Section 409: Safflower and Green Leaves (9)

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Including letting Wang Ai switch to midfield, Zhang Zhaozhong's team put forward more than ten suggestions. Other controversial ones include: switching to Spanish-style passing and control; telling the country in advance about next year's goals; controlling the center circle; full attack.

Complete defense; expand the size of the coaching staff; reduce business activities, etc.

Moreover, every one of them has its own heel!

For example, Zhang Zhaozhong suggested that the team's style of play should change from sharp breakthroughs and small-scale cooperation to Spanish-style full-field cooperation and large clusters. The reason is to compete for the initiative on the battlefield. "Whether it is a strong enemy or a weak enemy, having the initiative on the battlefield can mobilize the opponent.

This is used to attack the opponent's weak points or weak enemies."

Telling the people all over the country in advance the goals for next year is a concrete embodiment of the idea of ​​​​"People's War". "Involving the people extensively can not only clarify the goals and take the upright path of conspiracy; it can also force the national team to give up all luck and seize the goals wholeheartedly."

.The strategies of our party and our army have never evaded the people’s right to know, and we have always openly let the people know the mission of our party and our army! This does not mean that you are required to tell the outside world your tactical secrets.”

The suggestion of controlling the center circle is mainly based on the perspective of occupying a favorable terrain. "The center circle of the football field is the center of gravity of the entire field. You can advance, attack, retreat, or defend. It is different from controlling the midfield in the general sense. It is formation control."

, and controlling the middle circle is area control. We must resolutely and decisively confront the opponent in the middle circle, squeeze the opponent out of the middle circle, let the opponent fight in a farther or narrower area, and increase the difficulty of the opponent's offense and defense."

The suggestion of "total attack and total defense" is the embodiment of the thinking of "concentrating superior forces". "Only with total attack and total defense can we fully form local strength advantages and ensure that the offensive and defensive objectives are achieved to the maximum extent"!

Expanding the size of the coaching staff is a manifestation of "military democracy" thinking. Zhang Zhaozhong believes that the current coaching staff of seven people is still a bit small, and many tasks cannot be done carefully and thoroughly. For example, the research on opponents can only focus on the opponent's

Warm-up match, and the warm-up match is a fake match, a combat simulation of the opponent. Although some signs can be seen, it is not clear what the opponent's headquarters is testing. If more personnel are added, the preparations can be further deepened.

, such as the performance of the opponent's main players in the league.

"Every commander who recruits generals to participate in the war must have certain advantages and specialties. This may not be fully displayed in warm-up matches or other regular national competitions, but cannot be concealed in a long league. This can help us understand

The other party’s headquarters’ thoughts on recruiting the general will then be used to deduce the headquarters’ combat strategy.”

The suggestion to reduce business activities is a reflection of the last of the ten military principles. “The national team’s preparations should have continuity and continuity, and in the short period of one year before the competition, we still have leagues in our daily lives.

Under the premise of training tasks such as cup competitions, there is very little time to concentrate on preparations. Everyone should seize the time to rest and keep their minds, thinking, and habits consistent with the national team's preparation plan."

These suggestions have made the national team noisy. However, since they have taken the initiative to ask for help, they have to let people speak. As a doctoral tutor in military strategy and a leader in the discipline of military equipment, Professor Zhang also has his own pride and persistence.


It's impossible for someone to give up on their academic ideas just because of the objections of a few of you national team members, not even Wang Ai's objections, unless you can refute him theoretically.

On the evening of August 5th, outside the conference room of a certain department of the Shenyang Military Region, Lao Gao squatted exhaustedly at the door, holding a cigarette. He smoked in the early years, then quit smoking, and now he has picked it up again. The past seven or eight years have been extraordinary for him.

Over and over again. Outsiders only notice that his team has achieved great results and that he is the most successful football coach in China. It is difficult for anyone to notice the hardships involved in every step.

Something like this that completely breaks the fixed ideas in his mind is very painful for a middle-aged man whose thinking has been fixed. It is similar to reading a boring philosophical book. Wang Ai's parents have already set an example.

: "What a magical thing!"

But now Lao Gao has been put on the rack, and Wang Ai and his gang of boys are jumping high to get the Hercules Cup. How can he still say "you guys take a break"? Does he have to follow him and run out of breath? A smiling person on the TV

Professor Zhang was dancing around and speaking in a stern voice. Didn't he just have to listen?

For someone’s good intentions, if the Football Association takes 100,000 yuan in research funding, what does it mean to them?

They are not only kind-hearted, but also very considerate, so you have to listen to the harsh words, and you have to listen carefully to avoid being embarrassed when Teacher Zhang calls the roll.

"I don't know if I came here by mistake." The wrinkles on Liu Chunming's face were deep. He squatted next to Lao Gao and lit his cigarette butt: "My instinctive feeling is that it's nonsense, but after listening to it, I still feel that there is something wrong.

That’s right. Hey, Xiao Gao, do you think it’s because our concepts are not good enough?”

Gao Hongbo blew out a puff of smoke: "When I went to find a Portuguese teacher the year before last, I almost experienced the same distress now. What they said was different from what I thought. It's just...cough!"

Lao Gao coughed and pressed the cigarette butt into the crack of the cement floor under the steps: "It's just that Jose is still talking about football, and all the talk in this room is guns."

Lao Liu squatted on the ground with his legs crossed and took two puffs. When the dim light bulb above his head illuminated him, he saw such desolation and vicissitudes of life!

"We still don't have enough knowledge about football and it's not systematic. What you learn from Jose is all the ready-made experience he summarized, and here at our..." As he said, Lao Liu pointed behind him with his thumb: "Here at us,

But we have to play theory from top to bottom. If we can understand this, Chinese football will have a theoretical system."

Lao Gao raised one eyebrow and lowered the other: "Oh? So, the characteristics of our Chinese football are about to come out?"

Lao Liu shook his head: "I don't know, anyway, I will go to the youth department next year. I am in my 50s and I can't stand it. What do you call this? Brainstorm! I have to explode my cerebral blood vessels. It's all your fault."

Things for young people.”

Lao Gao was so tired that he didn’t want to break up with Lao Liu, but Lao Liu still had more to say: "But our foundation is so poor, we have to go through such a wave, otherwise you won’t be able to get up. In the 1950s, we went to Hungary to study, and we asked people to fight

0:10! Isn’t it painful? It only happened after such a wave. Half a century later, we don’t have such a powerful friendly country that can teach us step by step. At least as high as our team is, no one can do that.

You’ve taught us, but don’t we have to explore it ourselves?”

"A blind cat kills a mouse?"

Lao Liu nodded, took a last long puff, and followed Lao Gao's example and put out the cigarette butt on the ground: "You have to try, or you have to try if you don't want to. It's better to try like this than to try blindly."

This chapter has been completed!
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