, Zhao Xuri, Zhou Haibin as double midfielder, Luo Tongliang, Li Weifeng as double central defender, Sun Jihai, Zhang Yonghai as double defender, and Zong Lei.

Goalkeeper lineup against Bahrain national team.

Zheng Zhi was placed on the bench due to a slight injury.

Wang Ai played for an hour and was replaced by Gao Lin. At the same time, Li Weifeng was replaced, Feng Xiaoting was replaced, and Chen Tao was replaced by Mao Jianqing.

This substitution list was later evaluated as a sign of "the 1985 generation taking over the national team."

The result of the game was 4:0. Wang Ai easily completed a hat trick in just the first half. On the Asian battlefield, let alone anyone who could block him, it would be difficult to even create greater difficulties for him unless he was not in good condition.

Before Jia Ke came here, he had only played two games in one month in Italy and was in good condition.

A header in front of the goal, a ground ball shot inside, and a direct free kick made the Chinese fans hoarse and even the Bahrain fans applauded him.

Bahrain has been eliminated. There will still be a large number of Bahrain fans watching the game this night, and it is Wang Ai who is rushing. Four months ago, when Wang Ai won Asia's first "World Footballer", he used a special

Saying thank you in Arabic won him great favor throughout the Arab world.

There are more than 400 million Arabs, but only a few terrorists? But ordinary people are still inevitably affected.

So even if Wang Aigan simply defeated the Bahrain team, every goal he scored would still attract cheers from the Bahrain fans, which made the Chinese fans at the scene puzzled.

After the game, in order to express his gratitude to the Bahrain Football Association for their warm hospitality, Wang Ai attended the press conference. After expressing his praise and gratitude to the host, he also answered many enthusiastic questions from Arab reporters.

That night, the national team did not stay in Bahrain, but chose to cross the sea overnight to reach neighboring Qatar, preparing to fly directly from Doha to Beijing the next day.

At the same time, Wang Ai himself has another task, which is to accept an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, which has become famous in recent years. During the Beijing Olympics last year, foreign media’s coverage of the Olympics was as full of discrimination and prejudice as before. Many games in which Chinese athletes won the championship were not broadcast at all.

, or playing with the gold medal list to make itself look better than China.

In short, the integrity of the Western media is shattered.

However, Al Jazeera, known as Middle East CNN, one of the three major media in the world, and the top spot in the Middle East, is fairly fair. At least it does not take a stand. Although the performance of some former BBC employees is not very good, pure Arabs are still

Yes, we have even argued with Western viewpoints many times.

Therefore, the task assigned by his superiors this time is to hope that he can use his huge favor in the Arab world to give back to the Arab world, give back to Al Jazeera, and by the way, improve the image of the Chinese people and China in the Arab world.

It's good in the first place, but it can be better. There's no harm in it. At least it will indirectly help Chinese-funded enterprises in contracting projects in the Arab world.

After answering the call from the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Ailuo thought about it and agreed. It is good for the country and good for himself.

The next morning, Wang Ai arrived at the headquarters of Al Jazeera Sports Channel and was personally received by the famous host and producer Jajida. After greetings, Wang Ai arrived at the studio accompanied by the counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Qatar.

Al Jazeera now has two channels, an Arabic channel and an English channel. The host can speak both Arabic and English, but Wang Ai only knows a few simple words of Arabic, so this interview was in English.

However, before starting, Wang Ai simply thanked the host and the audience in Arabic, and the Zurich Opera House's second of his thanks appeared on the background screen at the right moment.

"King, this is the most familiar scene to us Arabs this year!" host Jagida laughed.

"Thank you, thank you." Wang Ai smiled broadly: "The Arab region is a big part of our Asia. Arabic is one of the six working languages ​​of the United Nations, so I learned a little temporarily. Well, just a little bit."

"You are the first world footballer to express gratitude in our language, we love you!"

Jajida stretched out his hand, and Wang Ai had to stand up, shake hands with him, and then sit down again.

"What do you think of the Iraq War?" Jajida asked suddenly after sitting down.

Wang Ai was stunned and looked at him subconsciously. Jajida raised the corner of his mouth, and then immediately turned serious. The counselor who accompanied Wang Ai frowned outside the camera. There was no such sensitive content in the interview outline beforehand!

Subconsciously, the diplomatic warrior was about to come over and interrupt the program, but stopped at the last moment because he saw Wang Ai gently shaking his head at him.

If he hadn't thought of the joke circulating in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that "Wang Ai should be the spokesperson", he would really not be able to stand.

"Your question reminds me of the Asian Cup two years ago." Wang Ai said in a low voice: "I was deeply impressed by that Iraqi team."

Having said this, Wang Ai raised his head and looked at the host: "I heard that they couldn't even find a training ground and had to ask neighboring countries to carry out training. But even in such a difficult situation, they still killed people like never before.

Entering the finals, I have shown the grace of Iraqi athletes and the Iraqi people in front of all Asia and the whole world. I admire them and I am willing to praise them, they are amazing."

Jajida seemed to be touched by the emotion in Wang Ai's words and nodded frequently.

"You asked me what I think about the Iraq war." Wang Ai took a deep breath: "I am not a spokesperson for the Chinese government. I cannot represent China's position. I can only represent myself. I think there is no doubt that this is a war in Iraq."

Tragedy. Decades ago, China also fought a war for almost half a century. Many of the wounds of the war are still there. I deeply feel the suffering of the war. I hope that this war will end soon and the Iraqi people can return to peace as soon as possible.

Life, let Iraq return to peace. The Arab world has hard-working people, rich resources, and splendid culture. I believe that as long as there is no war, the life of the Arabs will definitely get better."

Jagida nodded to Wang Ai. Wang Ai thought that this fatal thing had passed. Unexpectedly, Jagida asked again after two seconds of silence: "What do you think of Al Qaeda?"

Cold sweat broke out on Wang Ai's head!

This chapter has been completed!
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