Three hundred and ninety-sixth chapter forehead drop God (six)

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No one expected that less than ten minutes after Wang Ai suddenly broke the Asian and Chinese long jump records, Li Jinzhe would break it again!

Lao Jianfeng, who had adjusted at this time, joked directly in the live broadcast: "I almost want to call Captain Wang grandpa!"

"Why are you so polite?" Han Qiaosheng teased in surprise.

"No, no, I mean, haven't you noticed that our records have been broken one after another since Captain Wang came? If I remember correctly, five people have exceeded the original record in the men's 100 meters so far, and the long jump has been broken twice.

, exactly seven!”

"Then what does grandpa mean?"

"Calabash babies! One person brought seven calabash babies."

Amidst the laughter of the people listening to this explanation, Li Jinzhe, who had finished dancing, took the initiative to walk to Wang Ai: "Thank you, without your guidance I might not have been able to break it."

Wang Ai smiled and said: "I still have a third jump."

Li Jinzhe smiled self-deprecatingly: "It doesn't matter, I have broken the Asian record anyway, even if it only takes a few minutes, it is worth it."

Wang Ai suddenly fell in love with Li Jinzhe, patted his arm and turned around to prepare for his third jump.

When Wang Ai faced the direction of the sand pit and prepared to start with a calm expression, the main stadium suddenly became quiet again, and you could almost hear a pin drop. The family in the stands could even hear the subconscious breath of the strangers next to them.

, I can only feel that I am worthy of being a native of my hometown.

Wang Ai exhaled heavily, took another deep breath, and started running without any unnecessary expression!

Run, run, run!

His running is different from the long strides taken by ordinary long jumpers. He uses his approach as a 100-meter run, accelerating, accelerating, accelerating to the extreme!


Probably because of the brief exchange with Li Jinzhe just now, Wang Ai was stimulated. His original relaxed mood in the exhibition match was gone, and his chest was full of competitive ambition!

Wang Ai's figure streaked across the stands and across the galaxy, like a big bird struggling to escape gravity. His figure jumping high, his head and neck high, and his will to never admit defeat, pulled thousands of people together.

Thousands of people's hearts. When his figure fell from the highest point full of power, beauty, floating feeling and even grace, people's eyes were fixed on the light yellow flat sandpit!

How far it is has not yet appeared, because the finish line has been surrounded by referees and staff who have stood up. People can only anxiously recall the afterimage in their minds. It seems that this time Wang Ai made an obvious step forward during the takeoff. This is...

...the push-up pose he used for the first time!

It’s the first time to use it. Could it be that I used it because I was in a hurry? Then, what’s the result?

It’s so painful, hurry up!

As if responding to people's calls, the people gathered near the landing point dispersed. What could be seen from far and near were the smiles of the referees, the staff celebrating around Wang Ai, and Wang Ai himself turning around with a sigh of relief.

The body looks towards the sidelines.

The electronic scoreboard on the edge of the bunker was engraved with a shocking statistic: 8.77 meters!


8 meters 77? 8 meters 77?

8 meters 77!

This was an astonishing event no less than the Asian 100-meter record being broken. It quickly filled thousands of TV screens to express the director's mood and inspire the audience's mood.

Switching to the live scene again, after the crowd dispersed, Wang Aigang raised his head and gradually calmed down his breathing. When he walked to the sidelines, Li Jinzhe walked up to him, opened his arms, and hugged the football giant: "Congratulations, you are amazing."

"It's up to you." Wang Ai nodded calmly.

Li Jinzhe looked in the direction of the sandpit and nodded, silently making preparations.

I don’t know whether it was Wang Ai’s too fierce performance that Li Jinzhe couldn’t accept for a while, or whether he had already tried his best in the second jump, or because he had not recovered from an old injury. In short, Li Jinzhe’s third jump was also good, 8.44 meters... The dust has settled.


Wang Ai also hugged Li Jinzhe and turned to walk to the lounge. The reporters gathered in front of him rushed to speak out, and they were noisy like a group of animals waiting to be fed. Wang Ai could only suppress the impatience in his heart and listened to a few boring words such as "

"How are you feeling?" I picked a few of the possible answers without thinking.

The reporters were slightly satisfied, but Wang Ai was impatient to the extreme. He urgently needed to be quiet.

Fortunately, Wang Ai's coaches and guards all saw it at this time, stepped forward and politely blocked everyone, and sent Wang Ai into the players' tunnel.

In the lounge, Wang Ai completely put down his disguise, his face with closed eyes was full of irritability and majesty, which silenced the onlookers. Only Xu Qinglian rushed in regardless and sat next to him, holding his hand and letting him change clothes.

The other athletes were quite unwell.

Just as no one dared to disturb him at this time, no one dared to express any objection to her arrival. At this moment, the cruel side of competitive sports was fully revealed. Many athletes who had practiced long jump for more than ten years since childhood,

Facing an outsider, an outsider who violates discipline, he dare not say anything against it.

The subject and the object are reversed...whoever is stronger has the right!

After ten minutes of silence, Wang Ai's body slowly relaxed. At this moment, the staff carefully reminded that the award ceremony was about to begin. When Wang Ai opened his eyes, he found that there were people from the doping testing center nearby.

Waiting silently... They, who usually act recklessly, actually waited in silence for ten minutes!

"Thank you, blood or urine?"

"Just pee."

Wang Ai nodded, took the test tube, and walked towards the toilet. People in front of and beside him silently moved away. After delivering the urine sample a moment later, Wang Ai walked out of the player tunnel accompanied by the staff and reappeared in people's sight.


Standing quietly behind the podium, listening to the still passionate words of the host, feeling the passionate and hot gazes from far and near. The world record was only 18 centimeters away, and Wang Ai used a lot of effort to persuade him.

He gave up the urge to switch to long jump. Although he no longer has much passion in football, and it seems that long jump is still a blue ocean, he finally understands that long jump is also a cruel competitive event, and now he relies on himself for everything.

He has good physical fitness, consistent training with scientific rules, and he is already 26 years old. Even if technology advances, his physical fitness declines. When the two are added together, is it more or less?

No one knows, and Wang Ai doesn't dare to take this risk, and no one asks him to, so no one must ask him to change his career.

Although long jump and other track and field events have a higher status, football has a greater impact!

While Wang Ai was meditating, the hostess and award-giving guests came over with smiles on their faces. At Li Jinzhe's reminder, Wang Ai suddenly stepped onto the highest podium in the middle, and the applause emerged like waves and lasted endlessly.

This chapter has been completed!
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