Chapter 138: Time and Space Battlefield (8)

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 "Depor was more suitable for you at that time." Zhang Lu said.

"Yes, it was a team with a strong will, a strong aggressiveness, and a very united team. I didn't have to face a complicated locker room there, and I still had stable playing time. My main consideration when I went to Chelsea was

Chelsea also has a strong aggressiveness and can have a place for me. As a Chinese, I must have my own place in overseas leagues and the team must need me very much. Through these two transfers, my strength has matured

, What’s more important is that in the past few years at Deportivo and Chelsea, the power of Chinese fans has finally emerged, and I have transformed from a player to a star. Specifically, the commercial value has emerged. Deportivo has been promoted in China because of me, and Chelsea

Because I also received a lot of positive feedback in China, even the Beijing Olympics torch relay was specially given to Chelsea. Without my factor, it would be impossible. After becoming a star, it is natural for me to go to a wealthy club, because a wealthy club

It has strong business development capabilities and can accommodate the needs of stars. Also because of the commercial value, the environment I face is simpler, and my game needs can be better supported."

"Then what made you think about coming to Bayern?"

"Well, Bayern meets what I mentioned above. It is well-known in China, qualified for the Champions League, and it is also a wealthy club."

"Then why Bayern? I heard there are other teams also inviting you, Real Madrid?"

Wang Ai smiled and shook his head: "If you don't say anything else, you can ask again, don't bring Real Madrid with you, just in case I go there in the future, it's not good to say bad things about others now, you cut these two sentences, otherwise I will follow

You are angry."

Duan Xuan nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, you are one of the pillars of our sports channel, and we will definitely meet your requirements."

Zhang Lu laughed loudly at the side: "Yes, you, little Wang'er, are a superstar on the field, and you are also a superstar movie star on CCTV's fifth set. As long as the interview program you appear on will be the highest rated, it will even attract the attention of other people."

Project Protest.”

"Ah? Is there still such a thing?"

"Can't you?" Zhang Lu was about to open his mouth, but turned to look at Duan Xuan: "I've cut what I want to say!"

Duan Xuan laughed loudly and pointed at Zhang Lu: "Director Zhang, you still don't believe me."

After all, Zhang Lu was a little more cautious: "If your game is in the afternoon in Europe, it will be in the evening in China. But after your game is over, we have other projects. But sometimes for post-game interviews

You, because your time here is not fixed, even if you don’t take a shower after the game, you have to be interviewed on the sidelines first, which may be long or short, so our side may suppress the program. Generally speaking, this is not allowed.

Yes, but often in terms of ratings, your post-game interviews are higher than the games, so the director must be reluctant to part with them. Doesn’t that reduce the time for other projects? I’ve heard people complain that sports channels are too fast.

It has become Wang Ai’s channel! Even if there is no competition, your advertisements are everywhere.”

Wang Ai smiled and rubbed his forehead: "Well, am I a sports star? The sports channel is my home."

"Hey!" Duan Xuan clapped his hands after hearing this: "On behalf of the director, I just want to hear you say this. Come and talk for another five minutes."

The three of them laughed loudly together, and Wang Ai shook his head: "Finally, let's say this last."

"Okay." Duan Xuan nodded and said, "Then why did you go to Bayern? You had a lot of choices at that time, right?"

Wang Ai gave Duan Xuan an encouraging look, causing Duan Xuan to suppress a smile and then heard Wang Ai say: "Bayern is well-known, has strong business development capabilities for wealthy clubs, and is qualified for the Champions League. If these three items are met, I will definitely consider it.

Another thing to consider is the strength of the team. This strength is not only hard power, but also the reputation of the stars, as well as soft strength, such as team culture and team unity. These are also very important. Lack of unity can completely ruin a brand.

Before I came here, Schlappner strongly recommended him. He is German and he is very familiar with Bayern. In addition, I had been in contact with Mr. Beckenbauer when I was in the Bundesliga in the early years.

, he was the vice-chairman of Bayern at the time, and he considered bringing me in at that time. It can be said that there was an agreement between me and Bayern for about eight years. Think about it, I was still a fledgling in the Bundesliga 2 at the time.

My child, I can’t refuse His Majesty the Emperor’s favor and personal invitation, right? So coming to Bayern this time can be considered as fulfilling my promise.”

"Then why did you leave Inter Milan?" Duan Xuan suddenly asked: "I remember Chairman Moratti also invited you many times, right? You know when it was reported that you were leaving Inter Milan, many fans expressed great regret. Hehe,

If it weren't for you, I'm afraid the fans would be very angry, haha."

"Uh..." Wang Aika paused, lowered his head and smiled: "If you didn't tell me, I really wouldn't know. When I transferred, I mentioned it on Weibo. I looked through the comments and most of them were

It’s supportive, so I haven’t paid much attention to some of them.”

"You have a lot of fans, so although the proportion is not high, the absolute number is not low. Even some colleagues in our station have complained."

Wang Ai was more serious this time and nodded: "Then let me tell you something?"


"From my point of view, my team and assistants work together to judge which team I can go further in the Champions League. This is also an important criterion. For example, if they both qualify for the Champions League, who should I choose? One is whether I can

Adapting to this team means whether I can perform well after joining, because I have my own technical characteristics. Relatively speaking, the more fully I can perform, the more satisfied my fans will be, right? The other is the team itself.

Will I be able to create better Champions League results after I arrive? Generally speaking, it is whether the integration of me and this team is beneficial to both of us. I also have to consider the interests of the club, and sometimes the club’s signings are not necessarily

Everyone is successful, so naturally I don’t want to be the unsuccessful case. So, I often think a lot about it, and my agents will do a lot of work around this.”

Zhang Lu nodded deeply after hearing this: "It turns out that this is how superstars think about problems."

"Coming to Bayern is suitable for all aspects." Having said this, Wang Ai paused: "As for leaving Inter Milan, let me put it this way, I have a good impression of the city of Milan and have lived there for three and a half years. I have a deep affection for Mo

Chairman Ratty is also very respected. I received a congratulatory phone call from him a few days ago. We have been friends for many years in private. He is indeed as described by many media, towards the players... well, sometimes emotion is more important than rationality, that is, in short

A very warm elder. But for me, there is a choice. Should I stay in one team and follow the ups and downs, or should I change to a different team and always stay on top?"

This chapter has been completed!
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