Chapter 397 is young (7)

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 After the meal, Liu Chunming consciously went for a walk downstairs accompanied by others, while Wang Ai accompanied Ambassador Cui back to his office to drink tea. Looking out the window at the neon-colored Tokyo street scene, Ambassador Cui looked not far away from him.

The young man with his hands pressed against the window: "Xiao Wang, how old were you when you started playing in the five major leagues?"

"It should be the summer of 2003, when I was 17 years old."

Ambassador Cui nodded and said with emotion: "It's great to be young. Dare to think, dare to do, dare to venture and dare to fight."

Wang Ai asked with great interest: "What did you do when you were 17 years old?"

"Me?" Ambassador Cui looked at Wang Ai and suddenly smiled: "I'm going out into the world just like you."

Wang Ai rolled his eyes: "Go to Beidahuang to explore the world?"

Ambassador Cui shook his head and laughed: "To support border construction, the Northern Wilderness at that time was almost deserted and uninhabited. So, *** called on us urban youths to go to hard places to exercise. We Shanghai educated youth went to a place in the Northern Wilderness.

A large number of them. I also went there when I was 17 and stayed for five full years. But, I am one year old and you are a false one. Speaking of which, you are more powerful."

Wang Ai's face twisted: "You are not Marxist-Leninist anymore."

"How to say?"

"There is no distinction between high and low in revolutionary work."

"Hahahaha." Ambassador Cui laughed for a while and then said: "Look at the scenery in front of you, what can you think of?"

Wang Ai looked around for a while: "I hope this is China."

"Yes." Ambassador Cui said with emotion: "When every generation of patriots goes abroad, they are all anxious for the country. But development always requires stages, a foundation, and a process. What's more?

There was a lot of fumbling around, and it was time to pay tuition. Unknowingly, decades passed by. Time flies by, and life is in a hurry. Compared with the rejuvenation of the country and the nation, life is too short, and there is only so much that can be done."

Wang Ai also nodded with emotion: "So, the five-year plan looks long, but it is actually moving forward step by step. Fortunately, we are in an era of climbing, just like the founding period of every feudal dynasty in history. Despite the troubles

There were a lot of things going on, including the Baideng siege and the Weishui alliance. But in the end, he was high-spirited. Compared with those who were panic-stricken at the end of the dynasty, he was still lucky."

Ambassador Cui nodded and suddenly said: "I found that your communication skills, Xiao Wang, are indeed very strong. Then let me ask you a tricky question. Japan has a pacifist constitution, which stipulates that it cannot launch aggression. Why is China still worried? And China

The Constitution does not have such a provision, shouldn’t Japan be more worried about China?”

Wang Ai thought for a while: "The constitution is a reflection of the country's will, but Japan's pacifist constitution was indeed imposed. It was imposed by the United States after the defeat in World War II, so Japan's pacifist constitution does not represent the will of the country, or it is not that representative.

Otherwise, there would not have been various attempts to break through the peaceful constitution. Although China did not write this in the constitution, China has practiced this with actions. Although there have been several wars in the more than 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China has not occupied an inch of other people's land.

These wars were imposed on us, and can even be seen as some kind of aftermath of Japan’s invasion of China in World War II. China is easy to fight, so everyone wants to give it a try."

Ambassador Cui nodded thoughtfully: "So, China should be more worried about Japan? At least at the civilian level?"

Wang Ai nodded: "Yes, this is one of my arguments tomorrow."

"China always emphasizes that all countries are equal regardless of their size, but why can't they be equal to Japan? It's been 60 years since the war, why can't Japan have the same power as China? For example, nuclear weapons? For example, the status of a permanent member of the Security Council?"

"My answer is that national identities are equal, but countries are different in size. This is a fact. For example, if a small country has an economic crisis, it will hardly have a serious impact on other countries, but once an economic crisis occurs in the United States, it will affect the whole world.

, affecting the jobs of hundreds of millions of people and the happiness of hundreds of millions of families. Therefore, demanding that all rights be equal is absolute egalitarianism, and at least in the modern era, it is not feasible."

"What about nuclear weapons? What about specific issues like permanent membership?"

"If Japan must pursue this." Wang Ai suddenly smiled when he said this: "I will formally propose that Japan join China and become an autonomous region of China."

Ambassador Cui opened his eyes wide: "That's what you said?"

Wang Ai spread his hands: "What's wrong? We are separated by water and share the same culture. Modeled on the Hong Kong Administrative Region, the central government does not need to collect taxes from the four Japanese provinces. China's market of 1.4 billion people has been fully liberalized to Japan. How can a country collect taxes?"

Tariffs? This can get Japan out of the 'lost 20 years' of economic stagnation, and the people will immediately live a happy life."

"What you said makes perfect sense. Have you really thought about it?"

Wang Ai smiled and said: "If I really think about it, I've known for a long time that I can't escape these problems. Sooner or later. Simply use reductio ad absurdum. Doesn't Japan want nuclear weapons and the status of a permanent member of the Security Council? It's easy to handle. Merge with China.

Ah, it’s all there in no time? Aren’t you in Japan trying to create a ***** circle? Aren’t you always envious of China’s size? Come on, let’s have a country with more than 10 million square kilometers, how about that? That’s enough

Right? You already have what China has, so you don’t have to fight a war, or take risks to research nuclear weapons, let alone think about becoming a member of the U.S. Security Council, you can just do it.”

Ambassador Cui smiled and shook his head: "You are calling this a child's talk."

Wang Ai also smiled and said: "They are also asking children's questions."

"Yes." Ambassador Cui nodded, ignoring this ridiculous suggestion, "From a practical perspective, how do you answer the two issues of nuclear weapons and membership of the UN Security Council?"

"Nuclear weapons are meaningless to Japan." Wang Ai shook his head: "The land area is too small and the endurance is too poor, which determines that it is almost impossible for Japan to form a sufficient deterrent to its opponents. If someone attacks you, you will be destroyed by three hydrogen bombs.

If you want to hit others, 30 missiles are not enough. If Japan enters the age of nuclear weapons, its military advantage will not expand, but shrink, shrinking unprecedentedly."

"As for the permanent members of the United Nations." Wang Ai couldn't help but sneered: "The power of the five major countries does not come from the veto, but from the strength to support their veto. The rejection of the United States, Russia, Britain and France is not only a procedural rejection.

In fact, you can't do it unless the five major countries veto each other. If other countries give you veto power, the most you can do is paralyze the United Nations, which is essentially ineffective. If morality is not matched, it will be inevitable.

Affected by the disaster, when Japan seeks permanent member status, it should think about whether it is worthy of it."

Ambassador Cui took a breath and suddenly asked: "Are you not a party member anymore?"

Wang Ai grinned: "No more."

This chapter has been completed!
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