Section 462? Advance in artillery fire (2)

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 Due to Jose's understanding in advance, Wang Ai did not need to participate in the Champions League group match on the 26th, so his schedule in Kuala Lumpur became more relaxed. At the invitation of the organizer, Wang Ai attended several times before and after the award ceremony.

Public activities include visits to Kuala Lumpur Football Club, visits to the Malaysian National Youth Team, meetings with private Malaysian parliamentarians, attendance at joint media receptions, meetings with Malaysian celebrities, etc.

Wang Ai, who has adjusted well, talks and laughs with all parties and responds appropriately. His superb skills, witty answers and cordial attitude made his news spread throughout Malaysia in two days. The Malaysian National Television even launched a two-parter.

The hour-long feature film is divided into two parts to introduce this light of Asia.

Many people only found out through this feature film that he has held so many brilliant records and completed so many epic events.

Compared with the few dozen people who greeted Wang Ai when he arrived, when Wang Ai left, there were thousands of people seeing him off at the airport.

The trophy was entrusted to Lao Gao to be taken back to Beijing. Wang Ai and his party set off from Kuala Lumpur to fly to Milan. When they landed more than ten hours later, it was in the morning. The phone rang as soon as they landed. General Manager Lailai was waiting outside the airport.

After picking up Wang Ai in the car and saying a few greetings, he drove directly to the Inter Milan headquarters.

Moratti was waiting in the conference room on the roof of the headquarters. When he saw Wang Ai, he smiled and gave Wang Ai a warm hug.

After greeting each other for a few words, Moratti, accompanied by his son, hesitated for a moment before comforting Wang Ai, who was disappointed at the Golden Globe Award. Instead, Wang Ai first reported the analysis results of his team, while Moratti listened.

While nodding.

After Wang Ai finished speaking, Moratti spoke, unable to conceal his anger.

If Messi's team's raid on Wang Ai caused Wang Ai to lose the Ballon d'Or, then Barcelona's raid on Inter Milan also caused Inter Milan to lose the Ballon d'Or. This kind of individual player award has a huge value-added effect on the player, but it also has a huge impact on the club.

It is also a major promotion, especially for Inter Milan, which is in financial distress.

However, under Angelo's secret hint, Moratti's analysis was slightly obscured, and it seemed that there was a deeper reason for this incident. Afterwards, Wang Ai, Leonie, Huang Xin, Schlapner, etc.

It was confirmed in the phone call: An anonymous person who claimed to be a "righteous person" said in a text message to Schlapner that an editor of "L'Equipe" once publicly questioned Wang Ai's political stance in an internal meeting, so Mei was not selected in the selection.

West gained the upper hand.

The reason is that Wang Ai is an official of the Chinese Football Association, and the Chinese Football Association is not a purely private organization. It has the same team and two brands as the Football Management Center.

In other words, Wang Ai is now a Chinese official.

This is not a problem for FIFA. After all, there are too many cases like this for Wang Ai in so many member countries. But for L'Equipe, an organization based on the well-developed European leagues, it is more prominent.

After bidding farewell to Inter Milan's headquarters and receiving Moratti's personal promise that he would go all out, Wang Ai rushed to the Milan Consulate. Here, Wang Ai received more news and gained more understanding of the matter.

In fact, the status of an official was not a problem for L'Equipe before. Since your selection scope has expanded to the whole world, it is natural that you should accept the different trends of football in various countries. However, French politics has undergone drastic changes in the past two years.

Just five years ago, when France celebrated the "Year of Chinese Culture", it also covered its iconic building, the Eiffel Tower, in "Chinese red". At that time, Chirac, who adhered to de Gaulleism, was in power and pursued diplomacy.

independence and pursue a European system with France as the core. In this way, Sino-French relations will inevitably be strengthened to resist US control.

But in May 2007, Chirac retired and Sarkozy came to power. The new president pushed France to return to NATO when he took office. He proposed formal conditions in January 2008 and approved them in the National Assembly in March 2009.


Now that he has become pro-American in diplomacy and has partially given up on his ambitions as a great power, China's role has naturally been reduced. As a result, Sarkozy has shown the characteristics of repeated leaps and bounds in relations with China.

Such drastic changes in politics will inevitably lead to changes in France's overall perception of China. The most typical example is the cold reception of the 2008 Olympics in the French media, which is completely different from the treatment four years ago. So when it comes to Wang Ai, originally

It's not the official identity of the problem, it becomes the problem.

After some patient explanations by Consul General Zhang, Wang Ai finally had a comprehensive understanding of the matter. As an iconic figure in China, he cannot be immune to the changes in the relationship between the two countries. Moreover, Wang Ai’s own power in the French football community

Very limited, even if he has friends such as Zidane, Henry, Makelele and even current teammate Vieira. Unless Wang Ai transfers to Ligue 1 sometime and has his own real foundation in French football.

Regarding the World Footballer selection, Consul General Zhang had similar views to Moratti and expressed optimism.

It was already afternoon when he came out of the consulate. Wang Ai was still energetic, but already a little sleepy. As the car drove towards home, Wang Ai was still thinking about how to deal with the "controversy" after the Golden Globe Awards ceremony a few days later.


It must be controversial, after all, his advantages are so great and obvious.

After thinking about it, he fell asleep. Because there was no heating in the garage, Yan Zhu still woke him up.

Unexpectedly, when I woke up, I was not very sleepy. I walked around upstairs and downstairs, took the lady to play on the grass slope at the door for a while, then returned to the house to pour a pot of coffee, carrying a plastic seat

The chairs and plastic tables were placed on the grassy slope at the door.

While drinking coffee and flipping through his textbook, he waited for Shi Wenjun and others to get off work.

Although the weather was a bit cold, it was still much warmer than in Beijing. After more than two hours, the sky turned dark, and Shi Wenjun and others' car drove back to the foot of the mountain.

Holding the book under his arm and holding the dog, Wang Ai smiled as he watched Shi Wenjun, Kang Si, Liu Dingxiang and others get out of the car one after another.

"I brought you gifts, and they are all in the living room."

Shi Wenjun approached and looked Wang Ai up and down: "Very good?"

Seeing Wang Ai nodding, Shi Wenjun pouted: "We have half of Europe and half of China. What gifts can you bring?"

Wang Ai tilted her head and looked at the little beauty: "Malaysian!"

Shi Wenjun waved his hand: "Come here, lady!"

Shi Wenjun, who was holding the dog, went back to the house first, and stood tall and tall in front of Wang Ai: "When you go to Paris in a few days, can you wear our company's hat?"

Wang Ai looked at Kangsi and laughed out loud.

This chapter has been completed!
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