Chapter 501 Chaos Clouds Ferry (1)

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 Lao Gao and Wang Ai, who went out to get in the car, talked for a while and then fell silent. After a while, Lao Gao sighed: "Some people really don't know whether they are enemies or friendly forces."

: "Hey, don't you think China is good? Okay, I won't scold them this time and let them be rampant until June..."

When Lao Gao, who was driving a broken Toyota, heard this, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at Wang Ai, who sounded sinister and said: "Do you hate them so much, oh, call them, called Gongzhi?"

"Wang Jingwei, do you hate me?" Wang Ai asked displeasedly.

Lao Gao opened his mouth and remained silent.

Instead, Wang Ai came to talk: "Tell me, I, a bourgeois son of a bitch, have become a communist, but there are a group of proletarian dogs... Son, you are more capitalist than me! We were all proletarians before.

Class internationalists are now reversed, they are all bourgeois internationalists.”

"I'm telling you!" Wang Ai pulled Lao Gao's sleeve: "We have some think tanks, what do you think? They think that Chinese people are uncivilized and Chinese civilization is not advanced. They have been giving advice to the central government and asking for opening up immigration and letting European whites

Come here and transform our bloodline, what do you think this is? Sometimes I really want to give up everything and kill them."

Lao Gao still controlled the steering wheel steadily: "If you have this momentum, just play the World Cup well. Your goal has been achieved, which is better than anything else."

"Ah yes!" Wang Ai waved his fist: "I want to torture them mentally. The more they look down on China, Chinese people, and Chinese civilization, the more I want to stand up. I want to torture them mentally and make them lose their faith.

, lost hope, lost ideals, and finally couldn’t live anymore, lined up to go to the rooftop! I’ll set off firecrackers then!”

Lao Gao was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "So, you absolutely do not support the naturalization policy?"

"Whoever dares to mention this matter, I am at odds with him!"

"But Japan has already had it. After all, the performance of your next generation is not good, which makes people worried. Bringing in some high-level foreign athletes can get through a dangerous period."

"Do we love China, or do we love achievements?" Wang Ai immediately asked: "A son does not think his mother is ugly, and a dog does not think his family is poor. There were countless patriots running around and shouting in old China, let alone today?"

“Once you become a naturalized citizen, you are considered Chinese.”

"That's not right!" Wang Ai still shook his head: "Only the spiritual Chinese are Chinese. The ancients also said that the barbarians entered China. This entry into China is not the joining of the body, but the joining of the spirit. They identify with the Chinese language and culture.

Only those who are passionate about food, politics, and are eager to live in this country for generations to come, and are willing to sacrifice everything for this country, to a greater extent than those born and raised in China, will I recognize him as a Chinese. Football

Are the naturalized Chinese people spiritual? No, they are experts in essence! But if it is related to the national economy and people’s livelihood, it is okay to introduce foreign experts. After all, we have to use this thing to live. Is football enough to contribute to the national economy and people’s livelihood? It is just a toy.

If you win, you will win, if you lose, you will lose. The weakness of Chinese football is not a problem of race, but a problem of development stage. Just like golf, if the country abandons the red line of 1.8 billion acres of cultivated land and builds golf courses at will, I will follow

You guarantee that in less than twenty years, Chinese golfers will be able to dominate the world, but the cost is that China’s food prices are skyrocketing, and the country’s life-and-death lifeline is controlled by foreigners. The people, especially the bottom class, are starved of food, no matter how much there is.


Lao Gao once again called Wang Aida into silence.

"Chinese football is really going to be bad in the future. We have to explain to the people why we are not good and get the people's understanding." Wang Ai took a breath: "But no matter whether the people understand or not, we can't build a foreign rifle team.

Come back to comfort yourself and paralyze the people. The Chinese people don’t need this. We have struggled from the edge of death to today by being calm and objective. We rely on facing the cruel reality, dripping with blood, not relying on spiritual opium!"

"Okay, I understand." Lao Gao smiled: "You..."

Wang Ai shook his head and looked directly at Lao Gao: "Director Gao, I am telling you very seriously, please go back and tell those who asked you to tell me this, I don't care who he is, I don't care what relationship he has with me, as long as he

If you dare to push this matter, even if he dies, I will pee on his tombstone."

Lao Gao laughed and shook his head: "It's not that complicated. Okay, you're home. Have a good rest and go to Xiannongtan tomorrow."

Wang Ai opened the car door angrily, and before leaving, he said: "By the way, we probably can't hide this from Director Wei, but he won't expose it either. The higher ups..."

Wang Ai pointed to the sky: "I have reported it through Zhao Dan's channels. No matter how chaotic it is outside, our leaders will know it in their hearts, and we will just sit on the Diaoyutai."

Lao Gao nodded: "Okay, I understand."

Watching Wang Ai's figure disappear through the door, Lao Gao sighed, took out a box of Red Cloud from his hand, lit one, and took a deep breath. He really didn't expect Wang Ai's attitude to be so fierce and tough.

, leaving no room for anything. It is a strong sense of national and national pride. Although there is no lack of self-confidence and even arrogance among young people, they show that they would rather fall and get up on their own than be supported by others. They would rather persist than be scolded.

After all, it was not as determined as compromising with reality, but it still made Lao Gao's hands tremble a little.

"What he means is that even if China loses, it can make the people face up to the problem, find the problem, and then make steady progress. If the Wal-Mart Foreign Gun Team is invited, the problem will be hidden and our people will be obsessed with it if they win.

Enjoyment, unwillingness to struggle, and unwillingness to face up to problems and reality will harm the national spirit and lead to bigger problems in the future." Lao Gao called on the phone: "This must be the first time he has spoken to me so sternly.

I can feel that even if I want to mention this, he will fall out... No! He is already ready to fall out with me."

"You can't do it either?" the other person asked in surprise.

Lao Gao grinned: "He is a top student at Renmin University. Aren't all people from that place like this? Once you encounter a problem of principle, you have to lean back on your personal feelings."

The other person said with admiration or sarcasm: "He is really a communist."

Lao Gao didn't say anything, and he didn't think it was interesting either, so he made some small talk and hung up the phone.

Lao Gao drove the car for a while, and suddenly his heart began to surge. He stopped the car again, took out his phone, and sent a text message to Wang Ai: "I am also a proud Chinese!"

This chapter has been completed!
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