The four hundred and fifty-fourth section of the golden wind has not moved, and the plot is impermanent (4)

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 After chatting for a while on the plane, Wang Ai sat at the window seat and took out his laptop. As the plane taxied, the passengers became quiet, and Yan Zhu sat next to Wang Ai and took out a copy of "

I started reading Cai Gen Tan.

In the middle of the flight, Wang Ai turned off the computer, pulled up the blanket and fell asleep.

But what he didn't expect that day was that after the passengers took a group photo and uploaded it to the Internet, some "detectives" were attracted. They noticed something strange from the smile in the photo. In the past, no matter who he took the photo with, Wang Ai's smile was always very special.

Brilliant, with a childish innocence. If he is happy, his eyebrows will open when he smiles, and this time, his smile is a little cautious like an adult.

It was as if he suddenly became an adult.

Even though he has had his ID card for five or six years, and his passport for more than ten years. Probably because he has grown up in everyone's sight, the impression of him is still that of a fun-loving person.

As a child, especially professional fans, you can see him at least twice a week, each time lasting more than an hour.

Wang Ai did not pay attention to the analysis on the Internet. When the first group photo appeared in Tianya, the first "detective" analyzed that the situation of the national team was serious, and the second "detective" analyzed in a sinister way that Wang Ai might be

When I invited him to have tea, Wang Ai was standing outside the door of his house in Milan in a daze.

I haven't been back for half a month, and I felt a little strange for a while.

Yan Zhu, Zhao Dan, Shi Wenjun and others were with him, waiting for him in the Milan sunset in the evening.

Unexpectedly, Wang Ai stayed here for 15 minutes.

In fact, the strange feeling only lasted for a minute. It was probably because Xu Qinglian was no longer around, and Wang Ai's mood changed. The rest of the time, after Wang Ai noticed this, he worked hard to adjust himself.

Both his family and his family wanted him to "do whatever he should do," and his superiors, society, and fans probably thought so too. When he came to this "nest" with Xu Qinglian, he was suddenly aroused with negative emotions such as sadness, anger, etc.

He needs some dispatching.

In Italy in October, the wild grass is still spread on the rolling hills like a soft blanket, but in the distance it has gradually turned yellow. The standing pine forests are still dark green, but the pedestrians coming and going have already put on their coats.

"Are you okay?" Shi Wenjun, who was impatient to wait, urged Wang Ai, and Wang Ai woke up: "Oh, everyone has been waiting for a long time, hehe, let's go."

Kangsi brought a tray of hot coffee to welcome everyone. She was the only one left behind on this trip back to China. She was shocked when she suddenly heard that Xu Qinglian and Wang Ai had changed their relationship. In her opinion, whether it was Leoni or Huang Xin, Shi Wenjun

They are already good enough, but they are always ranked behind Xu Qinglian, and they are willing to do so. If there is a problem between such a powerful Xu Qinglian and the "Emperor of China", it is not something she can intervene in, and she does not even dare to ask.

Fortunately, Wang Ai was not in the mood to say either.

Dinner was almost ready in the living room, and everyone was carrying plates and bowls. Everyone knew that Wang Ai was in a bad mood, so the atmosphere was not warm. After a simple meal, Wang Ai went upstairs to rest, and Yan Zhu followed.

"Little Wang." Yan Zhu looked at Wang Ai: "The ups and downs of your mood can easily affect your body. You have to control it well."

Wang Ai thought for a while, nodded seriously, and admitted that Yan Zhu's reminder was right.

But I know that it will take a certain process to turn it into action, which is what Wang Ai envisioned: go to bed early, get up early and eat more. I lay in bed for a long time and couldn't fall asleep. I always missed Xu Qinglian involuntarily, thinking about what she was doing now, what would she do?

I won’t be cold, hungry, or miss myself.

After several unsuccessful attempts to control it, Wang Ai simply sat up in thick clothes, turned on the computer and watched the most drowsy documentary for a while, but unfortunately it was not successful. He continued to struggle like this until ten o'clock in the evening, without sleeping.


Well, Wang Ai simply stood up and went downstairs. Yan Zhu, Zhao Dan, and Zhang Guang all fell asleep due to jet lag. Liu Liang, who was fully responsible for the security work of the Apennine Light during this period, also went to bed early. The only one who didn't sleep was one of them.

Female security guard on the night shift.

Fortunately, Kang Si was still awake and was struggling with a pile of reports with a sad face. Wang Ai said hello and asked the female security guard to accompany her out. By the way, Kang Si reported a bunch of documents to the monitoring room, allowing her to do two things at once.


The security system at home was formulated by Yan Zhu and Zhao Dan. Even if there were no problems, Wang Ai would not break it.

Going up the mountain, the night breeze was cool. Wang Ai tightened his collar and ran for a kilometer. Seeing that the female guard was struggling to follow him, he went down the mountain to the entrance of the base.

The gatekeeper hugged Wang Ai warmly and welcomed Wang Ai back. Only then did Wang Ai remember that he had forgotten to bring gifts to his teammates this time.

Forget it, my wife has run away, do I still care about you?

With a bunch of unreliable thoughts in his heart, Wang Ai ran around the training ground until he saw sweat on his head. It wasn't until the sweat dripped down that Wang Ai felt that most of the depression in his heart had dissipated, and he replied

When I arrived at the sidelines, I discovered that Liu Liang had been standing there for a long time, and Kang Si was also there.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Wang Ai patted Liu Liang on the shoulder: "I'm sorry to trouble you, because of my problem."

"It just so happens that I can't sleep either." Liu Liang smiled.

"You can't sleep when you go back later, so why don't you help me with the report? I have a headache looking at those numbers." Kangsi took the opportunity to find someone to help.

"Haha, don't care!" Wang Ai grabbed Kang Si's fluffy hair.

Kang Si tilted her head and simply nudged Wang Ai with her forehead.

As a group of people walked out of the training ground, the lights in the training ground behind them went out. Wang Ai noticed that someone had been keeping the light on for him. He waved his hand in the direction of the duty room and thanked him. Wang Ai's mood suddenly improved.

stand up.

There are still many people who care about him and silently support him. The strength of these people helped Wang Ai lift his mood from the bottom, at least allowing him to sleep well that night.

On the third day after returning to the team, Wang Ai accompanied Inter Milan to Genoa for the 8th round of the game. Genoa was very brave, but unfortunately the players in almost every position were not as capable as the opposing Inter Milan players. So even though the players worked hard,

However, it is almost impossible to pose a threat to Inter Milan. On the contrary, Inter Milan probably does not have heavy competition tasks on this international match day, so it is in particularly good form, scoring goals one after another.

When Wang Ai came on as a substitute in the second half, the score became 4:0. In fact, Wang Ai could see clearly from the sidelines that the strength gap was on the one hand, and Genoa's bravery also stimulated Inter Milan.

Wang Ai, who was considered by Jose to be in average condition, performed well. Near the end of the game, he cut inside and hit a tricky far corner, helping the team set the score at 6:0, and also allowed him to play 7 games this season.

In this case, 14 goals were scored.

This chapter has been completed!
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