Section 207: Red Makeup Painted with Large Pens Like Rafters (7)

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 Unlike the fans who were singing and dancing, everyone who returned to the locker room was a little bored. In the first half of this game, the two sides played 0:0! Although Wang Ai did not play and Chen Tao did not come back, there were still half of the previous players.

The World Cup players were here, and they were beaten to a draw against Iraq?

The strength of Asia is not that close to that of Europe. There is a huge gap between the strength of Asian teams, which makes Lao Gao and even the players themselves dissatisfied. If not for everyone fighting bravely in the second half, Wang Ai would have been prepared

Entered the stage.

Lao Gao knew what Wang Ai was worried about recently. Considering that the opponent's strength was average and the national team's substitutes also needed training, he didn't let him play. But if it was going to overturn, it would be a big deal. Not only did he let Wang Ai play, he also had to let Wang Ai play.

Ai takes good care of these team members.

No matter how hard you beat, you are still a World Cup champion; no matter how much you reflect on yourself, you are still a World Cup champion. After two years of smooth sailing, there is no environment that forces you to be more motivated.

Lao Gao, who came back from the press conference after the game, just glanced at the room full of people: "The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, no matter how bad the opponent is, he is still better than us who are half-hearted. Not to mention the World Cup, it is the Asian Cup which time we won

Isn’t it better to use all your strength?”

After finishing speaking, Lao Gao shook his head and left first. Tang Yaodong looked at everyone and followed them out without saying anything. Su Maozhen and Li Xiaopeng came late and it was hard to say anything. Chen Yang and Ma Dong never said anything, only

Lao Fan. He couldn't say too deeply. He just clapped his hands with a very painful expression: "You can't win the ball if you lie down, my international players! Don't go out and let people call you uncle."

Everyone silently packed their luggage, went out, got in the car, and headed to the hotel. If they were anxious, they took a flight home or back to Europe overnight.

Except for the possibility of appearing during the halftime break of today's game due to the serious situation, Wang Ai was distracted the whole time. The family still didn't believe it, but the signs of the little beauty were already very obvious, and it might be tonight!

Wang Ai just said a cursory hello to his teammates and went straight to the airport. Finally, he waited for the ticket check, waiting for boarding, waiting for takeoff, waiting for landing, waiting for getting into the car sent by his family, waiting for driving to the Summer Palace, waiting for the text message saying that he just

Prepare for production.

Wang Aicai breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in the chair, "My good daughter, I finally caught up!"

As soon as he stepped into the door, he heard the pained voice of the little beauty. The luggage in Wang Ai's hand rolled to the ground. Without bothering to say hello to anyone, Wang Ai opened the door of the delivery room in three steps at a time.

Sweat soaked her hair and face. The little beauty opened her eyes when she heard the doorbell. When she saw Wang Ai rushing in front of her, she choked with sobs: "Doctor, I..."

"It doesn't matter, I'm back!" Wang Ai threw herself beside the bed and grabbed the little beauty's hand with both hands.

The nurse encouraged me: "If you use a little more force, you can already see the end."

The little beauty gasped fiercely, biting her lower lip and tightening her mouth again and again and then suddenly relaxed. Wang Ai hurriedly turned to look in the direction of the nurse, but saw that there was no joy on the nurse's face. Instead, she said: "Try harder.


Shi Wenjun turned to look at Wang Ai, tears rolling down his face: "Doctor, I, I can't give birth, I have no strength."

Wang Ai gasped for a few breaths, and while continuing to hold the little beauty's hand, he looked at the nurse: "Is it too late for a caesarean section?"

The nurse looked at the doctor on the side and nodded: "Yes, but from our experience, it can still be delivered normally, which is better for the child and the mother. Is there any way you can encourage the mother? It's just a little bit close."

Wang Ai thought for two seconds and suddenly shouted outside: "Li Jun, Li Jun!"

There was the sound of footsteps outside, but Wang Ai felt that the little beauty's hand suddenly tightened. He suddenly realized something was wrong and shouted again: "Don't come in."

Li Jun outside suddenly stopped in a panic. At this time, he had no intention of complaining about whether he should be let in or not. He heard Wang Ai shouting from the room: "Li Jun, go and give the gift I ordered to the nurse."

Li Jun suddenly realized, turned around and ran to the luggage, hurriedly tore open the zipper, took out a plain-colored dark flower box, held it in both hands and handed it to the nurse who came out: "Shen."

The nurse took it carefully, but her hand still shook due to the pressure. Fortunately, Li Jun held it up and kept it from falling.

The nurse walked into the room holding the gift box in both hands, handed it to Wang Ai, who had already extended a hand, and reminded: "Shen."

Wang Ai said "Hmm" and took it on his knees with one hand. He tore off the painted seal that could be called a work of art. Under the curious eyes of the little beauty, he took something and took it out. He put it on the bed and gently put it on the bed.

Push, unfold.

It's a folding fan.

The little beauty saw it clearly, and when she looked at Wang Ai again, she couldn't help but laugh: "Too, too..."

"It's vulgar, isn't it?" Wang Ai lit the fan bone: "Gold, pure gold."

He clicked on the fan again: "Silver."

He clicked on the fan pendant again: "Ruby, sapphire, cat's eye stone..."

The little beauty noticed that the marks on Wang Ai's palm were very deep: "It's so heavy, who can slap it?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "I asked the old professors from Guobo to order this fan for me. Look at the reliefs and patterns on the bones of this fan, look at the hollows on the fan, and look at the translucency of the precious stones pendant on this fan.


Having said this, Wang Ai closed the fan with one hand and gently placed it next to Shi Wenjun's pillow, and looked closely into the little beauty's eyes: "What if I am unlucky in the future and my family falls into ruin, but as long as this

If we keep the fan, our children will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives."

The little beauty looked into Wang Ai's eyes, pursed her lips, twitched her nose, and let go of Wang Ai's hand. Wang Ai put one end of the fan in her palm, and she closed her eyes: "Well..."

The naughty little girl finally came to the new world. Her mother, father, doctors, nurses, grandpa, and grandma were all sweating. Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be difficult to give birth. You should pay attention to your diet during pregnancy, and the baby is not very big. The main reason is that the mother has a mental burden.


Different from Huang Xin's peacefulness and Leonie's free and easy attitude, the little beauty has always been entangled in her relationship with Wang Ai, her complicated family, traditional beliefs, difficulties in pregnancy, her daughter's future, and so on.

The two hours on the mountain felt like a separation between life and death.

Although the birth was difficult, the recovery was quick. When Wang Ai entered the room the next morning, the little beauty was already leaning on the bed and drinking porridge.


"Yeah." The little beauty smiled: "Keep your voice down, I just fell asleep."

Wang Ai nodded and approached his daughter: "My eyebrows look like yours, and I will be a beautiful girl in the future. By the way, where is the fan?"

Shi Wenjun rolled his eyes at Wang Ai: "It's nothing but stone and iron. You call that a fan? Isn't that a stick?"

Wang Ai blinked when he heard the sound and stretched out his hand: "Then give it back to me and I'll give you a new one."

" don't have to look for it. I've lived in this house for more than a year, and you're not as familiar with it as I am!"

This chapter has been completed!
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